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James Senior at Microsoft: Like a kid in a candy store

How to save $1,000,000 on your IT deployment and support with application virtualisation

Well, it depends a lot on your individual circumstances as a organisation but the Swedish Medical...

Author: james Date: 06/05/2007

Open XML gets an SDK

Yesterday Microsoft announced a SDK (Software Development Kit) for SDK which allows developers to...

Author: james Date: 06/05/2007

Britain gets the Photosynth treatment thanks to the BBC

The BBC have been working with the Live Labs team to bring five famous British landmarks into the...

Author: james Date: 06/05/2007

Tip for posting Silverlight

As I learnt in my recent Silverlight post, it's best to include the required script in your blog...

Author: james Date: 06/04/2007

Bursting the Web 2.0 Bubble

Jack writes on the Guardian technology blog about the fear in the industry about the impending...

Author: james Date: 06/04/2007

Blogging using Silverlight and JetFuel plugin for Live Writer

var AppNameWrappere9c95cb4c315436d9acfa44b37f163d2 =...

Author: james Date: 06/04/2007

Upgrading from XP 32bit to Vista 64bit

From the Vista ask the experts session Matt and I did this morning we had a question about upgrading...

Author: james Date: 06/04/2007

Games for Windows Demo

Dan's posted a great video of Games for Windows featuring some of the Games available and the...

Author: james Date: 06/01/2007

Microsoft Surface powered by WPF

From the initial interviews I knew that Microsoft Surface was a Vista PC under the hood and I had my...

Author: james Date: 05/31/2007

Developer Developer Developer Day 5.0

Last time, this event rocked and I would definitely recommend attending if you want to see and hear...

Author: james Date: 05/30/2007

Yes Microsoft!!! You finally get it! Now change the rest of it.

They are finally understanding it! Another excellent name and another cool brand - Microsoft...

Author: james Date: 05/30/2007

Windows Vista Hardware Assessment 2.0 Beta

The new public beta for Windows Vista Hardware Assessment has been released and you can go sign up...

Author: james Date: 05/30/2007

Windows Server 2008 Podcast

Powershell is an object orientated scripting language which is extensible and is the foundation...

Author: james Date: 05/29/2007

To "Steve Jobs" or not to "Steve Jobs" that is the question

This week Steve talked about the new Microsoft - or Ozziesoft as it's now being coined. Ozziesoft...

Author: james Date: 05/25/2007

XP SP3 later this year?

Just speculation, but upon closer inspection of the announcement of the agreement between Microsoft...

Author: james Date: 05/24/2007

Certified for Windows Vista - networking demo

Configuring a wireless router or modem can sometimes be a little tricky for the average user, so one...

Author: james Date: 05/24/2007

Windows Server 2008 London Clinics

QA-IQ, one of our training partners is running a Windows Server 2008 week of events starting in...

Author: james Date: 05/24/2007

Family.Show app shows of WPF, source code is available

Saving the best to last :-) The Vertigo crew were commissioned by Microsoft to create an app in WPF...

Author: james Date: 05/23/2007

Rendering XPS in Silverlight

A partner I know is currently looking to render XPS and now a very clever chap inside Microsoft (via...

Author: james Date: 05/23/2007

HD Panoramic Photo Viewer from MS Research

Wow the innovation keeps on happening (back story to lack of MS Innovation)... today via the Virtual...

Author: james Date: 05/22/2007

Speeding up the Start Menu

If you've not quite caught the wave on the whole "searching for applications" from the start menu...

Author: james Date: 05/22/2007

Can I customise UAC?

I had some interesting questions today from customers about the level of customization an IT guy can...

Author: james Date: 05/22/2007

Security in Silverlight

Following the announcement at Mix a few weeks back, one of the questions on many people's lips is...

Author: james Date: 05/22/2007

The bullshit you get for doing your job

Working for Microsoft you tend to develop thick skin because of all the stuff people say to you;...

Author: james Date: 05/21/2007


Shall I file that under innovation (back story)? Yes I think I will. Technorati tags: Microsoft...

Author: james Date: 05/18/2007

Recruitment Open Evening at Microsoft UK

This is a cool company to work for. I've worked at other large blue chip companies, small and medium...

Author: james Date: 05/18/2007

Vista news from WinHec

WinHec - the event where hardware meets software - has recently been live and there have been some...

Author: james Date: 05/17/2007

Next Purchase: Windows Vista SideShow Fridge Magnet

Yes you read it right... one of the things that emerged at WinHec was a Wireless Fridge Magnet which...

Author: james Date: 05/16/2007

New York Times Reader in Silverlight on a Mac

Shock horror, but here's some innovation from Microsoft (back story from comments in this post). The...

Author: james Date: 05/16/2007

Google Secrecy and control freakery

James O'Neil shared a Microsofties experience of trying to attend one of their Google @ Work events....

Author: james Date: 05/15/2007

Media Center Big Screen Photos Version 2

This neat application pulls down your Flickr photos and displays them very nicely within Media...

Author: james Date: 05/14/2007

London Web Administration Summit - IIS 7.0 on the menu

I'll be at this shindig - see you there! 23 May 2007, London: Web Administration Summit - An...

Author: james Date: 05/14/2007

SQL Server 2008 to support Virtual Earth

Nice - Geo data types built right into the next version of SQL Server which is likely be called SQL...

Author: james Date: 05/11/2007

Vista gets a write up, Mac gets a dressing down

Mark Wilson's gone and done a thoughtful write-up of the Vista After Hours event we did last week...

Author: james Date: 05/11/2007

Convert Flash SWF to XAML for WPF and Silverlight

It was only a matter of time...... I first heard about Electric Rain at the launch event for...

Author: james Date: 05/10/2007

Vista App Readiness Website Launched by DPE

Our Developer and Platform Evangelism Team have launched a public website that helps you work out...

Author: james Date: 05/09/2007

Parksey compares Office 2007 to Open Office

Chris is one of our team members who is always experimenting so I wasn't surprised to see his latest...

Author: james Date: 05/08/2007

Vista Squad Event

They're back, and now with more content! The Vista Squad are holding their second event at Microsoft...

Author: james Date: 05/04/2007

Upcoming Microsoft Events for developers

Some interesting events coming up soon including how to develop applications using Silverlight and...

Author: james Date: 05/04/2007

Home Server Wake on LAN

Having talked about Home Server in our recent Vista After Hours events I was pleased to come across...

Author: james Date: 05/04/2007

Vista After Hours

Reading last night - phew what a gig... By the end it was pretty warm in the room sorry about that -...

Author: james Date: 05/04/2007

Vista: "After Hours" Thoughts and Feedback

I'm writing this on the way back from sunny Leeds where Matt and I went freestyle with the demos and...

Author: james Date: 05/02/2007

I'm moving my RSS Feed - please update your reader

To help me better report on stats I'm reverting the publishing of my RSS feed back on to the...

Author: james Date: 04/25/2007

Specify which applications you share with the community on ACT

The Application Compatibility Toolkit allows you to specify which compatibility information you...

Author: james Date: 04/23/2007

UAC "Split Token" workaround

Older apps weren't designed with UAC in mind and there can be some compatibility problems during the...

Author: james Date: 04/23/2007

Getting started with Vista Deployment

It's a question on the lips of businesses at the moment. As with most Microsoft-related information...

Author: james Date: 04/19/2007

Silverlight - release your style

Light up the Web Silverlight (codename WPF/E) is Microsoft’s answer to Adobe’s Flash (estimated to...

Author: james Date: 04/16/2007

Develop your own apps for Home Server

The beta software development kit (SDK) for Windows Home Server was released last week and should...

Author: james Date: 04/16/2007

Expression Web Virtual Labs!

I have to say that Virtual Labs are a fantastic way to "try before you buy" and also a wonderful way...

Author: james Date: 04/04/2007

Expression on MSDN

To all those who asked and provided feedback, thank you. Your voice has swayed the vote and...

Author: james Date: 04/04/2007

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