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AppDev: Something You Should Know by Irena Kennedy

Everything that is related to application development, and other cool stuff...

:) White for unmarried men, red for hitched…

Did you know that on the tiny Taquile Island in Lake Titicaca (on the border of Peru and Bolivia),...

Author: irenake Date: 04/12/2007

SYSK 327: The Cost of RoundedCornersExtender From AjaxControlToolkit

More and more web sites are using rounded corners on spans (labels) and panels. And since...

Author: irenake Date: 04/12/2007

Knowledge is Power: Why You May Not Want To Give Your Name When Signing Up For a Store Loyalty Card

Supermarkets and pharmacies offer discounts when you sign up for their loyalty cards. But every time...

Author: irenake Date: 04/11/2007

SYSK 326: How to Measure AJAX Control Initialization Time on the Client Side

Say, you’ve added a few extender controls to make your AJAX-enabled web site look very ecstatically...

Author: irenake Date: 04/11/2007

Brain Teaser #3

If you subtract a three digit number (all digits unique) from another three digit number whose...

Author: irenake Date: 04/10/2007

SYSK 325: How To Tell Which UpdatePanel Issued a Page PostBack

If you have multiple UpdatePanel controls on a page, and your Page_Load has a lot of data retrieval...

Author: irenake Date: 04/10/2007

:) Start Your Day with a Smile (#2)

One person says to another: “I’ve been travelling so much, I reach for the seat belt when I sit down...

Author: irenake Date: 04/09/2007

SYSK 324: WPF Grid Sorting Without Any Hardcoded References

Not sure why, but all grid sorting examples I’ve been coming across have at least something...

Author: irenake Date: 04/09/2007

Knowledge is Power: To Sell or To Rent My House? Calculator provided…

I created an application that allows you to calculate and compare the future estate value given two...

Author: irenake Date: 04/06/2007

SYSK 323: Financial Functions IPmt, Pmt, FV Implemented in C#

Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll exposes a number of very useful financial functions, but, as far as I can...

Author: irenake Date: 04/06/2007

Words of Wisdom: Outlook on Life

“Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty”, -- Doris Day. Moral: How we look at something often...

Author: irenake Date: 04/05/2007

SYSK 322: RemoveChars Function For Your Utilities Assembly

Can you think of a case where you’d like to remove more than one character from a string? Some...

Author: irenake Date: 04/05/2007

Brain Teaser: Solve This Math Word Puzzle

Each letter stands for a 1-digit number. No two letters may stand for the same number. Find a value...

Author: irenake Date: 04/04/2007

SYSK 321: Outstanding demonstration of Tablet PC usage

Check out this 5 minute video clip of the technology that was the result of a joint project between...

Author: irenake Date: 04/04/2007

:) Did You Know That Some Insects That Don’t Need Males To Reproduce?

It’s true -- Carausius morosus, also known as the 'common', 'Indian' or 'laboratory' stick insect,...

Author: irenake Date: 04/03/2007

SYSK 320: Binary vs. xml serialization performance

In my post SYSK 315...

Author: irenake Date: 04/03/2007

Knowledge is Power: Why It May Be Unwise To Give Away An Asset That Has Substantially Appreciated in Value

The short reason is that when an asset is given away, rather than inherited at death, IRS uses two...

Author: irenake Date: 04/02/2007

Recently, I have learned about a product called LinkScanner from Exploit Prevention Labs. You can...

Author: irenake Date: 04/02/2007

Brain Teaser: Find a Pattern in This Sequence of Numbers

1 1 0 6 3 2 2 2 8 2 4 8 4 1 7 8 2 2 9 6 1 5 0 2 8 6 6 4 1 6 3 5 8 6 5 2 1 4 3 5 6 2 0 8 3 4 1 9 4 6...

Author: irenake Date: 03/30/2007

SYSK 318: Registry Key That Controls Device Driver and System Code Pagination to Disk

Did you know that there is a registry key that specifies whether kernel-mode drivers and kernel-mode...

Author: irenake Date: 03/30/2007

Words of Wisdom: On the Importance of Self-Confidence and Optimistic Perspective

T. Harv Eker said in his book ‘Secrets of the Millionaire Mind’: Rich people see opportunities. Poor...

Author: irenake Date: 03/29/2007

SYSK 317: Business Event Notifications: SQL Notification Services or BizTalk Messaging?

Yesterday, I gave a presentation suggesting that instead of choosing one or the other technology,...

Author: irenake Date: 03/29/2007

:) Which cat can snatch an eagle from the air?

The Caracal, the largest African lesser cat, resembles a cross between a leopard and a lynx. It is...

Author: irenake Date: 03/28/2007

SYSK 316: What Are Domain Specific Languages (DSL)?

To quote Martin Danner, domain specific language is a “…small, highly-focused language for solving a...

Author: irenake Date: 03/28/2007

:) Why do grasshoppers sit on the edge of a leaf?

Grasshoppers have strong chewing mouthparts which bite from side to side. By sitting along the leaf...

Author: irenake Date: 03/27/2007

SYSK 315: Generic Functions for Object ↔ XML Serialization/Deserialization

There are many reasons for custom serialization of an object into a human readable string (e.g....

Author: irenake Date: 03/27/2007

Words of Wisdom on Happiness

“Happiness comes when you least expect it, and rarely when you try to make it happen. All we need to...

Author: irenake Date: 03/26/2007

SYSK 314: How Secure Is Windows?

Well, judge for yourself… I have charted the data from the article written by Andy Partizio,...

Author: irenake Date: 03/26/2007

Knowledge is Power: Do You or Your Kids Drink Kool-Aid or Consume Other Artificially Colored Foods? Then read this…

Did you know that a Kool-Aid can be used as a fabric or yarn dye? I’m not kidding… Here is a quote...

Author: irenake Date: 03/23/2007

SYSK 313: Search Engine Ranking Rules

If you’re interested in how search engines rank web pages, read these four articles: · “SSW Rules to...

Author: irenake Date: 03/23/2007

:) What Arctic animal has two fur coats?

Answer: The stoat is a type of weasel whose camouflage varies with the seasons. In summer, its brown...

Author: irenake Date: 03/22/2007

SYSK 312: Why You Should Not Change SQL Server Service Account Using Services Management Console

The SQL Server documentation states that it’s strongly recommended to use SQL Server Configuration...

Author: irenake Date: 03/22/2007

:) What Is the First Musical Instrument Played Without Being Touched?

The answer is – theremin. Invented by Russian Léon Theremin in 1919, it consists of two radio...

Author: irenake Date: 03/21/2007

SYSK 311: Free Grid Control for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) From Xceed Software Inc.

Yes, it appears that Xceed Software Inc. is making available for download their WPF grid control...

Author: irenake Date: 03/21/2007

:) Wise Reminder for Those of Us Working Long Hours

“The mind can absorb no more than the seat can endure”, -- Janet Trasli. The moral: pushing through...

Author: irenake Date: 03/20/2007

SYSK 310: The Difference Between setInterval and setTimeout

In JavaScript, you have two options to execute a specific function in the future, i.e. after a...

Author: irenake Date: 03/20/2007

:) Start Your Day with a Smile

Two women are talking to each other… One asks – “Are you taking a vacation this year?” “I already...

Author: irenake Date: 03/19/2007

SYSK 309: How To Cancel a Web Service Request

AJAX makes asynchronous invocation of web service methods very easy. For example, the line below...

Author: irenake Date: 03/19/2007

:) How can you tell a seal from a sea lion?

Answer: Here are some of the differences: - Sea lions have small ear flaps, whereas seals have only...

Author: irenake Date: 03/16/2007

SYSK 308: How to Add a Node at Runtime to XmlDataProvider

XmlDataProvider is great for data binding xml data. But I’m yet to come across an example on how to...

Author: irenake Date: 03/16/2007

Brain Teaser: What does Hijklmno mean?

Answer: H2O

Author: irenake Date: 03/15/2007

SYSK 307: What Does X Indicate in MSDN Documentation?

Once upon a time there were icons to indicate a public method , a protected method , a static member...

Author: irenake Date: 03/15/2007

Knowledge is Power: How Much Should You be Making?

Damon Darlin’s article published earlier this month in Union Tribune, a San Diego local newspaper,...

Author: irenake Date: 03/14/2007

SYSK 306: Do You Have These Tools in Your Arsenal?

For several years I’ve been a happy user of ‘Search and Replace’ tool by Funduc Software , Inc. The...

Author: irenake Date: 03/14/2007

:) How deep do seals dive?

Answer: The Weddell seal of Antarctic waters is one of the deepest-diving seals. It can dive to...

Author: irenake Date: 03/13/2007

SYSK 305: What is a MITM attack?

MITM stands for man-in-the-middle… A MITM attack is where an attacker is able to read, insert and...

Author: irenake Date: 03/13/2007

:) The origin of word “sweater”

Did you know that before they were “sweaters” they were “ganseys”, “pullovers”, “jumpers” and...

Author: irenake Date: 03/12/2007

SYSK 304: How to detect and handle form-based authentication timeout during ASP.NET script callback

First thing first – if you’re not familiar with ASP.NET script callbacks, make sure to check out...

Author: irenake Date: 03/12/2007

Knowledge Is Power: Hospital infections are the 8th leading cause of death

Did you know that about 5% of people who go into a U.S. hospital pick up something extra -- an...

Author: irenake Date: 03/09/2007

SYSK 303: Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues

Did you know that you can use a utility called pathping to get information network latency and...

Author: irenake Date: 03/09/2007

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