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Forefront Stirling Beta 2

Después de estar contando forefront client security por toda España con mi mi compi Paulo estoy encantado de poder anunciaros que por fin desde el Jueves pasado se puede descargar, gracias al programa CARE, la beta 2 de Stirling.

La descarga de máquinas virtuales con el entorno montado y los bits para instalarlo vosotros mismos lo podéis encontrar aquí.




CARE launches Forefront codename “Stirling” Beta 2 evaluation for the global TechNet audience

CARE is proud to announce the launch of Forefront codename “Stirling” Beta 2 evaluation for TechNet.


Live Date: Thursday, April 16, 2009

Product Evaluation Language Available for Download: English

Product Evaluation Methods Available for Download: Installable Bits and VHD

View the Customer Experience:

· Go to the CARE/TechNet Forefront codename “Stirling” Beta 2 landing page to register for CARE evaluation resources selected for IT Pros.  Emails are localized into the standard 23 CARE locales and the Beta Resource Page is available in the 11 CARE core languages.

The CARE Team would like to thank everyone who helped make this very important launch happen! We appreciate your continued support of the CARE program.

Forefront codename “Stirling” Beta 2

Microsoft® Forefront™ codename “Stirling” is an integrated security suite that delivers comprehensive protection across endpoint, servers and the edge that is easier to manage and control.

By delivering simplified management and providing critical visibility into threats, vulnerabilities, and configuration risks, Forefront codename “Stirling” helps you protect your business with greater confidence and efficiency.

“Stirling” Beta 2 includes:

· A central management server and dashboard for simplified administration, easy investigation and faster responses.

· The next generation versions of Forefront products, including the next generation of:

· Forefront Client Security

· Forefront Security for Exchange Server

· Forefront Security for SharePoint

· Forefront Threat Management Gateway (renamed from Internet Security & Acceleration Server)

Useful Links:

· Product Description


· TechCenter


· Technical Library


· Forefront codename “Stirling” video demo


CARE Program Reporting

Did you know that the CARE Program has a reporting engine that provides total and unique CARE registrations as well as CARE email statistics? To access the CARE reports, please click one of the following links:

· For more detailed Registration and Email reports, please visit the CARE Reporting Dashboard:

o CARE Reporting Dashboard Homepage

o Product Group Scorecard – New!

o Total and Unique CARE Registrations by Geography

o Total CARE Registrations by Audience

o CARE Email Opens and Clicks

o CARE Email Link Tracking

o You can also view the CARE Reporting Dashboard User Introduction to learn more about the CARE Reporting Dashboard functionality and available reports.

· Download statistics

o Available in a self-help format accessible through the  WebMetrix homepage.  You can also view the CARE Download Center Reporting User Introduction for step by step instructions.

o New Download and Search Reports are available via Excel reports at https://msdecisions/MSD%20Reports/Forms/AllItems.aspx. You can download the reports to your local PC and refresh to get the latest data.

Your CARE Marketing Manager will send a summary report one month after the CARE Launch to key stakeholders.

CARE Program Benefits

· Customer Benefits

o Easily discoverable software evaluation

o Consistent and predictable process for registering and downloading bits

o Easy access to strategically-timed audience-specific resources

o Notification of new beta and trial software releases

· Business Benefits

o Increased customer satisfaction; on average, CARE customers are +14 on NSAT when compared to non-CARE customers

o Broad reach – targeting 1.3M net new customers in FY09 worldwide

o GMP and platform compliant - all customer PII stored in MSI

o Centrally managed by seasoned CARE team

o Established global infrastructure and processes

o Demand generation integrated with product launch activities

o MSCOM banner campaign, TechNet headlines, link placements on MSCOM, and TechNet Newsletters

o Integration with U.S. BMO lead generation pipeline (eTrials)

o Weekly reporting available for participants by geo, by time and by product, Flash subscribers driven, and email statistics
