Handy Today Item : DKToday
I bumped into Mitch Denny today as he was wandering the halls of Microsoft, We talked about lots of different stuff which included Mitch's journey into the dark world of managed APIs on the Windows Mobile 5.0 platform and his quest for Cell Broadcast information.
A while back, I had searched for a Today Plug-in which displayed the Cell Broadcast information. I mentioned this to Mitch and he mentioned that he had seen such a beast and that he would send me a link. Well, he didn't send me any links, so I thought I would do some renewed searching this evening,
So, I headed over to my trusty search page with the following key words - "cell broadcast" "today screen" "pocket pc", and I was successful!! I found an app called DKToday.
It is really really cool. It can take up to 3 lines on the Today screen and it shows the Carrier Name, the Cell Broadcast Information, a signal meter, last missed call info, phone usage for the day & month, and a count of sent SMS messages.
Here's a screenshot of my K-Jam's Today Screen with my new little friend DKToday
Can you tell what other items I have installed on my Today page?
[ Currently Playing : Fashion - Rogue Traders - Here Come The Drums (03:25) ]
- Anonymous
April 10, 2006
I've change some of the apps that I have installed on my K-Jam, as well as
tweaked my Today screen.... - Anonymous
May 24, 2006
I have installed DKToday v1.8 on my O2 XDA Atom
Entered in the 050 channel and I start getting the SMS like alerts.
The DKToday Plugin only seems to pick up the First word in the location. E.g. If the location is “Neutral Bay” it will display
And I still get the annoying PDA alerts.
How did you stop the alerts coming up?
How did you get it to show the full location name?
Where is the API so I can make my own Cell Info plugin?? - Anonymous
May 24, 2006
DotNetDann, you have many questions
some answers maybe found at this post
good luck