NUnit on Whidbey Beta 1 experiences...
I've been having problems getting NUnit to work on Whidbey Beta 1, and I'm curious what experiences you've had, either good or bad. Jim hasn't been having the same trouble, so we're trying to figure out what's what. For him, it works if he updates the config file, but I'm getting a BadImageFormatException.
- Anonymous
August 31, 2004
I found that by reordering the supportedRuntime node in the GUI config such that the 2.0 node came before the others fixed issues with BadImageFormatException. - Anonymous
August 31, 2004
You linked to James' blog, but did you see this specific post?
I had the same problem until I followed his instructions. As per his instructions, I only have
<requiredRuntime version="v2.0.40607" />
in the .config files. No other runtimes are listed. - Anonymous
August 31, 2004
As long as you list the 2.o required runtime first, it works. I have verified this on various machines - Anonymous
August 31, 2004
I get a "different thread tried to modify the label lblXXX" exception if i make NUnit the startup project (when i press play), however, if i just attach to the NUnit process to debug ...all is right with the world.
To rememdy this i thought "i'll just build NUnit in Whidbey"...that didn't go so well. - Anonymous
August 31, 2004
I posted about this: - Anonymous
September 17, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
December 18, 2004
Helpful For MBA Fans.