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Le Café Central de DeVa

Deva blogs...

Gotchas - Microsoft Graph/Outlook REST API throttling, best practices

In recent times, I was working with this customer where they make Graph API calls, Say, GET...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 06/01/2018

Azure/Office 365 Graph API developer: RefreshToken, AccessToken, IdentityToken

These are 3 common terms (Refresh Token, Access Token, Identity Token) in Azure/Office 365 Graph API...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 05/24/2018

Gotchas - Office 365 REST Reporting Web Service, empty results, time-out issues and more

Sharing my gotchas working with Office 365 Reporting Web Service (including MessagingTrace) related...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 05/16/2018

Programmatically created email with attachment shows fields garbled

In recent times I was working with this developer customer. They created a custom application using...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 05/05/2018

Office.js: MakeEWSRequestAsync throws “The request exceeds the 1 MB size limit. Please modify your EWS request”

One of my customer created Outlook Web add-in (Office.js) and when he calls...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 05/01/2018

Join monthly Microsoft Graph Community Call @ May 1, 2018

Its time for #MicrosoftGraph monthly community call, May 1 at 8AM PST. Join us to learn about...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 04/27/2018

Developer: Office 365 APIs and Mobile App Development

Office 365 is built on a mobile-first strategy. Office runs on almost any device these days, so why...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 04/17/2018

Office Developer: Difference between Office Web addin vs COM/VSTO addin

COM or VSTO add-ins are earlier Office integration solutions that run only on Office for Windows....

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 04/02/2018

Office 365 Developer: Build add-ins for Microsoft Outlook

In this video you will see Petra provides a brief overview of the Outlook add-in platform and its...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 03/22/2018

Exchange Server –March 2018 quarterly updates released

The March quarterly release updates for Exchange Server are now available on the download center. We...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 03/22/2018

Shortly you can add anyone as guest in Microsoft Teams!!

Yes you heard it right. As we’re starting to roll out, shortly you will see the ability to add...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 03/06/2018

Developer Guidance: Which endpoint should i use Microsoft Graph API or Outlook REST API?

With reference to what i blogged earlier, i get similar queries from app developers to choose...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 03/05/2018

Download: Managing Click-to-Run deployments using Microsoft Office 2016 Deployment tool

The Office 2016 Deployment Tool allows the administrator to customize and manage Office 2016...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 03/03/2018

Get-UserPhoto cmdlet may throw UserPhotoNotFoundException

Based on my last Get-userphoto blogpost, if you run the Exchange Powershell then you may get the...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 03/02/2018

Microsoft Office 365–Using Exchange PowerShell to get Users photo from Microsoft Office 365

You can use the Get-UserPhoto cmdlet to view information about the user photos feature that allows...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 03/01/2018

Debug: Syncing custom EWS app to an Exchange Server 2010 mailbox receive ErrorServerBusy

When you try to synchronize an Exchange Web Service (EWS)-based application to a mailbox in a...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 02/28/2018

Office 365 Developer–Outlook actionable messages

In this video training, learn how to transform your workflows into actionable messages to engage...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 02/23/2018

Developer: How to use Github for Windows users?

If you’re a Developer who is curious about Git and GitHub, be sure to check out this GitHub...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 01/09/2018

Security: Office 365 Information protection for GDPR

If you’re using Microsoft Office 365 then please refer this solution which includes prescriptive...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 12/21/2017

Support policy statement for Microsoft Graph

As new versions of the Microsoft Graph REST APIs and Microsoft Graph SDKs are released, earlier...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 12/13/2017

Office 365 Devs: Deprecation of Outlook REST API v1.0

As you aware that the Version 1.0 of the Outlook REST API was launched in 2015 to provide API access...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 12/13/2017

Cloud developer guidance: Microsoft Graph or Azure AD Graph?

This is one of the frequent query which i come across. whenever i talked to my app developer...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 11/03/2017

Understand more about Office.js, it’s add-in runtime environment and Internet Explorer protected mode!!

In addition to the earlier blog post, you can refer the following:- Microsoft Office addins using...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 11/01/2017

Debug: Outlook office addin (apps for office) fails to load, errors out

Recently one of my developer customer reported that he designed a new Outlook addin (apps for...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 11/01/2017

Debug EWS subscription error - You have exceeded the available subscriptions for your account

Recently i was investigating an issue reported by an app developer. They created a custom EWS...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 10/06/2017

Download Exchange Server 2016 CU 7, Exchange Server 2013 CU 18

On September 19, 2017 we released the Cumulative update 7 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 and...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 10/04/2017

Microsoft Graph, Office 365 and .Net Developer

As you aware Microsoft Graph provides a powerful and consistent API for data in Office 365, Azure...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 10/03/2017

Part # 3 {Office Insider} - Install, test earlier preview builds of Office 2016 (Office Insider builds)

After my Part # 1, Part # 2, i was asked by many of my developer customers, is there any way they...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 09/09/2017

Part # 2 {Office Insider} - Getting early access to new Office 2016 features to the Office 365 Commercial customers

Adding this is in continuation of my earlier post. If you’re the admin for an organization that has...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 09/06/2017

Yay, my MSDN blog listed in a book!!

One of my Exchange/Office 365 developer customer shared this with me - that my MSDN blog (updated...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 09/05/2017

Scripting: Send email using Powershell and System.Net.Mail API

You can send email using System.Net.Mail API & PowerShell scripting. It’s easy, faster!! Lets...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 08/30/2017

Office 365 Developer: Mail, Calendar, Contacts REST APIs and Hybrid Exchange

If you’re an Azure/Office 365 application developer, then this session is for you. In this Office...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 08/29/2017

Fixed: In Exchange Hybrid scenario Microsoft Graph REST API query fails due to $select $top $skips commands ignored

Recently i was working with an app developer who’s using Microsoft Graph REST API in their...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 08/26/2017

Office 365 Developer: Using People API with Microsoft Graph v1.0

Microsoft Graph provides access to useful people data. You can use the person resource and the...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 08/22/2017

Try this out: Facing startup issue with Windows store app?

Do you face startup issue with Windows Store app? If yes, then you can try the following and see if...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 08/22/2017

Part #1 {Office Insider} Gotcha: Be an Office Insider

Good number of my developer customers/ISVs asking about “Microsoft Office Insider”, “what is it” and...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 08/19/2017

Develop, debug code in Visual Studio 2017

With Visual Studio 2017, you can open code from nearly any type of directory-based project into...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 08/19/2017

Use Microsoft Graph API to reach on-premises, cloud users of hybrid Exchange 2016

As you aware, Office 365 and Exchange Online provide a new way to work with email, calendars, and...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 07/22/2017

Office 365 Dev: Connecting Microsoft Graph with Visual Studio 2017

If you have connected Microsoft Graph with previous Visual Studio to build application, then you can...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 07/13/2017

Video: Creating apps using Microsoft Graph & Visual Studio 2017

In this video, Michael Mainer, Senior Community Engineer talks about how you can connect Microsoft...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 07/11/2017

Office 365 Graph Developer : Lets use Microsoft Graph Delta Query…

As you aware that Microsoft Graph provides a single API endpoint that gives you access to rich...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 06/21/2017

Redmond Protocol Plugfest 2017

Dear fellow developers and quality assurance engineers / testers, please register/participate in our...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 06/09/2017

Diagnostics: How to enable debug tracing for System.Net.Mail API?

You can enable the following trace switches in your application config file, so that you can enable...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 06/02/2017

Build 2017 Developers – How to build solutions with Actionable messages in Outlook?

In this session, David Claux, Principal Program manager will help you to understand what’s an...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 05/30/2017

Office 365 Developers - Catch up on Outlook APIs in Microsoft Graph

In Build 2017, i attended good number of sessions virutally, including this one by Venkat...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 05/30/2017

Microsoft Build 2017 Developer Conference, Seattle on May 10-12, 2017

The Microsoft Build 2017 developer conference takes place in Seattle on May 10–12, but no matter...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 05/10/2017

MAPI Developer: Download latest MFCMAPI from the Github

As you aware that MFCMAPI provides access to MAPI stores to facilitate investigation of Exchange and...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 05/09/2017

Debug: WebAPI/Web Service fails to hit Load Balancer when called from Outlook add-in

Recently i worked with this app developer, who created a custom Outlook add-in through which they...

Author: Deva [MSFT] Date: 04/25/2017

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