80's Renaissance Continues...
First it was Mr. T doing 1-800-COLLECT commercials, then Alf, now the Boston
Globe is reporting that Garbage Pail Kids, the must-have collectors cards from
the 80's, are making a comeback. Quote from the article: "Topps plans to
launch a Web site in August that will let youngsters create their own Garbage Pail
Kids...". Interesting idea, and it should be fun to make yourself, friends, co-workers
and other loved ones into Garbage Pail kids :)
They Boston Globe article also mentions a fascinating site on bad fads, https://www.badfads.com/ that's
worth killing some time on...
- Anonymous
July 09, 2003
Ok. Who else still has there collection? Hehe. - Anonymous
July 10, 2003
The complete set is selling for $600 on eBay right now!