[EN] Blog copiers, friends or foes?
Another blogger at blogs.msdn.com found interesting issue
I mean, on this blog for some period I have observed many trackbacks sourced by rss feeds.
URL like msdnrss.thecoderblogs.com suggests that it's an aggregate covering many other blogs to into a single feed at least.
Looks fine as you can also subscribe rss to all msdn blogs at once from blogs.msdn.com directly, but..
When it was accidental in the past and I'd think that maybe those particular articles were good enough to duplicate the publication somewhere else.
Now almost every one is trackbacked, Alfred suggests that many more may never be tracked.
When I noticed that trackbacks I started wandering what's the big deal there. Looks that there is.
Question is if it's truly a friend or a foe for an original author and the source blog publication.
Alfred mentioned the issue of proper statistics measurement. I talked about that issue to with my collegue at office - Michal.
We both agreed that either way Community Server stats capabilities are just rubbish.
If I reffered directly only on that measurement of how much value I give to the community I'd better go blind and try to find my way.
The only direct value of these statistics are comments and not the counter but the word written by YOU!
I think that's the best measurement of good blog -> dialogue between the author and his readers. That's the reason why I try if it only makes sense to answer in comments to these comments.
I just started so I get a few (maybe this blog is rubbish at all :D) but I'm really glad to each of you who have commented already and I really encourage to comment entries and have that dialogue.
Copied RSS feeds won't help much in that because usually authors don't read them but their own site only to check for updates.
Answering to the original question -> if that's the foe dialogue through comments might be the cure.
If that's the new friend here -> well, let them copy freely. Isn't it all that buzz word we call Web 2.0? :D
August 29, 2007
"The only direct value of these statistics are comments" With that attitude, you'd be great as a Shock Jock on Radio! On-air personalities are indeed measured on "their comments" (from listeners) -- our Jocks will say things to create entertaining conversation. But . . . not all (blog) articles are editorials that require comments. These types of articles need a trackback to get "credit" Sadly, most systems do not support trackbacks (i.e. Windows Live Spaces has a trackback feature, while MSDN & TechNet does not.) However, now I'm wondering if I should not have deleted all those SPLOG comments over the years -- it would have raised my search engine ratings? (^_^) Blake Handler Microsoft MVP http://bhandler.spaces.live.comAnonymous
August 29, 2007
Well, With that sentence I only referred to poor stats capabilities on Community Server. Of course getting a "credit", knowing where from your readers are and other numbers for analytical playground would be nice. Here you have to use external resources bound to the engine. But still I think that playing with such a community tool as blog it would be great to use it in two-directional communication. Of course as I also mentioned - if it only makes sense to add two cents from yourself. I already found great example of such articles on blog and not only and great discussion between readers and author later on comments bringing even more value to the subject discussed.
Thanks for your feedback Blake! :)
August 29, 2007
Amen brother. I attempt to track whether people are reading my blog through the CS stats, Feedburner, Technorati, and BlogFlux MapStats. They each give me a dramatically different perspective.Anonymous
August 29, 2007
I completely agree on the CS stats. I use them to compare traffic month to month and not much more than that. Still my manager likes numbers - as do most managers - so I use them a little. I also like to look at where my blog is being referenced. That lets me know more about what people are interested in than anything other than comments.Anonymous
October 31, 2007
Wow.. Jak możecie rozszyfrować po moim "blogger code" od czasu do czasu ulegam pokusie sprawdzania statystykAnonymous
October 31, 2007
Wow.. Jak możecie rozszyfrować po moim "blogger code" od czasu do czasu ulegam pokusie sprawdzaniaAnonymous
January 22, 2008
Good discussion going on i really liked it and fetched a lot of knowledge.