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當DC執行dc promote時出現找不到DNS SRV記錄

dcpromoUI log

dcpromoui 35C.734 01B0 14:57:28.293 Enter DcNotFoundErrorDialog::OnInit
dcpromoui 35C.734 01B1 14:57:28.293 Enter DcNotFoundErrorDialog::HideDetails
dcpromoui 35C.734 01B2 14:57:32.286 Enter DcNotFoundErrorDialog::DiagnoseAndSetDetailsText
dcpromoui 35C.734 01B3 14:57:32.286 Enter DiagnoseDcNotFound Contoso.COM.2003
dcpromoui 35C.734 01B4 14:57:32.286 Enter MyDnsQuery _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.Contoso.COM.2003
dcpromoui 35C.734 01B5 14:57:32.286 Calling DnsQuery_W
dcpromoui 35C.734 01B6 14:57:32.286 lpstrName : _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.Contoso.COM.2003
dcpromoui 35C.734 01B7 14:57:32.286 wType : 21
dcpromoui 35C.734 01B8 14:57:32.286 fOptions : 8
dcpromoui 35C.734 01B9 14:57:32.286 status = 0000007B
dcpromoui 35C.734 01BA 14:57:32.286 ERROR_INVALID_NAME
dcpromoui 35C.734 01BB 14:57:32.286 Enter GetErrorText
dcpromoui 35C.734 01BC 14:57:32.286 Enter GetErrorMessage 8007007B
dcpromoui 35C.734 01BD 14:57:32.286 錯誤是: "檔案名稱、目錄名稱或磁碟區標籤語法錯誤。"
(錯誤碼 0x0000007B ERROR_INVALID_NAME)
dcpromoui 35C.734 01BE 14:57:32.286 在查詢 DNS 以取得用來尋找網域 Contoso.COM.2003 之 Active Directory 網域控制站的服務位置 (SRV) 資源記錄時,發生下列錯誤。
錯誤是: "檔案名稱、目錄名稱或磁碟區標籤語法錯誤。"
(錯誤碼 0x0000007B ERROR_INVALID_NAME)

這是因為您的Domain Name有數字造成例如: contoso.2003


This issue does not occur with domain names that have numbers and letters in the domain suffix. For example, this issue does not occur with domain names that resemble the following:

  • contoso.200three
  • contoso.two003

Also, this issue does not occur with domain names that have numbers in the domain prefix. For example, this issue does not occur with domain names that resemble the following

  • 2003.Contoso
  • 200three.Contoso

When this issue occurs, all Domain Name System (DNS) records are returned correctly when the computer is joining the domain. In a network trace, correct records are queried for and returned. Therefore, DNS is fully functional and is not part of this issue.


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4. 鍵入 ScreenBadTlds,並按下 ENTER。

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Error message when you try to join a Windows Vista-based client computer to a top level domain (TLD) that has a purely numeric suffix: "An Active Directory Domain Controller for the domain could not be contacted"