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Haiku #135

Basketball, noodles,

And conference directories:

Happy Father's Day!


We know that everyone out there is just dying to hear how the author of today's haiku spent his Father's Day yesterday, so here goes. Father's Day morning was very exciting: the author of today's haiku went out to the Black Lagoon (the corner of the yard that gets no sunshine but, being the first flat spot in the neighborhood, does get all the runoff from all the other yards on the street) and pulled weeds.


A whole bunch of weeds.


Note. Shouldn't the author have spent the morning with his son, seeing as how it was Father's Day? Let's put it this way: his son is a college student home for the summer. He has no idea that the month of June even has mornings.


In the afternoon, father and son went to the gym to play basketball. Dad won several games of H-O-R-S-E, relying on his ability to score from behind the basket and to – twice – make a shot from three-quarters court. He also relied on his ability to make the humble free throw: on two different occasions he clinched a game when his son was unable to make even 1 of 2 free throws. Interestingly enough, in the one game of H-O-R-S-E that his son did win, the son got the winning basket by bouncing the ball from the free throw line. Dad suggested that, from now on, maybe his son shoot all his free throws by bouncing the ball, and – for once – his son actually agreed with him.


Note. Sadly, we must also report that neither player could make a full-court shot, although both managed to hit the rim on a couple of tries. Also, neither player was able to make a three-point shot with his back to the basket; a three-point shot while sitting cross-legged on the court; or a three-point shot by whipping the ball around his back.


Oh: and neither one could make a basket by throwing the ball off a concrete wall and having it carom back into the hoop. All in all, a pretty tough day.


After playing H-O-R-S-E for a while, the two then played a game of one-on-one. Who came out ahead in that battle? Who knows? After all, it was just a friendly game of one-on-one between a father and his son.


Note. Actually, there is no such thing as a friendly game of one-on-one between a father and his son. Which means that the son might have been the winner after all.


But that's only because he's not old, slow, and fat, like some of the other players in the game might have been.


Like we said, might have been.


And then, that evening, the author's wife made dinner: spaghetti with homemade noodles. How did that go? Let's put it this way: about as well as the game of one-on-one went.


But the food at the restaurant was top-notch.


Note. For some bizarre reason which no one could figure out, the dough for the noodles came out as a big, giant, inert blob. Which bore a remarkable resemblance to what the author of today's haiku must have looked like as his son repeatedly zipped past him on the way to an easy lay-in.



Finally, we capped the day off the way all families cap off their Father's Day festivities: by running the Import-CsLegacyConferenceDirectory cmdlet.


Actually, we should clarify that a little: we should probably say that running the Import-CsLegacyConferenceDirectory cmdlet is the way most families cap off their Father's Day festivities. We say that simply because this cmdlet is only used by families (or organizations) that are simultaneously running both Microsoft Lync Server 2010 and Office Communications Server 2007 R2. If you've already migrated the whole family to Lync Server, then there's no need to run Import-CsLegacyConferenceDirectory.


Why not? That's an easy one: because Import-CsLegacyConferenceDirectory is used to keep your Lync Server conference directories in synch with your Office Communications Server conference directories.


Note. You say that you know what a conference directory is, but your … son … doesn't know what a conference directory is? Then you – uh, then your son should take a look at haiku #103.


To be a little more specific, Import-CsLegacyConferenceDirectory uses WMI (remember WMI?) to read legacy data from Office Communications Server 2007 R2, then uses that data to create corresponding objects in Lync Server: in other words, for each conferencing directory found in your installation of Office Communications Server 2007 R2, a corresponding directory will be created in your new installation of Lync Server. It's just like human cloning, other than the fact that it's not the least bit like human cloning.


It's recommended that you run Import-CsLegacyConferenceDirectory anytime conference directories are added, deleted, or moved in Office Communications Server 2007 R2. The cmdlet should also be run anytime Merge-CsLegacyTopology is run; this helps to ensure that the conference directories and the topology remain in sync.


And how exactly do you run the Import-CsLegacyConferenceDirectory cmdlet? Like this:




If you're wondering where all the other parameters are, well, there really aren't any other parameters: all you need to do is call the cmdlet and let Import-CsLegacyConferenceDirectory take it from there. But what if you're dead set on using additional parameters? Well, in that case, we suppose you could tack on the Report parameter, which lets you specify the file path for the report that gets generated when you run Import-CsLegacyConferenceDirectory:


Import-CsLegacyConferenceDirectory –Report "C:\Logs\ImportDirectories.html"


But that's up to you, and definitely isn't something you have to do.


Speaking of which, we should also note that there is one thing that you do have to do. Before you can run Import-CsLegacyConferenceDirectory, you must first install the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Backward Compatibility interfaces package; this application is installed by running OCSWMIBC.msi. (Where do you get that file from? From the Lync Server Setup folder.) After installing the Compatibility interfaces package, you should next run Merge-CsLegacyTopology. And then, at long last, you and your son can run Import-CsLegacyConferenceDirectory.


Note. Can you and your daughter run Import-CsLegacyConferenceDirectory as well? Well, not having a daughter himself, the author of today's haiku can't say this with 100 percent certainty. But we don't see why not, and we definitely believe that girls should have the same chance as boys do to experience the sheer joy of running Import-CsLegacyConferenceDirectory.


And there you have it: the story of Import-CsLegacyConferenceDirectory, and the story of how the author of today's haiku spent his Father's Day. But don't worry, even though Father's Day is over, the author's son won't forget his dear old Dad.


Or at least he won't forget his dear old Dad's wallet.


See you tomorrow.