You don't want to miss this...
Jesper Johansson's latest column on TechNet. The title says it all:
Help: I Got Hacked. Now What Do I Do?
Let’s just say you did not install the patches like we discussed last month. Now you got hacked. What to do?
After you read that, go back and look at Oh Patch How I Hate Thee; Let Me Count the Ways.
- Anonymous
May 12, 2004
Great bit on fixing a hacked / owned system...
now to get the rest of the techs to understand this...
not long ago a person who claims to be an MCSE had a server owned.... he did not know how it got that way, when, or how to clean it up....
and he did not format the drive, did not seem to know about how to lockdown IIS and seems to think I'm SLOW.... I'm NOT carrying any certs but my servers are not hacked and are locked down.....
one of the problems with kids getting to pass exams is that they think old timers like me are slow and dumb.... yea right! - Anonymous
May 12, 2004
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