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Behind the Design: Handles

In this writing, I plan to discuss the history and
rationale of handles. This is perhaps the most noticeable addition to C++. I
have heard many questions about handles. Why does C++ need handles? Why are
they named handles? Why did you use the hat to declare them? And much more.
The design team spent quite a bit of time getting handles right.

First, it is most useful to know what handles are. I
will provide a short summary. C++ has the notion of declarators, which are
ways to build up types by adding symbols. The two declarators in standard
C++ are pointers (denoted with the asterisk) and references (denoted with
the ampersand). In addition to the previous declarators, C++ adds handles
(denoted with the caret). The caret symbol (^)
is often referred to as hat, just as the asterisk is referred to as star.

A handle refers to an instance of an object that is
garbage collected (note isn’t exactly true, we’ll clear that up later). How
does an object become garbage collected? There are two ways this is done:
(1) boxing can copy a value type and put it on the GC heap, or (2) C++
introduces the gcnew operator that creates
a new instance of any type on the GC heap. For example:

       Button^ b = gcnew Button();

The new and
gcnew operator are similar. Both allocate
memory and invoke the constructor of the object. Whereas
new allocates memory from a native heap
and returns a pointer, gcnew will allocate
memory from the GC heap and return a handle. A boxed value type is easy to
recognize, as the type is simply a handle to value type. For example:

       int m = 42;             // integer on the stack
      int* n = new int(42);   // integer on a native heap
      int^ o = gcnew int(42); // boxed integer on the GC heap

There are other ways to create boxed value types, but I
will leave that for another time when I discuss the implementation of boxed
value types.

Why is it important to distinguish whether an instance
of an object is on the GC heap or a native heap? The GC algorithm
implemented by the CLR is a generational compacting garbage collector. This
means that the memory location of the object can change upon each garbage
collection. This does not happen on the native heap. A pointer refers to an
instance in memory that never moves. The garbage collector ensures that a
handle always points to the right instance.

To access a member of an instance referred to by a
handle, use the arrow (->) operator. For

       Object^ o = f();

Now, at this point someone reading this might think
that handles are awfully similar to pointers. Such an observation may lead
to questions as to why introducing handles to the language was even
necessary. To understand this, it does help to look back at the Managed
Extensions syntax that shipped with Visual C++ 2002. Much of the language
redesign has used the experience of implementing that language and user
feedback to evolve the C++ language. Let’s look at some of the problems with
what Managed Extensions tried to do.

Before we do that, here is a quick summary. In Managed
Extensions, there were three kinds of pointers. The first was a native
pointer (also known as a __nogc pointer)
which is a traditional meaning of pointer. It points to data in memory that
will not move. Another kind of pointer was a whole object pointer (known as
a __gc pointer). These pointed to
instances of __gc classes. The third kind
of pointer was an interior pointer (also known as a
__gc pointer), and these could point
anywhere and in particular inside objects on the GC heap. Managed Extensions
also had a feature known as defaulting rules, which allowed the compiler to
choose the most logical meaning for a pointer. Consider this example:

       // System::String is a __gc class
      System::String * s;        // String __gc * (whole object pointer)
      System::String __nogc * q; // ERROR – ill-formed type
      System::String __gc * r;   // String __gc * (whole object pointer)
      // int is a __value class (Int32 is mostly the same as int)
      int * i;                   // int __nogc *
      int __nogc * j;            // int __nogc *
      int __gc * k;              // int __gc * (interior pointer)
      System::Int32 * l;         // int __gc * (interior pointer)
      System::Int32 __nogc m;    // int __nogc *
      System::Int32 __gc * n;    // int __gc * (interior pointer)
      // std::string is a __nogc class
      std::string * v;           // string __nogc *
      std::string __nogc * v;    // string __nogc *
      std::string __gc * v;      // ERROR – ill-formed type

The defaulting rules were introduced to make it easier
to write code. As seen above, a pointer to a __gc
class can only be a __gc pointer, and
pointer to a __nogc class can only be a
__nogc pointer. The only place where the
defaulting rules introduced difficulty was with value classes. In every
regard, int and System::Int32 are the same
type except that Int32 defaults to having __gc
qualification and int defaults to
__nogc qualification. Because
__gc qualification can be added but not
taken away (much like const and volatile), trying to pass a
__gc pointer to a function expecting a
__nogc pointer resulted in a compile-time
error. It was with this that we first saw users struggling. There are two
ways to resolve this compile-time error: (1) pin the
__gc pointer and convert it to a
__nogc pointer, or (2) change the function
to accept a __gc pointer. It was the
latter option that many people chose, and they did so by placing
__gc everywhere in the code until the
program compiled. In particular, when dealing with a sequence of pointers
(such as __gc pointer to a
__nogc pointer), it became clear that most
people did not understand how a pointer acquired __gc qualification in the first place.

One advantage that the defaulting rules allowed was
function templates could be agnostic to __gc
qualification. For the most part, this is very useful; however, recall
though that the garbage collector can move memory pointed at by a
__gc pointer. After each garbage
collection, the value in a __gc pointer
could be different. Code that comparing less-than or greater-than of two
__gc pointers could return different
results before and after garbage collection. Such behavior is subtle, and
can easily lead to fragile code.

Also, for the code reviewer, the defaulting rules
required knowledge of what kind of type was being pointed to. If the type
was a __gc class or a
__value class, the code reviewer would
like to look for unwanted pointer tricks like conversion to
int and back.

Of course, the most significant drawback of the Managed
Extensions pointer qualification was the inability to overload operators on
__gc classes. The Base Class Library
defines a number of useful overloaded operators and C++ users clearly wanted
to use this functionality with the natural operator syntax. Pointers,
however, already have operators defined on them (such as equality,
less-than, dereference, and arrow). While it is conceivable that overloading
some operators on __gc pointers could be
done, it was impossible to do so cleanly.

With all that out of the way, the design team felt very
strongly that a simpler design was needed to lower the intellectual burden
of using the CLR GC heap. Handles solved the problem very nicely. They are
closest to the whole object pointer from Managed Extensions. Because handles
were freed from the compatibility of pointers, they were designed to afford
the programmer all the advantages of pointers while providing first-class
support for CLR features. In fact, handles have opened new possibilities in
the language. This is a sign of good language design.

First, handles have the ability to overload operators.
For instance, it is possible to write the following:

       X^ operator+(X^ xl, X^ xr);
      X^ x1;
      X^ x2;
      X^ x3 = x1 + x2;  // calls operator+(X^, X^)

Making operators in the new language features work well
with the CLR has mostly been relaxing rules and making operators more
flexible. The operator overloading design in C++ was already quite solid. At
a later time, I will talk about how operators have changed.

Another useful outcome of handles is that C++ can take
advantage of conversion functions in the Base Class Library. If a class
referred to be a handle contains a user-defined conversion, the compiler
will now be able to find it.

During the design of handles, the design team has
worked towards offering the conveniences of pointers without the pitfalls.
For example, using a pointer as a Boolean expression is a useful way to
guard a member access. For example:

       Y^ y = g();
      if (y) y->Execute();

This is actually a very tricky thing to get right. In
C++, bool is an integral type that can convert to an
int via a standard conversion. These
standard conversions happen all the time. Clearly, we wanted to avoid
allowing every handle converting to integers. It would make it difficult to
diagnose improper arguments when many overloads to a function exist. Also
relying on a conversion function to exist in an ultimate base class does not
work, as System::Object is only a base
class for all ref class and value class types (it is not a base for native
class types). The design team solved this problem by introducing a
conversion function to a special Boolean type as a special member function.
C++ has a number of special member functions already. This is yet another
subject that I will write about later.

Handles do not have the same meaning as pointers. They
do not have built-in less-than, greater-than, increment, or decrement
operators. It is not possible to reinterpret_cast
a handle to an int and then back to a
handle. In every regard, handles are type safe. One of the design goals for
the new language was to make writing verifiable code easier. That is, code
should be verifiable the first time the code was written. A program that
makes use of pointers is nearly always unverifiable. The list of rules for
writing verifiable code is short, and among the rules is to use handles
instead of pointers.

One nice part of this new design is that defaulting
rules are not necessary. In C++, a pointer always refers to memory that will
not move. In large part, the defaulting rules are no longer necessary
because of gcnew. In the past,
new behaved differently on
int and Int32.
Now, new and gcnew behave exactly the same way for both int and Int32. In fact,
int and Int32
are exactly the same in C++. Another useful outcome of
gcnew is that the MFC debug macros do not
conflict with it, which will make it easier to use CLR features in existing
MFC programs.

Perhaps one of the most exciting prospects of handles
and the gcnew operator is that it was possible for the design team to lift
the restriction that native classes could not be garbage collected. There is
a significant amount of machinery to make this work, preserve existing C++
semantics, and implement a robust solution. This is part of the feature set
known as the "unified type system" of which I will have to spend much time
writing about. In short, the design team is making this work:

       std::vector<int>^ vec = gcnew std::vector<int>;

This particular feature (creating handles to native
class types) unfortunately will not be part of the Whidbey feature set. As
with most software engineering projects, we had to make cut-off decisions so
we could deliver a solid compiler earlier.

If you’re interested in learning the manner in which
the CLR implements handles, look for discussion of "object references" in
the CLI standard and CLR documentation.

Stan Lippman deserves the credit for looking at a new
declarator. When he first started working on revising the language, he was
working on the notion of a rebindable reference. He first used the % symbol
as the declarator. Jeff Peil, who had also come to the conclusion that a new
declarator was needed, pointed out that % was not the best choice due to C++
digraphs. When the sequence of characters, %>,
is seen by the C++ lexer, it is replaced with a closing curly brace,
}. If handles were to be used as template
arguments (which they definitely are designed to be widely used in that
regard), the digraph behavior of the C++ Standard was undesirable. Of the
remaining unused symbols, the caret was the best. Nostalgic memories of
Pascal pointers are shared amongst all of us on the design team.

A curious result of the choice to use the caret is
another Standard C++ feature, alternative tokens. Wherever ^ is used, it is
perfectly suitable to also use the keyword, xor.
For example, the following is legal:

       Button xor b = gcnew Button;

As a note to Visual C++ users, both digraphs and
alternative tokens are available only when compiling with the /Za switch.
The /Za switch conflicts with the /clr switch. As standards
conforming behavior on the CLR is still a goal for Visual C++, we do have a
strategy for finishing standards conformance features and making them the
default. At some point I can write about that too.

As for the unification feature, Herb Sutter is the one
to credit for driving that work. Although much of the details were figured
out by all five of us on the design team, he sold this to partners,
managers, and most importantly C++ developers. I think he helped push the
design team to figure out all the possibilities handles enabled.

I am leaving out discussion of getting handles from an
lvalue (such as address-of with & returns a pointer from an lvalue). I will
discuss that after more discussion of the unified type system and
deterministic finalization.

Mark Hall is the one to credit for the
gcnew operator. After doing most of the
design work for Managed Extensions, he has been the most qualified to
recognize ways to avoid the same issues.

Lastly, why are they named "handles"? At the beginning
of the language design, they were called either managed pointers or whole
object pointers. At times they were also called GC pointers and tracking
pointers. The problem with this is that they are not pointers. Any adjective
applied to pointers misses the point that they are not a modification to the
semantics of pointers, but instead they are an entirely different
abstraction. We noticed that discussion tended to confuse whether the
context was referring to native pointers or this new declarator. (During the
course of conversation, writing, or dialog, there is a tendency to drop
adjectives as more context is built up). The challenge was left to figure
out a better term. Brad Van Ee mentioned "handle" in a hallway conversation.
That has been the term to stick.

Throughout this and past writings, I have been
promising to write about a number of other topics. If anyone is more
interested to hear about one subject before another, give me feedback either
via comments or via email. Hopefully, this has been interesting and I am
happy to answer questions as they come up.


  • Anonymous
    November 17, 2003
    Very interesting article. Thanks.Will this actually compile: "std::vector^ vec = gcnew std::vector; " I would think this would need to be "std::vector<double>^ vec = gcnew std::vector<double>; " Or when does the type of the vector get instantiated.I'd really prefer the ^ (handle) syntax to the current managed C++ syntax. Will there be some compiler switch to make using the old syntax a compiler error? We haven't written much code in managed C++ yet, but when we do, I would think we would want to avoid the old syntax like the plague... So I guess my question is, how will compatibility with the old syntax affect those who are using the new syntax???Also, I am having a hard time reading your blog. Whenever I scroll, some of the text goes blank. Anyone else seen this problem? I am using Windows 2000 with Internet Explorer 6.0.2800.1106. This is the only blog that I've run into that has this problem.
  • Anonymous
    November 17, 2003
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    November 17, 2003
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    November 17, 2003
    WinBlogX has got to be the worst blogging tool. I'm definitely going to look for something else. Here's the last comment again without the HTML tags:Thanks Johan for catching the error. I did forget the template type parameter. I've updated the article to correct that error.I should write about how we're moving from the old syntax to the new syntax. In short, the /clr switch will use the new syntax. If you need to compile the old syntax, use the /clr:oldSyntax switch. The old and new syntax will interoperate in that you can use both in the same project and link togeter. You just can't use both syntaxes in the same file.I think Mike correctly diagnosed the problem as being the gunk HTML Word generates. I'm going to look at redoing all the HTML. That'll have to wait until I've gotten other time sensitive work items out of the way.Thanks for the feedback!
  • Anonymous
    July 20, 2005

    Perhaps the most important reason to use C++ for managed code development is
    that C++ fully understands...
  • Anonymous
    July 22, 2005

    Perhaps the most important reason to use C++ for managed code development is
    that C++ fully understands...
  • Anonymous
    November 27, 2007
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  • Anonymous
    January 22, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2009
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