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BCL Team Blog

Base types, Collections, Diagnostics, IO, RegEx...

An interesting discussion around a particular Breaking Change: the verdict [Kit George]

Well, I wasn't prepared for the wealth of responses and I can tell you, we absolutely appreciate it....

Author: BCL Team Date: 11/11/2004

Ye' old BCL Dev discusses our classes on .NET Rocks [Kit George]

Jay Roxe used to work on the BCL team as the dev lead, and has a lot of excellent historical...

Author: BCL Team Date: 11/08/2004

An interesting discussion around a particular Breaking Change [Kit George]

So an interesting situation arose today I though I would share with everyone. I'd love your input on...

Author: BCL Team Date: 11/03/2004

An interesting discussion around a particular Breaking Change [Kit George]

So an interesting situation arose today I though I would share with everyone. I'd love your input on...

Author: BCL Team Date: 11/03/2004

Base Class Program Manager position still available [Kit George]

Just wanted to quickly let you know the BCL job opening is still available. There's actually 2 or 3...

Author: BCL Team Date: 11/03/2004

Guideline update: names of generic parameters[Kit George]

The guidelines for the names of generic parameters have been updated. Read the new approach on...

Author: BCL Team Date: 11/03/2004

FileStream internal buffer and some non-intuitive behavior [Ravi Krishnaswamy]

I recently came across a bug in FileStream’s internal buffer where the behavior is...

Author: BCL Team Date: 10/29/2004

PerformanceCounters: single instance, multi-instance and WMI [David Gutierrez]

Performance counter categories come in one of two modes: single instance and multi-instance. If you...

Author: BCL Team Date: 10/29/2004

ResourceManager & new optimizations for MemoryStream & byte[] [Brian Grunkemeyer]

With Whidbey Beta 1, we've done some performance optimizations for Streams & byte[]'s stored in...

Author: BCL Team Date: 10/18/2004

Number Formatting in .NET [Kit George]

We get an ongoing number of questions about formatting numbers in .NET. The documentation seems to...

Author: BCL Team Date: 10/17/2004

Specification for Nullable [Kit George]

I thought I'd make the Nullable specification available to everyone, for reference, and in order to...

Author: BCL Team Date: 10/15/2004

Normalized paths are tricky [Brian Grunkemeyer]

A customer recently asked how to compare to see whether two paths refer to the same file, and he...

Author: BCL Team Date: 10/12/2004

SerialStream synchronous/asynchronous IO perf tweaks [Ravi Krishnaswamy]

In NT, System.IO.Ports.SerialStream synchronous Read()/Write() operations are done asynchronously....

Author: BCL Team Date: 10/11/2004

Some meeting notes [Kit George]

All, thought I would post some notes from a recent meeting we had with the WebData team. This is in...

Author: BCL Team Date: 10/08/2004

Cleaning out the attic [Kit George]

Well all, I haven't posted for a couple of weeks, and I thought I would share some fun with you,...

Author: BCL Team Date: 10/08/2004

TechEd '05: what do you want to see? [Kit George]

Well, I realize that TechEd '05 is a while off yet, but we're sitting here right now in a planning...

Author: BCL Team Date: 09/08/2004

New design guideline on evolving names of APIs [Kit George]

All, here is a new design guideline we've just added, targetted at resolving whether we should call...

Author: BCL Team Date: 09/07/2004

Curioddity Number 4: how many strings do I have? [Kit George]

Well its time for another curioddity. This one is pretty fun, there's a couple of good sidesteps...

Author: BCL Team Date: 09/07/2004

KeyValuePair vs. DictionaryEntry [Krzysztof Cwalina]

We discussed a problem with implementation of IEnumerable on Dictionary<K,V>. What type should...

Author: BCL Team Date: 09/03/2004

Program Manager Position Announcement [Kit George]

All, we have a Program Manager opportunity available on the BCL team, and welcome any interested...

Author: BCL Team Date: 09/03/2004

Notes from a design meeting [Kit George]

All, we're going to start publishing topics from our design meeting notes. Feel free to send general...

Author: BCL Team Date: 09/03/2004

CuriOddities, part 3 [Kit George]

Time for another interesting snippet, in which the code itself doesn't appear bad at first glance,...

Author: BCL Team Date: 08/27/2004

New version of the CodeDOM Test Suite available on the BCL Site [Kit George]

Eden Li, an intern at Microsoft for the summer, has just completed and posted an update to the...

Author: BCL Team Date: 08/27/2004

Webcast: What's New in the CLR 2.0 [Kit George]

Just an announcement all: I'm giving a WebCast tomorrow on MSDN, on the topic of 'What's New In The...

Author: BCL Team Date: 08/16/2004

StreamWriter Buffered Data Lost MDA (or a cute finalizer trick) [Brian Grunkemeyer]

A somewhat common problem when getting started with developing managed code and using our IO package...

Author: BCL Team Date: 08/13/2004

CuriOddities (part 2) [Kit George]

This week's Curioddity is a result of the way some things in the framework work. I think many of you...

Author: BCL Team Date: 08/13/2004

Curioddities: part 1 (Kit George)

Well, I thought I would start a series on interesting things in the framework, and see what people...

Author: BCL Team Date: 08/06/2004

New BCL features in Beta1

[Ahmed AbouTaleb]Here is a list of all the new BCL features that shipped in Visual studio 2005...

Author: BCL Team Date: 07/29/2004

Why Not Add a New DateTime Date Type in Whidbey?

[Anthony Moore] Thanks very much to those who have posted feedback on this issue:...

Author: BCL Team Date: 06/01/2004

Changes to Decimal.ToString between V1.0 and V1.1

[Anthony Moore] There was a change to Decimal class in V1.1 to preserve trailing zeros in the...

Author: BCL Team Date: 06/01/2004

DateTime FAQ Entries

I have recently created some new DateTime FAQ entries to address some questions people have about...

Author: BCL Team Date: 05/21/2004

Obsolete FAQ [Kit George]

I recently published a faq with details about how the framework approaches the concept of...

Author: BCL Team Date: 05/04/2004

Resources FAQ published [Kit George]

Ahmed just published a resources FAQ with soe good reference and data points on managed resources:...

Author: BCL Team Date: 05/04/2004

Regex Char Class Subtraction spec available [Kit George]

I propped the character class subtraction specification up on the BCL website:...

Author: BCL Team Date: 03/08/2004

New PInvoke article available on the BCL Webpage [Kit George]

Jesse Kaplan, a PM on the CLR team, recently put together this cheat sheet on Pinvokes which...

Author: BCL Team Date: 03/05/2004

Other DateTime Stuff

The DateTime FAQ is also a good source of information on this. I hope to add a lot more to this over...

Author: BCL Team Date: 01/23/2004

New DateTime Best Practices Article

[Anthony Moore] A colleage of mine from another team, Dan Rogers, has written an excellent article...

Author: BCL Team Date: 01/23/2004

Time is Critical, as I Idle by ... [Kit George]

Through the BCL Website, Gheorghe Marius enquired: Why can't we set a thread priority to...

Author: BCL Team Date: 01/20/2004

lock vs. MethodImplOptions.Synchronized [Kit George]

A BCL Website customer (Michael) recently asked: Is there any difference in the jitted code between...

Author: BCL Team Date: 01/20/2004

Debugging properties [Kit George]

Ilya Ryzhenkov Enquired: Is there any method to detect (not switch off) if property getter is being...

Author: BCL Team Date: 01/20/2004

A new look BCL Web Page... [Kit George]

Sorry to all those who had asked questions via the bcl webpage and the answeres have been long in...

Author: BCL Team Date: 01/19/2004

Give me the Short Path/File/Directory names, baby! [Kit George]

Keith Hill inquired recently: There are times when displaying long paths (like as a menu item) that...

Author: BCL Team Date: 01/19/2004

Parsing: Why not get as far as you can, and give me the result? [Kit George]

Dmitriy Zaslavskiy asked recently: Can you add an overload that parses as much as it can and returns...

Author: BCL Team Date: 01/19/2004

Any chance of an IReadOnlyList collection interface? [Kit George]

Joe White asked for this specific feature: For the most part, I like the way you designed...

Author: BCL Team Date: 01/19/2004

Directory.Move, but not Directory.Copy? [Kit George]

Blane Nelson enquired about Directory.Copy: Why does the directory object have a static method to...

Author: BCL Team Date: 01/19/2004

Math Functions: more please! [Kit George]

Jacek Blaszczynski asked this request about some of our Math functionality: I would greatly...

Author: BCL Team Date: 01/19/2004

Memory Mapped Files: are we doing it? [Kit George]

Gheorghe Marius asked this question: Question: Are there any plans to add support for memory mapped...

Author: BCL Team Date: 01/19/2004

Consistency of returned Strings [Kit George]

Atif Aziz asked this very interesting (and difficult) question regarding the behavior of strings: It...

Author: BCL Team Date: 01/19/2004

A poetic BCL tribute, from Julia Lerman [Kit George]

Julia Lerman wrote this short verse (let's call it 'Ode to BCL') in the mould of “The...

Author: BCL Team Date: 01/19/2004

Throttling, Bandwidth, and Send/Recieves [Kit George]

A question was asked recently on the BCL website (by at least a couple of people, 'Andy' among...

Author: BCL Team Date: 01/13/2004

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