Technical Readiness in Seattle
I am in Seattle to attend at our annual Technical Readiness week called TechReady. We just had some keynote's and the opening keynote from Steve Ballmer was just great as usual. This weekend we've got an update on where are going to with our new products, not much I can tell right now.
This week I will try to focus onto our new server platform Longhorn server, the second thing onto my agenda is talk to some of the corp speakers that are coming to the Dev & IT Pro Days.
I will keep this blog updated with what I learn from the sessions if I can disclose it off course.
February 05, 2007
Hey Arlindo, you should swing by the EMC booth tomorrow at the partner solution fair. It's always good to meet fellow bloggers!!Anonymous
February 05, 2007
Arlindo, I'm in Seattle attending TR4 too ;-) Yes, I love Steveb keynote too :-)