Error When Sequencing Excel 2007
Here's a problem I ran into a few days ago that I thought was kind of interesting. In case you ever try to sequence Excel 2007 you might appreciate some of the notes I took and what I did to get it working.
Problem: After sequencing Excel 2007 to X:\8.3, the following 2 errors appear when streamed and launched on client:
"2007 Microsoft Office System - Please wait while setup prepares the necessary files."
"Windows Installer - Preparing to Install"
Note: The above scenario occurred while sequencing on Windows XP SP2 workstation using the SoftGrid 4.2..0.303 sequencer.
Step 1: Creating the MSP
1. Created clean XP SP2 workstation. The machine has no additional software except Windows Installer 3.1 and Virtual Machine Additions.
2. Copied Office 2007 Enterprise Source to C:\12.0.4518.1014 folder.
3. Executed C:\12.0.4518.1014\setup.exe /admin to create new .MSP with the following settings:
Install Location: X:\Office\Excel.v4
Organization Name: Microsoft
Licensing and user interface:
Product Key:xxxx
I accept the terms in the License Agreement
Display Level - Full - default
Completion notice
Set feature installation states:
Microsoft Office Access: X
Excel: Run all from my computer
Microsoft Office Groove: X
Microsoft Office OneNote: X
Microsoft Office Outlook: X
Microsoft Office PowerPoint: X
Microsoft Office Publisher: X
Office Shared Features:
Microsoft Office Themes - X
New and Open Microsoft Office Document Shortcuts - X
Proofing Tools - [F] Optical Character Recognition Modules - X
Spelling and Grammar Checkers - X
Office Tools: Run All from My Computer with exception of Microsoft Office Document
Imaging (X)
Microsoft Office Visio Viewer: X
Microsoft Office Word: X
Microsoft Office InfoPath: X
5. Saved file as Excel2007.msp
6. Installed Sequencer
Step 2: Sequencing
1. Start the Sequencer, select New Package.
2. Suite Name: Off2007_V4, Title: Name, Comments: XP SP2, 32 KB, 0 Compression, X:\Office\excel.v4 - Path: Off2007_V4 - Next
3. OS - Windows XP Professional - Finish
4. Installation Wizard - Next
5. Sequencing Parameters - Compression Algorithm - Not Compressed, Block Size - 32 KB - Next
6. Begin Monitoring
7. Start/Run - C:\12.0.4518.1014\setup.exe /adminfile c:\12.0.4518.1014\Excel2007.msp
8. Upon completion of installation - Open X:\office\excel.v4\office12\excel.exe
9. Privacy Options - Accept defaults - Ok. Select F1 Help.
10. Exit Excel. Do not save changes.
11. Stop Monitoring.
12. Browse for Folder - X:\office\excel.v4 - Ok.
13. Monitoring Finished - Next
14. Install Wizard - Finish.
15. Application Wizard - Next.
16. Configure Applications - Remove 2007 Microsoft Office Component, Microsoft Office Diagnostics, and Notepad. Next.
17. Launch Applications - Highlight Excel and select Launch.
18. Once opened - test F1 Help.
19. Exit Excel.
20. Launch Applications - Next.
21. Sequence Package - Finish.
22. On the Virtual Registry tab in the Sequencer, expand the following virtual registry location: User\%SFT_SID% \Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo - delete UserInitials and UserName values.
23. On the Virtual File System tab, expand the following location:
Right-click this entry to clear the virtualized flag. This action lets Tablet PC computers function correctly.
24. File Save. Off2007_V4.sprj in Off2007_V4 Folder.
25. Add the following to the .OSD
26. Copy to content share.
27. Import into Management Console
28. Stream to XP SP2 client.
Once I did this, Excel streamed successfully to my Windows XP SP2 client with only the SoftGrid for Windows Desktops, Virtual Machine Additions, Windows XP SP2 installed.
Of course I can't guarantee that this will work in your environment but this seemed to work for me. Hope this helps!
Robert Morris
January 01, 2003
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January 01, 2003
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January 01, 2003
Hi, I was wondering if the root cause was ever determined that caused the two error messages you received while launching Excel 2007? I ran into the exact issue after sequencing Excel 2007 (and Office 2007). I have tried your "recipe" exactly, as well as the Office 2007 recipe per KB939796 and get the same errors as you, followed by a "Microsoft Office Word/Excel/Powerpoint has not been installed for the current user. Please run setup to install the application." message. Any help is very appreciated. Thank You!Anonymous
January 01, 2003
Pierre, you are right. accordingly to best practice, installing it to the q: drive - may be should say: Q drive ONLY. Why? I did sequence to V: drive and got the same error as aqle's post above. I have tried using all the tips found on the internet to find a work around solution. I can only get the Excel and Word working partially by follwing Robert's recipe (F1 help and Spelling check won't work). Notice that he sequence to X drive. However, when I switch the V drive letter to Q, everything works just GREAT. I'm using the same MSP file but only the drive letter and 8.3 format folder are different. It seems like during the Office 2007 start up, it's seeking the MOSCache folder only under Q drive letter. In my case, I use V drive and it couldn't find the MOSCache then end up with Windows installer pops up. You may give a try to sequence it to V drive see what results you got.Anonymous
January 01, 2003
The thing is when you are sequencing Microsoft Office 2007 you are (or you should accordingly to Best practice) installing it to the q: drive. No matter if you are installing it to q:folder.v01 or q:foldersubfoler.v01 the MSOcache folder will always be placed in the root of the q: drive. So when you start Microsoft Office 2007 as a virtual application it will not see the "MSOCache and Microsoft Office has to be able to reach from the MSOcache to run properly. Otherwise you will get errors like Robert are mentioning in the beginning of this post. Of course if you have Office Installed locally the MSOCache folder is already on your system and the virtual Microsoft Office 2007 will run smoothly in any case. If you Sequence Microsoft Office 2007 and when you click on "stop monitoring" and choose the q:Office instead of the q:OfficeOffw2kP.v01 and have a look at the Sequencer tab "Files" you will see that you have folder named SFT_MNT (SoftGrid Mount Point) and the Sequencer tried to place the MSOCache there but failed, remember that a Virtual environment can only access ONE root folder under the q: drive. If you Sequence Microsoft Office 2007 and when you click on "stop monitoring" you now choose the q:OfficeOffw2kP.v01 folder instead of the q:Office and have a look at the Sequencer tab "Files" you will see that you have subfolder to the VFS folder named MSOCache and this will of course work 100% of the times. If you have a look inside virtual environment on the q: drive you will see that the root folder is actually Offw2kp.v01 so I have Sequenced all my diffrent Office program to q:Office{8.3 foldername} and they are not conflicting. I have placed a step by step guide how-to sequence Microsoft Office 2007 at that also takes cares about the template error that kavitha encountered. Even though this works just fine I believe that the right way to sequence office is to use the "LIS Tool" from Microsoft. With this tool you can move the MSOCache folder and place at your choice and it also takes care of all the registry pointer to this folder (it's quite a few). So during the monitoring face after the Office installation you should use the LIS Tool and change the destination to the root folder. I have not tried this myself yet but I am pretty sure it will work and if you sequence it this way you will never encounter problems when you are upgrading Office with a SP1 or similar. BR Pierre Eriksson MindgrapeAnonymous
January 01, 2003
One other thing I did differently was to have Windows XP Professional ONLY as the OS during sequenicing in the screen after you enter suite name etc. When things didnt work, I remember selecting all OS's. Dont know if it makes a difference.