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Adi Oltean's Weblog - Flashbacks on technology, programming, and other interesting things

Web page real estate - how to use it?

Here is an interesting question: If you have 20% space to spare on your web page, what would you...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 08/16/2006

How to write in plain English

An interesting guide: Now, if I only would have...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 08/10/2006

Bloom filter calculator

Bloom filters are amazing data structures, perfect to represent sets of numbers in a small bit...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 08/10/2006

New hard drive price war coming

Seagate, Hitachi and Samsung will compete for more price cuts for harddisks in the near future. The...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 08/10/2006

Search Engines and Privacy

The recent AOL scandal had one and only one learning lesson for any software company. Think 10x,...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 08/09/2006

Vista speech recognition? It actually works... :-)

Long Zheng gave it a try and he was impressed (along with lots of diggers). He recorded the video on...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 08/09/2006

Time Machine: Vista Previous Versions are now making their way into Mac OS X Leopard...

Mac OS X Leopard incorporates now a previous versions feature called Time Machine - similar with...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 08/07/2006

The Previous Versions feature in Vista - an ArsTechnica review

ArsTechnica noticed our new Previous Versions feature in Vista. Give it a click:...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 07/31/2006

Why Flash memory is good for your computer

Simply put, flash memory will enable a revolution in improving computer performance in daily...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 07/05/2006

Puzzle: floor() function

Proof that: floor(x * n) = floor(x) + floor(x + 1/n) + floor(x + 2/n) + ... + floor(x + (n-1)/n)...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 06/26/2006

New launched! (with screenshots on Vista)

Link: It looks beautifully, isn't it? [Screenshot] live-s2.PNG

Author: AdiOltean Date: 06/16/2006

Carbonite: discovered (or something like it)

When I was in 7-8 grade I saw (as anyone else) the StarWars episodes. After this experience, I still...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 06/15/2006

Poincare's conjecture proof completed?

A few years ago, I was surprised to see an announcement in Mathworld stating (again) that the...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 06/05/2006

Digg surpasses Slashdot?

Looking at Alexa, we can definitely see a trend: Alexa might be contested, however. And, speaking of...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 05/29/2006

Latest LINQ CTP available for download

Latest LINQ CTP released for download. The list of goodies is here: What’s new? Enhanced DLinq...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 05/11/2006

Spam Poetry

Those evil spam masters get better and better to attract your attention. Lately, I noticed lots of...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 05/04/2006

How to run Defrag on a scheduled basis

On Windows XP, it's simple. Just run this command and you are done: schtasks /create /TN defrag /RU...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 04/07/2006

Wikipedia is getting pretty good lately

Maybe I am biased, but I am pleasantly surprised by Wikipedia recently. There is a lot of material...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 04/07/2006

Boot from iSCSI? It's coming.

Wonder of wonders. One of the interesting features of SANs in general, and iSCSI in particular, is...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 04/07/2006

I am Slackware Linux

Huh? Which OS are You? For the record - I work on Windows, BTW :-)

Author: AdiOltean Date: 03/17/2006

New launched!

Check it out: Personally, I like the smart scroll feature.

Author: AdiOltean Date: 03/08/2006

Puzzle: prime numbers

Show that (N^4 + 4^N) is a prime number if and only if N=1.

Author: AdiOltean Date: 03/07/2006

Overhype - a new global epidemy in the blogosphere?

Overhype is something very noticeable these days. Just last week, everyone on the blogosphere...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 03/05/2006

Ahh, backups... the eternal conversation subject

Finally! The wait is over. Brett Shirley started to blog. As I expected, Brett started with a highly...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 03/05/2006

Walking the long road ahead

Recently there was a lot of noise in the media about a Microsoft official (Neil Holloway - President...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 03/04/2006


Any UI programmer should watch this video, and learn. :-)

Author: AdiOltean Date: 02/24/2006

What is the quickest way to get the file system type on a volume?

A colleague of mine says that whenever he wants to see what file system is on some volume, he types...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 02/13/2006

Getting the free space available under a certain directory

There is a useful function called GetDiskFreeSpaceEx( ). The GetDiskFreeSpaceEx function retrieves...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 01/31/2006

Internet Explorer 7 Beta2 available for download

It's finally here:

Author: AdiOltean Date: 01/31/2006

A brief history of harddrives

A topic that I find eternally fascinating... CNET published a series about the history of...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 01/27/2006

More VSHADOW stuff: how to backup Exchange, SQL, NTFS

While researching for the previous post, I just started a few searches for VSHADOW on the internet,...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 01/25/2006

Fast backup of Virtual Server images (using VSHADOW)

Jeff Trumbull published a very nice script on how to backup a Virtual Server image wiht about one...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 01/25/2006

How to build a cheap backup server

A while back, our team helped the Small Business Server team with some interesting VSS issues just...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 01/21/2006

Using NTBackup to achieve P2V

I always thought about writing a post about physical-to-virtual migration strategies in combination...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 01/20/2006

Storage grid in the sky - a new concept?

So, what if you take the principles behind BitTorrent (share more bandwidth to get more data) and...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 01/20/2006

Favorites - this time, for real!

Finally! I just noticed a new service in the family: Live Favorites...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 01/19/2006

XBox 360 committed to HD-DVD

There were some recent rumors that XBox 360 has some plans to offer a Blu-Ray external drive....

Author: AdiOltean Date: 01/17/2006

The OpenSearch 1.1 specification

I just installed a recent Vista build on my dev box, and I noticed a new set of options to add a...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 01/16/2006

Perpendicular storage arrives on laptops Seagate's new drive, the Momentus...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 01/16/2006

How Hotmail works? - an interview with Phil Smoot

ACM Queue published an interesting interview with Phil Smoot. Phil is the person in charge of...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 01/14/2006

Unix guy shares his experience in switching to Windows

Simon Gerber wrote a slightly-negative article titled Switching to Windows: Not as easy as you...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 01/11/2006

Microsoft - again, among the 100 best companies to work for in US just published their top100 list for the best companies to work for in US - here....

Author: AdiOltean Date: 01/10/2006

The VDS API is now public on MSDN

The VDS API is now live on MSDN! What is it? VDS offers a COM-based API for volume, disk and LUN...

Author: AdiOltean Date: 01/05/2006

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