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x:Name attribute

Uniquely identifies object elements for access to the instantiated object from code-behind or general code. Once applied to a backing programming model, x:Name can be considered equivalent to the variable holding an object reference, as returned by a constructor.

XAML attribute usage

<object x:Name="XAMLNameValue".../>

XAML values

Term Description
XAMLNameValue A string that conforms to the restrictions of the XamlName grammar.

XamlName grammar

The following is the normative grammar for a string that is used as a key in this XAML implementation:

XamlName ::= NameStartChar (NameChar)*
NameStartChar ::= LetterCharacter | '_'
NameChar ::= NameStartChar | DecimalDigit
LetterCharacter ::= ('a'-'z') | ('A'-'Z')
DecimalDigit ::= '0'-'9'
CombiningCharacter::= none
  • Characters are restricted to the lower ASCII range, and more specifically to Roman alphabet uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and the underscore (_) character.
  • The Unicode character range is not supported.
  • A name cannot begin with a digit. Some tool implementations prepend an underscore (_) to a string if the user supplies a digit as the initial character, or the tool autogenerates x:Name values based on other values that contain digits.


The specified x:Name becomes the name of a field that is created in the underlying code when XAML is processed, and that field holds a reference to the object. The process of creating this field is performed by the MSBuild target steps, which also are responsible for joining the partial classes for a XAML file and its code-behind. This behavior is not necessarily XAML-language specified; it is the particular implementation that Universal Windows Platform (UWP) programming for XAML applies to use x:Name in its programming and application models.

Each defined x:Name must be unique within a XAML namescope. Generally, a XAML namescope is defined at the root element level of a loaded page and contains all elements under that element in a single XAML page. Additional XAML namescopes are defined by any control template or data template that is defined on that page. At run time, another XAML namescope is created for the root of the object tree that is created from an applied control template, and also by object trees created from a call to XamlReader.Load. For more info, see XAML namescopes.

Design tools often autogenerate x:Name values for elements when they are introduced to the design surface. The autogeneration scheme varies depending on which designer you are using, but a typical scheme is to generate a string that starts with the class name that backs the element, followed by an advancing integer. For example, if you introduce the first Button element to the designer, you might see that in the XAML this element has the x:Name attribute value of "Button1".

x:Name cannot be set in XAML property element syntax, or in code using SetValue. x:Name can only be set using XAML attribute syntax on elements.

Note  Specifically for C++/CX apps, a backing field for an x:Name reference is not created for the root element of a XAML file or page. If you need to reference the root object from C++ code-behind, use other APIs or tree traversal. For example you can call FindName for a known named child element and then call Parent.

x:Name and other Name properties

Some types used in UWP XAML also have a property named Name. For example, FrameworkElement.Name and TextElement.Name.

If Name is available as a settable property on an element, Name and x:Name can be used interchangeably in XAML, but an error results if both attributes are specified on the same element. There are also cases where there's a Name property but it's read-only (like VisualState.Name). If that's the case you always use x:Name to name that element in the XAML and the read-only Name exists for some less-common code scenario.

Note  FrameworkElement.Name generally should not be used as a way to change values originally set by x:Name, although there are some scenarios that are exceptions to that general rule. In typical scenarios, the creation and definition of XAML namescopes is a XAML processor operation. Modifying FrameworkElement.Name at run time can result in an inconsistent XAML namescope / private field naming alignment, which is hard to keep track of in your code-behind.

x:Name and x:Key

x:Name can be applied as an attribute to elements within a ResourceDictionary to act as a substitute for the x:Key attribute. (It's a rule that all elements in a ResourceDictionary must have an x:Key or x:Name attribute.) This is common for Storyboarded animations. For more info, see section of ResourceDictionary and XAML resource references.