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Manage Data access governance reports using SharePoint Online PowerShell

Some features in this article require Microsoft SharePoint Premium - SharePoint Advanced Management

While Data access governance is available in SharePoint admin center portal, large organizations usually look for PowerShell support in order to manage scale via scripting and automation. This document discusses all appropriate PowerShell commands available via SharePoint Online PowerShell module to manage reports from Data access governance.


PowerShell support for Data access governance is available from module "Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell" and version "16.0.25409" onwards.


Run the ‘Connect-SPOService’ command WITHOUT the Credential parameter. We do NOT support sign-in using the Credential parameter inline with the latest security practices.

Creating reports using PowerShell

Use the Start-SPODataAccessGovernanceInsight command to generate all reports with appropriate filters and parameters

Oversharing baseline report using permissions

The definition of 'oversharing' can be different for different customers. Data access governance considers 'number of users' as one possible pivot to establish a baseline. You can generate a report of all sites in your tenant with 'Everyone except external users' permissions, guest user permissions, sharing links, items with unique permissions, and with total number of unique users having permissions to content of that site, as of 48 hours ago from report generation. This report is considered a 'snapshot' report.

To generate a report for all your SharePoint sites, run the following command:

Start-SPODataAccessGovernanceInsight -ReportEntity PermissionedUsers -ReportType Snapshot -Workload SharePoint -CountOfUsersMoreThan 0  -Name "ReportForTestingLatestFixes"

To generate a report for all your OneDrive for business accounts, run the following command:

Start-SPODataAccessGovernanceInsight -ReportEntity PermissionedUsers -ReportType Snapshot -Workload OneDriveForBusiness -CountOfUsersMoreThan 0  -Name "ReportForTestingLatestFixesODB"

These commands generate a list of all sites where atleast one user can access any content within the site. More information about the list of sites and how to interpret the results is provided here.


Since these reports are comprehensive and are likely to cover all data in your tenant, the maximum number of reports that are allowed are 2; one per workload. And once a report is run, the next run is allowed after 30 days.

Once you understand the extent of oversharing in your tenant, you can track further deviations specifically from active sites in last 28 days. You can generate reports on sites which are very active in key factors of potential oversharing such as 'Sharing links' or content shared with 'Everyone except external users', in the last 28 days.

These reports are useful in identifying sites which are active in collaboration and hence needs quicker intervention to mitigate any potential oversharing risk. These 'RecentActivity' based reports identify sites which are generating the most number of sharing links in the last 28 days.

Start-SPODataAccessGovernanceInsight -ReportEntity SharingLinks_Anyone -Workload SharePoint -ReportType RecentActivity

Provide the workload value as 'OneDriveForBusiness' to get all OneDrive accounts with the same criteria.

Start-SPODataAccessGovernanceInsight -ReportEntity SharingLinks_PeopleInYourOrg -Workload SharePoint -ReportType RecentActivity

Provide the workload value as 'OneDriveForBusiness' to get all OneDrive accounts with the same criteria.

Start-SPODataAccessGovernanceInsight -ReportEntity SharingLinks_Guests -Workload SharePoint -ReportType RecentActivity

Provide the workload value as 'OneDriveForBusiness' to get all OneDrive accounts with the same criteria.

Content shared with Everyone except external users in last 28 days

While Sharing links are one possible contributor for potential oversharing, another key contributor is 'Everyone except external users' (EEEU) which makes content 'public' that is, visible to entire organization and makes it easy for others to discover content and get access. These reports identify sites which actively used EEEU at various scopes in last 28 days.

Sites shared with Everyone except external users in last 28 days

When EEEU is added to a site membership (owners, members, or visitors), the entire content of the site becomes public and more prone to oversharing. The following PowerShell command triggers the report to capture such sites in the last 28 days:

Start-SPODataAccessGovernanceInsight -ReportEntity EveryoneExceptExternalUsersAtSite -Workload SharePoint -ReportType RecentActivity -Name "PublicSiteViaEEEU"


Currently report for OneDriveForBusiness with EEEU at the site level isn't supported.

Items shared with Everyone except external users in last 28 days

The following PowerShell command triggers the report to capture sites where specific items (files/folders/lists) were shared with EEEU in the last 28 days:

Start-SPODataAccessGovernanceInsight -ReportEntity EveryoneExceptExternalUsersAtSite -Workload SharePoint -ReportType RecentActivity -Name "PublicSiteViaEEEU"

Provide the workload value as 'OneDriveForBusiness' to get all OneDrive accounts with the same criteria.

Sensitivity label in files report

This PowerShell command triggers the report to list sites where specific items were labeled with a given 'label', as of report generation date.

First, retrieve the label name or label GUID using "Security and compliance" PowerShell module.

Get-Label | Format-Table -Property DisplayName, Name, GUID, ContentType

Then, use the Name AND GUID to retrieve sites with files labeled with the given label name or GUID.

Start-SPODataAccessGovernanceInsight -ReportEntity SensitivityLabelForFiles -Workload SharePoint -ReportType Snapshot -FileSensitivityLabelGUID "a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1" -FileSensitivityLabelName Secret


Currently, the report for 'OneDriveForBusiness' accounts with labeled files isn't supported.

Tracking reports using PowerShell


All report creations result in a GUID as output which could be used to track the report status.

Start-SPODataAccessGovernanceInsight -ReportEntity SensitivityLabelForFiles -Workload SharePoint -ReportType Snapshot -FileSensitivityLabelGUID "a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1" -FileSensitivityLabelName Secret
ReportId                             Status
--------                             ------
a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1 NotStarted

Use the Get-SPODataAccessGovernanceInsight command to retrieve the current status of a specific Data access governance report using the report ID.

Get-SPODataAccessGovernanceInsight -ReportID a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1
ReportId          : a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1
ReportEntity      : SharingLinks_Anyone
Status            : InQueue
Workload          : SharePoint
TriggeredDateTime : 11/13/2024 19:32:34
CreatedDateTime   : 11/13/2024 20:09:23
ReportStartTime   : 10/17/2024 19:32:33
ReportEndTime     : 11/13/2024 19:32:33
ReportType        : RecentActivity
SitesFound        : 120

The ReportStartTime and ReportEndTime indicate the period of data to generate the report. The status is marked as 'Completed' when the report generation is complete.

You can also view the current status of DAG reports by using the filter ReportEntity instead of ID. The reportID is listed in the output and is required later to download a specific report.

Get-SPODataAccessGovernanceInsight -ReportEntity PermissionedUsers
ReportId             : a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1
ReportName           : PermissionReportFor1AsOfSept
ReportEntity         : PermissionedUsers
Status               : Completed
Workload             : SharePoint
TriggeredDateTime    : 09/18/2024 11:06:16
CreatedDateTime      : 09/22/2024 12:12:48
ReportType           : Snapshot
CountOfUsersMoreThan : 1
CountOfSitesInReport : 7
CountOfSitesInTenant : 22
Privacy              : All
Sensitivity          : {All}
Templates            : {All}

ReportId             : b1b1b1b1-cccc-dddd-eeee-f2f2f2f2f2f2
ReportName           : PermissionReportFor1AsOfOct
ReportEntity         : PermissionedUsers
Status               : Completed
Workload             : SharePoint
TriggeredDateTime    : 10/09/2024 14:15:40
CreatedDateTime      : 10/09/2024 15:18:23
ReportType           : Snapshot
CountOfUsersMoreThan : 100
CountOfSitesInReport : 0
CountOfSitesInTenant : 26
Privacy              : All
Sensitivity          : {All}
Templates            : {All}

View and download reports using PowerShell

To download a specific report, you need the reportID. Retrieve the reportID using the Get-SPODataAccessGovernanceInsight command and use the Export-SPODataAccessGovernanceInsight command to download the report to a specified path.

Export-SPODataAccessGovernanceInsight -ReportID a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1 -DownloadPath "C:\Users\TestUser\Documents\DAGReports"

This downloads a CSV file to the specified path. Details of the CSV/view for each report are discussed here.


The default download path is the 'Downloads' folder.

Remedial actions using PowerShell

Once Data access governance reports are generated, SharePoint admins can perform remedial actions as described here. The following section describes PowerShell commands to trigger and track 'site access review' as a remedial action.

Initiate Site access review using PowerShell

Use Start-SPOSiteReview command to initiate a site access review for a specific site, listed under a Data access governance report. The Data access governance report provides the context under which the review should be initiated. Retrieve the reportID, site ID from the CSV file and provide comments to give clarity to the site owner regarding the purpose of the review.

Start-SPOSiteReview -ReportID a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1 -SiteID c2c2c2c2-dddd-eeee-ffff-a3a3a3a3a3a3 -Comment "Check for org wide access"
ReviewId                : a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1
SiteId                  : c2c2c2c2-dddd-eeee-ffff-a3a3a3a3a3a3
ReviewInitiatedDateTime : 13-11-2024 20:55:41
ReportEntity            : PermissionedUsers
Status                  : Pending
AdminComment            : Check for org wide access
SiteName                : All Company

This triggers emails to site owner as described here.

Track Site access reviews using PowerShell

Use Start-SPOSiteReview command to track the status of site access reviews. For specific reviews, you can use the ReviewID value as shown in the output. To retrieve all review related to a reporting module, use the ReportEntity parameter.

Get-SPOSiteReview -ReportEntity PermissionedUsers
ReviewId                : a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1
SiteId                  : c2c2c2c2-dddd-eeee-ffff-a3a3a3a3a3a3
ReviewInitiatedDateTime : 13-11-2024 20:55:41
ReviewCompletedDateTime :
ReportCreatedDateTime   : 13-11-2024 23:25:41
ReportEndDateTime       : 13-11-2024 23:25:41
ReportEntity            : PermissionedUsers
Status                  : Pending
AdminComment            : Check for org wide access
SiteName                : All Company
ReviewerEmail           :
ReviewerComment         :

ReviewId                : a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1
SiteId                  : c2c2c2c2-dddd-eeee-ffff-a3a3a3a3a3a3
ReviewInitiatedDateTime : 24-10-2024 11:07:39
ReviewCompletedDateTime : 15-11-2024 11:07:39
ReportCreatedDateTime   : 15-10-2024 09:24:47
ReportEndDateTime       : 15-10-2024 11:39:52
ReportEntity            : PermissionedUsers
Status                  : Completed
AdminComment            : Check for org wide access
SiteName                : All Company
ReviewerEmail           : Jon@contosofinance.com
ReviewerComment         : Removed EEEU for sensitive documents