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Create Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes offers in the commercial marketplace

Creating Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes offers in the Azure Marketplace allows organizations to extend Azure services to Kubernetes clusters running anywhere - on-premises, in other clouds, or at the edge. By listing these offers in the Azure Marketplace, you can help customers seamlessly manage and govern their Kubernetes workloads using Azure Arc.

To achieve Azure Arc feature consistency and quality on validated partner platforms, we built a conformance test framework to validate the functionality. To learn more about the validation program, go to Azure Arc validation.


To create Azure Arc offers in the commercial marketplace, you need the following prerequisites:

  • An Azure account with permissions to create and publish offers in the commercial marketplace
  • Technical assets for your offer, such as container images, Helm charts, or a Cloud Native Application Bundle (CNAB)

Get an overview of Azure Arc

The following resources provide an overview of Azure Arc offers in commercial marketplace.

Resource Description
Azure Arc overview Learn about Azure Arc and how it simplifies governance and management by delivering a consistent multicloud and on-premises management platform.
Hybrid and multicloud management and solution Learn how to secure, develop, and operate workloads with Azure services anywhere.
Overview of Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes Learn about Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes and how it extends Azure management capabilities to any Kubernetes cluster.
Azure Arc jumpstart Get an Azure Arc environment up and running quickly - extensive, automated, and open-source.
Sample CNAB for Arc-connected clusters Find samples that show how an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) can prepare a Kubernetes application that can be installed only on Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes Clusters.

Learn about the Azure Arc ISV Partner program

The following resource provides information about the Azure Arc ISV Partner program.

Resource Description
What is the Azure Arc ISV Partner program? Learn about the Azure Arc ISV Partner program, which enables independent software vendors to extend their solutions to Azure Arc and manage them seamlessly.

Publish to Azure Marketplace

To publish the offer to the Azure Marketplace, use the following steps. For more in-depth details of these steps, see Prepare your Azure Container technical assets for a Kubernetes application.

  1. Confirm which Kubernetes distributions you can currently deploy to via Helm charts.
  2. Create and gather artifacts.
  3. Create Azure Container registry.
  4. Add Microsoft service principal with ACRPull role.
  5. Prepare CNAB package.
  6. Upload the CNAB to ACR with artifacts from step 2.
  7. Create the marketplace offer through Partner Center.
  8. Publish offer to "Preview" subscriptions to perform validation.
  9. Validate deployment via Azure Marketplace to test your Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster.
  10. Publish the offer as a public offering.

These offers not only demonstrate the flexibility and power of Azure Arc in extending Azure’s capabilities to Kubernetes workloads, but they also make it easier for customers to adopt hybrid cloud strategies and manage complex environments at scale.

See use cases for currently validated ISV partners

The following resources provide information about currently validated ISV partners and use cases for Azure Arc.

Resource Description
Currently validated partners and use cases Learn about the currently validated partners and use cases for Azure Arc, including detailed information on their solutions and benefits.
Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes validation The Azure Arc team works with key industry Kubernetes offering providers to validate Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes with their Kubernetes distributions. Read about validated distributions and scenarios.