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Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization
यह ब्राउज़र अब समर्थित नहीं है.
नवीनतम सुविधाओं, सुरक्षा अपडेट और तकनीकी सहायता का लाभ लेने के लिए Microsoft Edge में अपग्रेड करें.
This article shows how to debug the client-side code (JavaScript or TypeScript) of your add-in when the following conditions are met.
To determine which browser or webview is being used on your computer, see Browsers and webview controls used by Office Add-ins.
In recent versions of Office, one way to identify the webview control that Office is using is through the personality menu on any add-in where it's available. (The personality menu isn't supported in Outlook.) Open the menu and select Security Info. In the Security Info dialog on Windows, the Runtime reports Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Edge Legacy, or Internet Explorer. The runtime isn't included on the dialog in older versions of Office.
To install a version of Office that uses Trident or to force your current version to use Trident, see Switch to the Trident webview.
Windows 10 and 11 include a web development tool called "F12" because it was originally launched by pressing F12 in Internet Explorer. F12 is now an independent application used to debug your add-in when it is running in the Internet Explorer webview control, Trident. The application is not available in earlier versions of Windows.
If your add-in has an add-in command that executes a function, the function runs in a hidden browser runtime process that the F12 tools cannot detect or attach to, so the technique described in this article cannot be used to debug code in the function.
The following steps are the instructions for debugging your add-in. If you just want to test the F12 tools themselves, see Example add-in to test the F12 tools.
Sideload and run the add-in.
Launch the F12 development tools that corresponds to your version of Office.
IEChooser opens with a window named Choose target to debug. Your add-in will appear in the window named by the filename of the add-in's home page. In the following screenshot, it is Home.html
. Only processes that are running in Internet Explorer, or Trident, appear. The tool cannot attach to processes that are running in other browsers or webviews, including Microsoft Edge.
Select your add-in's process; that is, its home page file name. This action will attach the F12 tools to the process and open the main F12 user interface.
Open the Debugger tab.
In the upper left of the tab, just below the debugger tool ribbon, there is a small folder icon. Select this to open a drop down list of the files in the add-in. The following is an example.
Select the file that you want to debug and it opens in the the script (left) pane of the Debugger tab. If you're using a transpiler, bundler, or minifier, that changes the name of the file, it will have the final name that is actually loaded, not the original source file name.
Scroll to a line where you want to set a breakpoint and click in the margin to the left of the line number. You'll see a red dot to the left of the line and a corresponding line appears in the Breakpoints tab of the bottom right pane. The following screenshot is an example.
Execute functions in the add-in as needed to trigger the breakpoint. When the breakpoint is hit, a right-pointing arrow appears on the red dot of the breakpoint. The following screenshot is an example.
For more information about using the F12 tools, see Inspect running JavaScript with the Debugger.
This example uses Word and a free add-in from AppSource.
If your add-in uses the Office Dialog API, the dialog runs in a separate process from the task pane (if any) and the tools must attach to that process. Follow these steps.
There are two ways to switch the Trident webview. You can run a simple command in a command prompt, or you can install a version of Office that uses Trident by default. We recommend the first method. But you should use the second in the following scenarios.
If your project is Node.js-based (that is, not developed with Visual Studio and Internet Information server (IIS)), you can force Office on Windows to use either the EdgeHTML webview control that is provided by Edge Legacy or the Trident webview control that is provided by Internet Explorer to run add-ins, even if you have a combination of Windows and Office versions that would normally use a more recent webview. For more information about which browsers and webviews are used by various combinations of Windows and Office versions, see Browsers and webview controls used by Office Add-ins.
The tool that's used to force the change in webview is supported only in the Beta subscription channel of Microsoft 365. Join the Microsoft 365 Insider program and select the Beta Channel option to access Office Beta builds. See also About Office: What version of Office am I using?.
Strictly, it's the webview
switch of this tool (see Step 2) that requires the Beta channel. The tool has other switches that don't have this requirement.
If your project was not created with the Yeoman generator for Office Add-ins tool, you need to install the office-addin-dev-settings tool. Run the following command in a command prompt.
npm install office-addin-dev-settings --save-dev
The office-addin-dev-settings tool is not supported on Mac.
Specify the webview that you want Office to use with the following command in a command prompt in the root of the project. Replace <path-to-manifest>
with the relative path, which is just the manifest filename if it's in the root of the project. Replace <webview>
with either ie
or edge-legacy
. Note that the options are named after the browsers in which the webviews originated. The ie
option means "Trident" and the edge-legacy
option means "EdgeHTML".
npx office-addin-dev-settings webview <path-to-manifest> <webview>
The following are examples.
npx office-addin-dev-settings webview manifest.xml ie
npx office-addin-dev-settings webview manifest.json edge-legacy
You should see a message in the command line that the webview type is now set to IE (or Edge Legacy).
When you're finished, set Office to resume using the default webview for your combination of Windows and Office versions with the following command.
npx office-addin-dev-settings webview <path-to-manifest> default
Use the following procedure to install either a version of Office (downloaded from a Microsoft 365 subscription) that uses the Microsoft Edge Legacy webview (EdgeHTML) to run add-ins or a version that uses Internet Explorer (Trident).
In any Office application, open the File tab on the ribbon, and then select Office Account or Account. Select the About host-name button (for example, About Word).
On the dialog that opens, find the full xx.x.xxxxx.xxxxx build number and make a copy of it somewhere.
Download the Office Deployment Tool.
Run the downloaded file to extract the tool. You are prompted to choose where to install the tool.
In the folder where you installed the tool (where the setup.exe
file is located), create a text file with the name config.xml
and add the following contents.
<Add OfficeClientEdition="64" Channel="SemiAnnual" Version="16.0.xxxxx.xxxxx">
<Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail">
<Language ID="en-us" />
Change the Version
.Optionally, change the value of OfficeClientEdition
to "32"
to install 32-bit Office, and change the Language ID
value as needed to install Office in a different language.
Open a command prompt as an administrator.
Navigate to the folder with the setup.exe
and config.xml
Run the following command.
setup.exe /configure config.xml
This command installs Office. The process may take several minutes.
After installation, be sure that you turn off automatic updating of Office, so that Office isn't updated to a version that doesn't use webview you want to work with before you've completed using it. This can happen within minutes of installation. Follow these steps.
When you are finished using the old version of Office, reinstall your newer version by editing the config.xml
file and changing the Version
to the build number that you copied earlier. Then repeat the setup.exe /configure config.xml
command in an administrator command prompt. Optionally, re-enable automatic updates.
Office Add-ins प्रतिक्रिया
Office Add-ins एक ओपन सोर्स प्रोजेक्ट है. प्रतिक्रिया प्रदान करने के लिए लिंक का चयन करें:
प्रशिक्षण पथ
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization