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Enable lost mode on iOS/iPadOS devices with Intune

The Lost mode device action helps you enable lost mode on lost or stolen iOS/iPadOS devices. This mode lets you enter a message and a phone number that appears on the lock screen of the device. To use lost mode, the device must be a corporate-owned iOS/iPadOS device that is in supervised mode.

Supported platforms

  • iOS 9.3 and later
  • iPadOS 13.0 or later

This feature isn't supported on the following platforms:

  • Windows
  • Windows Phone
  • macOS
  • Android

Enable lost mode

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Intune admin center.
  2. Select Devices, and then select All devices.
  3. From the list of devices you manage, choose an iOS/iPadOS device, and then choose the Lost mode (supervised only).
  4. Under Lost mode, select Enable.
  5. In the Message to display on lock screen, type a message to display on the device's lock screen.
  6. Optionally, enter a phone number in the Phone number to display box.
  7. Select OK to save your changes.

When you enable lost mode, all use of the device is blocked. The end user can't access the device until you disable lost mode. While lost mode is enabled, use the Locate device action to find the device.


Some built-in device functionalities may still work. For example, Siri may still be used to make calls unless it is disabled.

Security and privacy information for the Lost mode and Locate device actions

  • No device location information is sent to Intune until you turn on this action.
  • When you use the Locate device action, the latitude and longitude coordinates of the device are sent to Intune, and shown in the Azure portal.
  • The data is stored for 24 hours, then removed. You can't manually remove the location data.
  • Location data is encrypted, both while stored, and while being transmitted.
  • In the message you enter to show on the lock screen, be sure to include specific details to return the lost device.

Next steps

To see the status of enabling lost mode, open Devices, and select Device actions.