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Device Compliance settings for iOS/iPadOS in Intune

This article lists and describes the different compliance settings you can configure on iOS/iPadOS devices in Intune. As part of your mobile device management (MDM) solution, use these settings to require an email, mark rooted (jailbroken) devices as not compliant, set an allowed threat level, set passwords to expire, and more.

This feature applies to:

  • iOS/iPadOS

As an Intune administrator, use these compliance settings to help protect your organizational resources.

Before you begin


  • Unable to set up email on the device

    • Not configured (default) - This setting isn't evaluated for compliance or noncompliance.
    • Require - A managed email account is required. If the user already has an email account on the device, the email account must be removed so Intune can set one up correctly. If no email account exists on the device, the user should contact the IT administrator to configure a managed email account.

    The device is considered noncompliant in the following situations:

    • The email profile is assigned to a different user group than the user group targeted by the compliance policy.
    • The user already set up an email account on the device that matches the Intune email profile deployed to the device. Intune can't overwrite the user-configured profile, and Intune can't manage it. To be compliant, the end user must remove the existing email settings. Then, Intune can install the managed email profile.

For details about email profiles, see configure access to organization email using email profiles with Intune.

Device Health

  • Jailbroken devices
    Supported for iOS 8.0 and later

    • Not configured (default) - This setting isn't evaluated for compliance or noncompliance.
    • Block - Mark rooted (jailbroken) devices as not compliant.
  • Require the device to be at or under the Device Threat Level
    Supported for iOS 8.0 and later

    Select the maximum allowed device threat level evaluated by your mobile threat defense service. Use this setting to take the risk assessment as a condition for compliance. Choose the allowed threat level:

    • Not configured (default) - This setting isn't evaluated for compliance or noncompliance.
    • Secured - This option is the most secure, and means that the device can't have any threats. a device with any level of threats is evaluated as noncompliant.
    • Low - The device is evaluated as compliant if only low-level threats are present. Anything higher puts the device in a noncompliant status.
    • Medium - The device is evaluated as compliant if the threats that are present on the device are low or medium level. A device that has a high-level threat is considered to be noncompliant.
    • High - This option is the least secure, as it allows all threat levels. It can be useful when using this solution only for reporting purposes.

Device Properties

Operating System Version

  • Minimum OS version
    Supported for iOS 8.0 and later

    A device that doesn't meet the minimum OS version requirement is considered to be noncompliant. The user can view a link with information on how to upgrade and can choose to upgrade their device. After that, they can access organization resources.

  • Maximum OS version
    Supported for iOS 8.0 and later

    When a device uses an OS version later than the version in the rule, access to organization resources is blocked. The end user is asked to contact their IT administrator. The device can't access organization resources until a rule changes to allow the OS version.

  • Minimum OS build version
    Supported for iOS 8.0 and later

    When Apple publishes security updates, the build number is typically updated, not the OS version. Use this feature to specify a minimum allowed build number on the device. For Apple Rapid Security Response updates, enter the supplemental build version, such as 20E772520a.

  • Maximum OS build version
    Supported for iOS 8.0 and later

    When Apple publishes security updates, the build number is typically updated, not the OS version. Use this feature to enter a maximum allowed build number on the device. For Apple Rapid Security Response updates, enter the supplemental build version, such as 20E772520a.

Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

  • Require the device to be at or under the machine risk score

    Select the maximum allowed machine risk score for devices evaluated by Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Devices that exceed this score get marked as noncompliant.

    • Not configured (default)
    • Clear
    • Low
    • Medium
    • High

System Security



After a compliance or configuration policy is applied to an iOS/iPadOS device, users are prompted to set a passcode every 15 minutes. Users are continually prompted until a passcode is set. When a passcode is set for the iOS/iPadOS device, the encryption process automatically starts. The device remains encrypted until the passcode is disabled.

  • Require a password to unlock mobile devices

    • Not configured (default) - This setting isn't evaluated for compliance or noncompliance.
    • Require - Users must enter a password before they can access their device. iOS/iPadOS devices that use a password are encrypted.
  • Simple passwords
    Supported for iOS 8.0 and later

    • Not configured (default) - Users can create simple passwords like 1234 or 1111.
    • Block - Users can't create simple passwords, such as 1234 or 1111.
  • Minimum password length
    Supported for iOS 8.0 and later

    Enter the minimum number of digits or characters that the password must have.

  • Required password type
    Supported for iOS 8.0 and later

    Choose the password type required on the device. When set to Not configured, which is the default choice, Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Your options:

    • Not configured: The password is determined by the device's default settings. A user's OS might allow simple passwords, like 0000 and 1234.
    • Alphanumeric: The password must contain a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numeric characters.
    • Numeric: The password at minimum must be a set of numeric characters, such as 123456789. Alphabetic passwords and alphanumeric passwords are also supported.
  • Number of non-alphanumeric characters in password
    Enter the minimum number of special characters, such as &, #, %, !, and so on, that must be in the password.

    Setting a higher number requires the user to create a password that is more complex.

  • Maximum minutes after screen lock before password is required
    Supported for iOS 8.0 and later

    Select how much time is allowed to pass after the screen locks before users have to enter a password to access their device. Options include the default of Not configured, Immediately, and from 1 minute to 4 hours.

  • Maximum minutes of inactivity until screen locks
    Select the amount of idle time allowed before the device locks its screen. Options include the default of Not configured, Immediately, and from 1 minute to 15 minutes.

  • Password expiration (days)
    Supported for iOS 8.0 and later

    Enter how long, in days, a password is valid before the user must create a new one.

  • Number of previous passwords to prevent reuse
    Supported for iOS 8.0 and later

    Enter the number of previously used passwords that can't be used. For example, if you enter 5, users can't reuse their 5 most recent passwords.

Device Security

  • Restricted apps
    You can restrict apps by adding their bundle IDs to the policy. If a device has the app installed, the device is marked as noncompliant.


    The Restricted apps setting applies to un-managed apps that are installed outside of management context.

Next steps