संपादित करें

इसके माध्यम से साझा किया गया


The scripts used in Lite Touch Installation (LTI) and ZTI reference properties to determine the process steps and configuration settings used during the deployment process. The scripts create some of these properties automatically. Other properties must be configured in the CustomSettings.ini file. Some of these properties are:

  • Specific to ZTI only

  • Specific to LTI only

  • For use in both ZTI and LTI

    Use this reference to help determine the correct properties to configure and the valid values to include for each property.

    For each property the following information is provided:

  • Description.Provides a description of the purpose of the property and any pertinent information regarding the customization of the property.


    Unless explicitly specified for ZTI or LTI only, a property is valid for both ZTI and LTI.

  • Value and Description.Indicates the valid values to be specified for the property and a brief description of what each value means. (Values in italics indicate that a value is substituted—for example the value user1, user2 indicates that user1 and user2 would be replaced with the actual name of user accounts.)

  • Example.Provides an example of a property use as it might appear in the .ini files.

    For more information about these and other task sequence properties that might be referenced while performing a ZTI deployment, see Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Variables.

    The deployment scripts generally require values to be specified in upper case so that they are properly read. Therefore, when specifying property values, use uppercase letters.

Property Definition

The following sections describe the properties that are available for LTI and ZTI deployments in MDT.


The properties are sorted in alphabetical order.


Customizes the Task Sequencer engine's display banner

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
name The name that will be used in the Task Sequencer engine's display banner
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] _SMSTSOrgName=Woodgrove Bank


Fully qualified, non-UNC directory on a hard disk on the local computer to host the AD DS log files. If the directory exists it must be empty. If it does not exist, it will be created.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
log_path Fully qualified, non-UNC directory on a hard disk on the local computer to host the AD DS log files
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] ADDSLogPath=%DestinationLogicalDrive%\Windows\NTDS


Account credentials that can be used when promoting the server to a domain controller.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
password Account credentials that can be used for the promotion operation
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] ADDSUserName=Administrator ADDSUserDomain=WoodGroveBank ADDSPassword=<complex_password>


This is the domain the account specified by ADDSUserName should be taken from. If the operation is to create a new forest or to become a member server from a backup domain controller upgrade there is no default. If the operation is to create a new tree, the default is the DNS name of the forest the computer is currently joined to. If the operation is to create a new child domain or a replica then the default is the DNS name of the domain the computer is joined to. If the operation is to demote the computer and the computer is a domain controller in a child domain, the default is the DNS name of the parent domains. If the operation is to demote the computer, and the computer is a domain controller of a tree root domain, the default is the DNS name of the forest.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
domain Domain the UserName account should be taken from
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] ADDSUserName=Administrator ADDSUserDomain=WoodGroveBank ADDSPassword=<complex_password>


Account credentials that will be used when promoting the server to a domain controller.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
user_name Account credentials that will be used for the promotion operation
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] ADDSUserName=Administrator ADDSUserDomain=WoodGroveBank ADDSPassword=complex_password


A list of user accounts and domain groups that will be added to the local Administrator group on the target computer. The Administrators property is a list of text values that can be any non-blank value. The Administrators property has a numeric suffix (for example, Administrators001 or Administrators002).

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
name The name of a user or group that is to be added to the local Administrator group
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] Administrators001=WOODGROVEBANK\NYC Help Desk Staff Administrators002=WOODGROVEBANK\North America East Help Desk Staff PowerUsers001=WOODGROVEBANK\User01 PowerUsers002=WOODGROVEBANK\User02


Defines the password that will be assigned to the local Administrator user account on the target computer. If not specified, the pre-deployment password of the Administrator user account will be used.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
admin_password The password that is to be assigned to the Administrator user account on the target computer
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] Administrators001=WOODGROVEBANK\NYC Help Desk Staff AdminPassword=<admin_password>


A list of application GUIDs that should be installed on the target computer. These applications are specified on the Applications node in Deployment Workbench. These GUIDs are stored in the Applications.xml file. The Applications property is a list of text values that can be any non-blank value. The Applications property has a numeric suffix (for example, Applications001 or Applications002).

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
application_guid The GUID is specified by Deployment Workbench for the application to be deployed to the target computer. The GUID corresponds to the application GUID stored in the Applications.xml file.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] Applications001={1D7DF331-47B7-472C-87B3-442597EC2F7D} Applications002={9d2b8999-5e4d-4f3d-bb05-edaaf4fe5628}


A space-delimited list of error codes used by the ZTIApplications script that determine the successful installation of applications.


This property is only applicable to the Install Application task sequence step type and when Install multiple applications is selected.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
error_codes The error codes that determine when applications have been successfully installed. Default values are 0 and 3010.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] ApplicationSuccessCodes=0 3010


This property is used to determine whether the Apply Local GPO Package task sequence step is performed.


The default value for this property always performs the Apply Local GPO Package task sequence step. You must explicitly provide a value of "NO" to override this behavior..

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES The Apply Local GPO Package task sequence step is performed. This is the default value.
NO The Apply Local GPO Package task sequence step is not performed.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] ApplyGPOPack=NO


The processor architecture of the processor that is currently running, which is not necessarily the processor architecture supported by the target computer. For example, when running a 32-bit-compatible operating system on a 64-bit processor, Architecture will indicate that the processor architecture is 32 bit.

Use the CapableArchitecture property to identify the actual processor architecture that the target computer supports.


This property is dynamically set by MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini. Treat this property as read only. However, you can use this property within CustomSettings.ini, as shown in the following examples, to aid in defining the configuration of the target computer.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
x86 Processor architecture is 32 bit.
x64 Processor architecture is 64 bit.


The area code to be configured for the operating system on the target computer. This property allows only numeric characters. This value is inserted into the appropriate configuration settings in Unattend.xml.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
area_code The area code where the target computer is to be deployed
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] AreaCode=206 CountryCode=001 Dialing=TONE LongDistanceAccess=9


The asset tag number associated with the target computer. The format for asset tag numbers is undefined. Use this property to create a subsection that contains settings targeted to a specific computer.


This property is dynamically set by MDT scripts and cannot have its value set in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only. However, you can use this property within CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB, as shown in the following examples, to aid in defining the configuration of the target computer.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
asset_tag The format of the asset tag is undefined and is determined by the asset tag standard of each organization.
Example 1
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDComputerName=HP-%AssetTag%
Example 2
[Settings] Priority=AssetTag, Default [Default] OSInstall=YES [0034034931] OSDComputerName=HPD530-1 [0034003233] OSDNEWMACHINENAME=BVMXP


Specifies whether the Active Directory Installation Wizard configures DNS for the new domain if it detects that the DNS dynamic update protocol is not available.


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES Configures DNS for the new domain if the DNS dynamic update protocol is not available
NO Does not configure DNS for the domain
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] AutoConfigDNS=YES


The folder in which backups of the target computer are stored. This folder exists beneath the UNC path specified in the BackupShare property. If the folder does not already exist, it will be created automatically.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Folder The name of the folder that exists beneath the shared folder specified in the BackupShare property
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DoCapture=YES BackupShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Backup$ BackupDir=%OSDComputerName% BackupDrive=C:


The drive to include in the backup of the target computer. This property defaults to the drive that contains disk 0 partition 1. It can be also set to ALL.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
backup_drive The drive letter of the drive to back up
ALL Back up all drives on the target computer
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DoCapture=YES BackupShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Backup$ BackupDir=%OSDComputerName% BackupDrive=C:


Specifies the WIM file that will be used by the ZTIBackup.wsf script. For more information about what script uses this property, see ZTIBackup.wsf.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
BackupDir The name of the Windows Imaging Format (WIM) file to be used during back up.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DoCapture=YES BackupShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Backup$ BackupDir=%OSDComputerName% BackupFile=%OSDComputerName%.wim


The shared folder in which backups of the target computer are stored.

The credentials used to access this shared folder for:

  • LTI are the credentials entered in the Deployment Wizard.

  • ZTI are the credentials used by the Configuration Manager Advanced Client Network Access account.

    The permissions required on this share are as follows:

  • Domain Computers. Allow the Create Folders/Append Data permission.

  • Domain Users. Allow the Create Folders/Append Data permission.

  • Creator Owner. Allow the Full Control permission.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
UNC_path The UNC path of the shared folder


The UNC path specified in this property must exist before deploying the target operating system.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DoCapture=YES BackupShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Backup$ BackupDir=%OSDComputerName% BackupDrive=C:


This property configures whether BitLocker PINs contain alphanumeric values.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES Alphanumeric characters are allowed in the PIN.


In addition to setting this property to YES, the Allow enhanced PINs for startup group policy setting must be enabled.
NO Only numeric characters are allowed in the PIN.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BDEInstallSuppress=NO BDEAllowAlphaNumericPin=YES BDEDriveLetter=S: BDEDriveSize=2000 BDEInstall=TPMKey BDERecoveryKey=AD BDEKeyLocation=C:


The drive letter for the partition that is not encrypted by BitLocker, also known as the System Volume. SYSVOL is the directory that contains the hardware-specific files needed to load Windows computers after the BIOS has booted the platform.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
drive_letter The letter designation for the logical drive for the System Volume (such as S or T). The default value is S.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BDEInstallSuppress=NO BDEDriveLetter=S: BDEDriveSize=2000 BDEInstall=TPMKey BDERecoveryKey=AD BDEKeyLocation=C:


The size of the BitLocker system partition. The value is specified in megabytes. In the example, the size of the BitLocker partition to create is almost 2 GB (2,000 MB).

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
drive_size The size of the partition in megabytes; the default sizes are:

- Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2: 300 MB
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BDEInstallSuppress=NO BDEDriveLetter=S: BDEDriveSize=2000 BDEInstall=TPMKey BDERecoveryKey=AD BDEKeyLocation=C:


The type of BitLocker installation to be performed. Protect the target computer using one of the following methods:

  • A TPM microcontroller

  • A TPM and an external startup key (using a key that is typically stored on a USB flash drive [UFD])

  • A TPM and PIN

  • An external startup key

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TPM Protect the computer with TPM only. The TPM is a microcontroller that stores keys, passwords, and digital certificates. The microcontroller is typically an integral part of the computer motherboard.
TPMKey Protect the computer with TPM and a startup key. Use this option to create a startup key and to save it on a UFD. The startup key must be present in the port each time the computer starts.
TPMPin Protect the computer with TPM and a pin. Use this option in conjunction with the BDEPin property.
Key Protect the computer with an external key (the recovery key) that can be stored in a folder, in AD DS, or printed.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BDEInstallSuppress=NO BDEDriveLetter=S: BDEDriveSize=2000 BDEInstall=TPMKey BDERecoveryKey=AD BDEKeyLocation=C:


Indicates whether the deployment process should skip the BitLocker installation.


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can read it properly.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES Do not attempt to install BitLocker.
NO Attempt to install BitLocker.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BDEInstallSuppress=YES


The location for storing the BitLocker recovery key and startup key.


If this property is configured using the Deployment Wizard, the property must be the drive letter of a removable disk. If the SkipBitLocker property is set to TRUE so that the Specify the BitLocker configuration wizard page is skipped, this property can be set to a UNC path in CustomSettings.ini or in the MDT database (MDT DB).

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Location Specifies where the recovery key will be stored; must be a UNC path or the drive letter of a removable disk. If not set, the first available removable drive will be used.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BDEInstallSuppress=NO BDEDriveLetter=S: BDEDriveSize=2000 BDEInstall=TPMKey BDERecoveryKey=AD BDEKeyLocation=C:


The PIN to be assigned to the target computer when configuring BitLocker and the BDEInstall or OSDBitLockerMode properties are set to TPMPin.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Pin The PIN to be used for BitLocker. The PIN can be between 4 and 20 digits long.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BDEInstallSuppress=NO BDEDriveLetter=S: BDEDriveSize=2000 BDEInstall=TPMPin BDEPin=123456789


A Boolean value that indicates whether the process creates a recovery key for BitLocker. The key is used for recovering data encrypted on a BitLocker volume. This key is cryptographically equivalent to a startup key. If available, the recovery key decrypts the volume master key (VMK), which, in turn, decrypts the full volume encryption key (FVEK).


The recovery key is stored in the location specified in the BDEKeyLocation property.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
AD A recovery key is created.
Not specified A recovery key is not created.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BDEInstallSuppress=NO BDEDriveLetter=S: BDEDriveSize=2000 BDEInstall=TPMKey BDERecoveryKey=AD BDEKeyLocation=C:


Specifies that the deployment process should not proceed until BitLocker has completed the encryption process for all specified drives. Specifying TRUE could dramatically increase the time required to complete the deployment process.


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can read it properly.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE Specifies that the deployment process should wait for drive encryption to complete.
FALSE Specifies that the deployment process should not wait for drive encryption to complete.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BDEInstallSuppress=NO BDEDriveLetter=S: BDEDriveSize=2000 OSDBitLockerMode=TPMKey OSDBitLockerStartupKeyDrive=C: OSDBitLockerCreateRecoveryPassword=AD BDEWaitForEncryption=TRUE


A setting for displaying colors on the target computer. The property can contain numeric digits and corresponds to the color quality setting. In the example, 32 indicates 32 bits per pixel for color quality. This value is inserted into the appropriate configuration settings in Unattend.xml.


The default values (in the Unattend.xml template file) are 1,024 pixels horizontal resolution, 768 pixels vertical resolution, 32-bit color depth, and 60 Hertz (Hz) vertical refresh rate.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
bits_per_pixel The number of bits per pixel to use for color. The default value is the default for the operating system being deployed.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BitsPerPel=32 VRefresh=60 XResolution=1024 YResolution=768


Identifies the operating system task sequence to be deployed to the target computer. You create the task sequence ID on the Task Sequences node in the Deployment Workbench. The BuildID property allows alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). The BuildID property cannot be blank or contain spaces.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
build_id Identifier of the operating system task sequence as defined in the Deployment Workbench for the target operating system being deployed


Make certain to use the TaskSequenceID specified in the Deployment Workbench user interface (UI) and not the GUID of the TaskSequenceID.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BuildID=BareMetal


The processor architecture of the processor supported by the target computer, not the current processor architecture that is running. For example, when running a 32-bit-compatible operating system on a 64-bit processor, CapableArchitecture will indicate that the processor architecture is 64 bit.

Use the Architecture property to see the processor architecture that is currently running.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
x86 Processor architecture is 32 bit.
x64 Processor architecture is 64 bit.


Controls whether the group membership of local groups on the target computer is captured. This group membership is captured during the State Capture Phase and is restored during the State Restore Phase.


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can read it properly.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
NO Captures no group membership information.
ALL Captures the membership of all local groups on the target computer.
YES Captures the membership of the Administrator and Power Users built-in groups and the groups listed in the groups' properties. This is the default value if some other value is specified. (YES is the typical value.)
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UDShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\MigData$ CaptureGroups=YES Groups1=NYC Application Management Groups2=NYC Help Desk Users


Specifies whether to append the DNS label at the beginning of the name of an existing directory service domain when installing a child domain.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
name The name of the child domain
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] ChildName=childdom.parentdom.WoodGroveBank.com


The network shared folder where the computer backup is stored. If the target folder does not already exist, it is automatically created.


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can read it properly.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
blank Same as AUTO.
UNC_path The UNC path to the network shared folder where the backup is stored.
AUTO Creates a backup on a local hard disk if space is available. Otherwise, the backup is saved to a network location specified in the BackupShare and BackupDir properties.
NETWORK Creates a backup on a network location specified in BackupShare and BackupDir.
NONE No backup will be performed.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UDShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\MigData$ ComputerBackupLocation=NETWORK BackupShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Backup$ BackupDir=%OSDComputerName% UDDir=%OSDComputerName% SLShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Logs$ UDProfiles=Administrator, User-01, ExtranetUser UserDataLocation=NONE


This property has been deprecated. Use OSDComputerName instead.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
None None


Specifies the name of the configuration file used during OEM deployments.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
file_name Specifies the name of the configuration file used during OEM deployments


Specifies the package ID for the configuration package used during OEM deployments.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
package Specifies the package ID for the configuration package used during OEM deployments


Specifies whether the replica is also a global catalog.


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can read it properly.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES Makes the replica a global catalog if the backup was a global catalog.
NO Does not make the replica a global catalog.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] ConfirmGC=YES


The country code to be configured for the operating system on the target computer. This property allows only numeric characters. This value is inserted into the appropriate configuration settings in Unattend.xml.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
country_code The country code where the target computer is to be deployed
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] AreaCode=206 CountryCode=001 Dialing=TONE LongDistanceAccess=9


Specifies whether the promotion operation performs only critical replication and then continues, skipping the noncritical (and potentially lengthy) portion of replication.


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can read it properly.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES Skips noncritical replication
NO Does not skip noncritical replication
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] CriticalReplicationOnly=YES


Specifies the custom selection profile used during driver installation.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
profile Custom selection profile used during driver installation
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] CustomDriverSelectionProfile=CustomDrivers


Specifies the custom selection profile used during package installation.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
profile Custom selection profile used during package installation
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] CustomPackageSelectionProfile=CustomPackages


Specifies the custom selection profile used by the wizard for filtering the display of various items.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
profile Custom selection profile by the wizard for filtering the display of various items
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] CustomWizardSelectionProfile=CustomWizard


The property that specifies the database to be used for querying property values from columns in the table specified in the Table property. The database resides on the computer specified in the SQLServer property. The instance of Microsoft SQL Server® on the computer is specified in the Instance property.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
database The name of the database to be used for querying property values
[Settings] Priority=Computers, Default [Default] OSInstall=YES [Computers] SQLServer=NYC-SQL-01 SQLShare=SQL$ Database=MDTDB Instance=SQLEnterprise2005 Table=Computers Parameters=SerialNumber, AssetTag ParameterCondition=OR


Specifies the fully qualified, non-UNC path to a directory on a fixed disk of the target computer that contains the domain database.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
path Specifies the fully qualified, non-UNC path to a directory on a fixed disk of the local computer that contains the domain database
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DatabasePath=%DestinationLogicalDrive%\Windows\NTSD


Specifies the user account used to connect to the computer running SQL Server (specified by the SQLServer property) using SQL Server authentication. The DBPwd property provides the password for the user account in the DBID property.


SQL Server authentication is not as secure as Integrated Windows authentication. Integrated Windows authentication is the recommended authentication method. Using the DBID and DBPwd properties stores the credentials in clear text in the CustomSettings.ini file and therefore is not secure. For more information about using Integrated Windows authentication, see the SQLShare property.


This property is configurable only by manually editing the CustomSettings.ini and BootStrap.ini files.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
user_id The name of the user account credentials used to access the computer running SQL Server using SQL Server authentication
[Settings] Priority=Computers, Default [Default] OSInstall=YES [Computers] SQLServer=NYC-SQL-01 DBID=SQL_User-01 DBPwd=<complex_password> NetLib=DBNMPNTW Database=MDTDB Instance=SQLEnterprise2005 Table=Computers Parameters=SerialNumber, AssetTag ParameterCondition=OR


Specifies the password for the user account specified in the DBID property. The DBID and DBPwd properties provide the credentials for performing SQL Server authentication to the computer running SQL Server (specified by the SQLServer property).


SQL Server authentication is not as secure as Integrated Windows authentication. Integrated Windows authentication is the recommended authentication method. Using the DBID and DBPwd properties stores the credentials in clear text in the CustomSettings.ini file and therefore is not secure. For more information about using Integrated Windows authentication, see the SQLShare property.


This property is configurable only by manually editing the CustomSettings.ini and BootStrap.ini files.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
user_password The password for the user account credentials specified in the DBID property for using SQL Server authentication
[Settings] Priority=Computers, Default [Default] OSInstall=YES [Computers] SQLServer=NYC-SQL-01 DBID=SQL_User-01 DBPwd=<complex_password> NetLib=DBNMPNTW Database=MDTDB Instance=SQLEnterprise2005 Table=Computers Parameters=SerialNumber, AssetTag ParameterCondition=OR


Controls the verbosity of messages written to the MDT log files. This property can be configured to help assist in troubleshooting deployments by providing extended information about the MDT deployment process.

You can set this property by starting the LiteTouch.vbs script with the /debug:true command-line parameter as follows:

cscript.exe LiteTouch.vbs /debug:true

After the LiteTouch.vbs script is started, the Debug property's value is set to TRUE, and all other scripts are automatically read the value of this property and provide verbose information.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or in the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE Debug logging is enabled, which includes the following:

- Verbose messages are logged.

- Deprecated messages are logged as errors.
FALSE Debug logging is not enabled. This is the default value.


The IP address of the default gateway being used by the target computer. The format of the IP address returned by the property is standard dotted-decimal notation; for example, Use this property to create a subsection that contains settings targeted to a group of computers based on the IP subnets on which they are located.


This property is dynamically set by MDT scripts and cannot have its value set in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only. However, you can use this property within CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB, as shown in the following examples, to aid in defining the configuration of the target computer.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
default_gateway The IP address of the default gateway in standard dotted-decimal notation
[Settings] Priority=DefaultGateway, Default [Default] OSInstall=YES [DefaultGateway] [REDMOND] Packages001=XXX00004:Program4 Packages002=XXX00005:Program5 [HOUSTON] Packages001=XXX00006:Program6 Packages002=XXX00007:Program7 Packages003=XXX00008:Program8


The value used by the scripts to access files and run programs in the deployment share that the Deployment Workbench creates. The property returns the drive letter mapped to the DeployRoot property. ZTIApplications.wsf uses the DeployDrive property when running any command-line programs with a .cmd or .bat extension.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
drive_letter The letter designation for the logical drive where the target operating system is to be installed (such as C or D)


The method being used for the deployment (UNC, media, or Configuration Manager).


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can read it properly.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
UNC The deployment is made to the target computer over the network.
Media The deployment is made from local media (such as DVD or hard disk) at the target computer.
SCCM ZTI uses this method for Configuration Manager.


The type of deployment being performed based on the deployment scenario. For ZTI, this property is set dynamically by MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini. For LTI, you can bypass the page in the Deployment Wizard on which the deployment type is selected. In addition, you can specify the deployment type by passing one of the values listed below to the LiteTouch.wsf script as a command-line option.


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can read it properly.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
NEWCOMPUTER The target computer is a new computer that has never been a member of the network.
REFRESH The target computer is an existing computer on the network that needs the desktop environment standard to be redeployed.
REPLACE An existing computer on the network is being replaced with a new computer. The user state migration data is transferred from the existing computer to a new computer.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DeploymentType=NEWCOMPUTER


Specifies the UNC or local path to the folder that is the root of the folder structure that MDT uses. This folder structure contains configuration files, scripts, and other folders and files that MDT uses. The value of this property is set based on the following MDT deployment technologies:

  • LTI. This property is the UNC path to the deployment share that the Deployment Workbench creates. Use this property to select a specific deployment share. The most common use of this property is in the BootStrap.ini file to identify a deployment share before the connection to the deployment share is established. All other deployment share folders are relative to this property (such as device drivers, language packs, or operating systems).

  • ZTI. This property is the local path to the folder to which the MDT files package is copied. The Use Toolkit Package task sequence step copies the MDT files package to a local folder on the target computer, and then automatically sets this property to the local folder.


    For ZTI, this property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or in the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
path The UNC or local path to the .
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ UserDataLocation=NONE


Disk number that the image will be deployed to.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
disk_number The number of the disk to which the image will be deployed
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DestinationDisk=0


The logical drive to which the image will be deployed.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
logical_drive_number The logical drive to which the image will be deployed
Example 1
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DestinationLogicalDrive=0
Example 2
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DestinationLogicalDrive=0

[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] InstallDNS=YES DomainNetBIOSName=WoodGroveBank NewDomain=Child DomainLevel=3 ForestLevel=3 NewDomainDNSName=newdom.WoodGroveBank.com ParentDomainDNSName=WoodGroveBank.com AutoConfigDNS=YES ConfirmGC=YES CriticalReplicationOnly=NO ADDSUserName=Administrator ADDSUserDomain=WoodGroveBank ADDSPassword=<complex_password> DatabasePath=%DestinationLogicalDrive%\Windows\NTDS ADDSLogPath=%DestinationLogicalDrive%\Windows\NTDS SysVolPath=%DestinationLogicalDrive%\Windows\SYSVOL SafeModeAdminPassword=<complex_password>


Disk partition to which the image will be deployed.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
partition_number The number of the partition to which the image will be deployed
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DestinationPartition=1


Specifies the number of DHCP scopes to configure.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
scopes Specifies the number of DHCP scopes to configure
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPScopes=1


The description of the DHCP scope.


The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DHCP configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
description The description of the DHCP scope
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPScopes0Description=DHCPScope0


Specifies the ending IP address for the DHCP scope.

The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DHCP configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
end_IP Specifies the ending IP address for the DHCP scope
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPScopes0EndIP=


Specifies the ending IP address for the DHCP scope exclusion. IP addresses that are excluded from the scope are not offered by the DHCP server to clients obtaining leases from this scope.


The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DHCP configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
exclude_end_IP Specifies the ending IP address for the DHCP scope exclusion
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPScopes0ExcludeEndIP=


Specifies the starting IP address for the DHCP scope exclusion. IP addresses that are excluded from the scope are not offered by the DHCP server to clients obtaining leases from this scope.


The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DHCP configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
exclude_start_IP Specifies the starting IP address for the DHCP scope exclusion
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPScopes0ExcludeStartIP=


Specifies the IP subnet of the scope.

The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DHCP configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
IP Specifies the IP subnet of the scope
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPScopes0IP=


A user-definable name to be assigned to the scope.

The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DHCP configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
name A user-definable name to be assigned to the scope
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPScopes0Name=DHCPScope0


Specifies the domain name that the DHCP client should use when resolving unqualified domain names with the DNS.


The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DHCP configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
DNS_domain_name Specifies the domain name that the DHCP client should use when resolving unqualified domain names with the DNS
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPScopes0OptionDNSDomainName=WoodGroveBank.com


Specifies a list of IP addresses for DNS name servers available to the client. When more than one server is assigned, the client interprets and uses the addresses in the specified order.


The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DHCP configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
DNS_server Specifies a list of IP addresses for DNS name servers available to the client
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPScopes0OptionDNSServer=


The duration that the DHCP lease is valid for the client.


The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DHCP configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
lease The duration that the DHCP lease is valid for the client
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPScopes0OptionLease=7


Specifies the client node type for NetBT clients.


The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DHCP configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
1 Configures the node type as b-node
2 Configures the node type as p-node
4 Configures the node type as m-node
8 Configures the node type as h-node
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPScopes0OptionNBTNodeType=4


Specifies the IP address used for PXE client bootstrap code.


The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DHCP configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
PXE_client Specifies the IP address used for PXE client bootstrap code
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPScopes0OptionPXEClient=


Specifies a list of IP addresses for routers on the client subnet. When more than one router is assigned, the client interprets and uses the addresses in the specified order. This option is normally used to assign a default gateway to DHCP clients on a subnet.


The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DHCP configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
router Specifies a list of IP addresses for routers on the client subnet
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPScopes0OptionRouter=


Specifies the IP addresses to be used for NBNSes on the network.


The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DHCP configurations

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
WINS_server Specifies the IP addresses to be used for NBNSes on the network
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPScopes0OptionWINSServer=


The starting IP address for the range of IP addresses that are to be included in the scope.


The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DHCP configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
start_IP The starting IP address for the range of IP addresses that are to be excluded from the scope
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPScopes0StartIP=


Specifies the subnet mask of the client subnet.


The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DHCP configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
subnet_mask Specifies the subnet mask of the client IP subnet
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPScopes0SubnetMask=


Specifies the connection-specific DNS domain suffix of client computers.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
DNS_domain_name Specifies the connection-specific DNS domain suffix of client computers
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPServerOptionDNSDomainName=Fabrikam.com


Specifies a list of IP addresses to be used as DNS name servers that are available to the client.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
DNS_server Specifies a list of IP addresses to be used as DNS name servers that are available to the client
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPServerOptionDNSServer=,


Specifies the client node type for NetBT clients.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
1 Configures the node type as b-node
2 Configures the node type as p-node
4 Configures the node type as m-node
8 Configures the node type as h-node
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPServerOptionNBTNodeType=4


Specifies the IP address used for PXE client bootstrap code.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
PXE_client Specifies the IP address used for PXE client bootstrap code
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPServerOptionPXEClient=


Specifies a list of IP addresses for routers on the client subnet. When more than one router is assigned, the client interprets and uses the addresses in the specified order. This option is normally used to assign a default gateway to DHCP clients on a subnet.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
router Specifies a list of IP addresses for routers on the client subnet
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPServerOptionRouter=


Specifies the IP addresses to be used for NBNSes on the network.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
WINS_server Specifies the IP addresses to be used for NBNSes on the network
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DHCPServerOptionWINSServer=


The type of dialing supported by the telephony infrastructure where the target computer is located. This value is inserted into the appropriate configuration settings in Unattend.xml.


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can read it properly.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
PULSE The telephony infrastructure supports pulse dialing.
TONE The telephony infrastructure supports touch-tone dialing.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] AreaCode=206 CountryCode=001 Dialing=TONE LongDistanceAccess=9


This property controls a user's ability to start Task Manager by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL. After the user starts Task Manager, they could interrupt the LTI task sequence while running in the new operating system on the target computer. This property is used in conjunction with the HideShell property and is only valid when the HideShell property is set to YES.


This property and the HideShell property must both be set to YES to prevent the user pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL and interrupting the LTI task sequence.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES Prevent the user from being able to start Task Manager by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL and subsequently interrupting the LTI task sequence.
NO Allow the user to start Task Manager by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL and subsequently interrupt the LTI task sequence. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DisableTaskMgr=YES HideShell=YES


Determines whether to use fast transfer format for transfer of a zone to DNS servers running legacy BIND implementations.

By default, all Windows-based DNS servers use a fast zone transfer format. This format uses compression, and it can include multiple records per TCP message during a connected transfer. This format is also compatible with more recent BIND-based DNS servers that run version 4.9.4 and later.


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can read it properly.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE Allows BIND secondaries
FALSE Does not allow to BIND secondaries
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DNSServerOptionBINDSecondaries=TRUE


Determines whether or not the DNS server uses recursion. By default, the DNS Server service is enabled to use recursion.


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can read it properly.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE Disables recursion on the DNS server
FALSE Enables recursion on the DNS server
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DNSServerOptionDisableRecursion=TRUE


Determines whether the DNS server reorders address (A) resource records within the same resource record that is set in the server's response to a query based on the IP address of the source of the query.

By default, the DNS Server service uses local subnet priority to reorder A resource records.


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can read it properly.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE Enables netmask ordering
FALSE Disables netmask ordering
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DNSServerOptionEnableNetmaskOrdering=TRUE


Determines whether the DNS server uses the round robin mechanism to rotate and reorder a list of resource records if multiple resource records exist of the same type that exist for a query answer.

By default, the DNS Server service uses round robin.


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can read it properly.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE Enables round robin
FALSE Disables round robin
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DNSServerOptionEnableRoundRobin=TRUE


Determines whether the DNS server attempts to clean up responses to avoid cache pollution. This setting is enabled by default. By default, DNS servers use a secure response option that eliminates adding unrelated resource records that are included in a referral answer to their cache. In most cases, any names that are added in referral answers are typically cached, and they help expedite the resolution of subsequent DNS queries.

With this feature, however, the server can determine that referred names are potentially polluting or insecure and then discard them. The server determines whether to cache the name that is offered in a referral on the basis of whether it is part of the exact, related, DNS domain name tree for which the original queried name was made.


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can read it properly.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE Enables cache security
FALSE Disables cache security
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DNSServerOptionEnableSecureCache=TRUE


Specifies that loading of a zone should fail when bad data is found.


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can read it properly.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE Enable fail on load
FALSE Disable fail on load
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DNSServerOptionFailOnLoad=TRUE


Specifies which character standard is used when checking DNS names.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
0 Uses ANSI characters that comply with Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for Comments (RFCs). This value corresponds to the Strict RFC (ANSI) selection when configuring DNS in the Deployment Workbench.
1 Uses ANSI characters that do not necessarily comply with IETF RFCs. This value corresponds to the Non RFC (ANSI) selection when configuring DNS in the Deployment Workbench.
2 Uses multibyte UCS Transformation Format 8 (UTF-8) characters. This is the default setting. This value corresponds to the Multibyte (UTF-8) selection when configuring DNS in the Deployment Workbench.
3 Uses all characters. This value corresponds to the All names selection when configuring DNS in the Deployment Workbench.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DNSServerOptionNameCheckFlag=2


Specifies the number of DNS zones to configure.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
zones Specifies the number of DNS zones to configure
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DNSZones=1 DNSZones0Name=MyNewZone DNSZones0DirectoryPartition=Forest DNSZones0FileName=MyNewZone.dns DNSZones0MasterIP=, DNSZones0Type=Secondary


Specifies the directory partition on which to store the zone when configuring secondary or stub zones.


The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DNS configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Domain Replicates zone data to all DNS server in the AD DS domain
Forest Replicates zone data to all DNS server in the AD DS forest
Legacy Replicates zone data to all domain controllers in the AD DS domain
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DNSZones0DirectoryPartition=Forest


Specifies the name of the file that will store the zone information.


The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DNS configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
file_name Specifies the name of the file that will store the zone information
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DNSZones0FileName=MyNewZone.dns


A comma delimited list of IP addresses of the main servers to be used by the DNS server when updating the specified secondary zones. This property must be specified when configuring a secondary or stub DNS zone.


The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DNS configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
IP1,IP2 A comma-delimited list of IP addresses of the main servers
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DNSZones0MasterIP=,


Specifies the name of the zone.


The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DNS configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
name Specifies the name of the zone
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DNSZones0Name=MyNewZone


Configures the Primary DNS server to "scavenge" stale records—that is, to search the database for records that have aged and delete them.


The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DNS configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE Allow stale DNS records to be scavenged.
FALSE Do not allow stale DNS records to be scavenged.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DNSZones0Scavenge=TRUE


Specifies the type of zone to create.


The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DNS configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
DSPrimary Creates a primary zone and specifying that it should be stored in AD DS on a DNS server configured as a domain controller
DSStub Creates a stub zone and specifying that it should be stored in AD DS on a DNS server configured as a domain controller
Primary Creates a primary zone
Secondary Creates a secondary zone
Stub Creates a stub zone
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DNSZones0Type=Secondary


Configures the Primary DNS server to perform dynamic updates.


The x in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DNS configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
0 Does not allow dynamic updates
1 Allows dynamic updates
2 Allows secure dynamic updates
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DNSZones0Update=1


Indicator of whether an image of the target computer is to be captured. If it is, Sysprep is run on the target computer to prepare for image creation. After Sysprep has run, a new WIM image is created and stored in the folder within the shared folder designated for target computer backups (BackupDir and BackupShare, respectively).


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can read it properly.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES Copy the necessary files to run Sysprep on the target computer, run Sysprep on the target computer, and capture a WIM image.
NO Do not run Sysprep on the target computer, and do not capture a WIM image.
PREPARE Copy the necessary files to run Sysprep on the target computer, but do not run Sysprep or other image-capture processes.
SYSPREP Copy the necessary files to run Sysprep on the target computer, run Sysprep on the target computer, but do not capture a WIM image.


The primary purpose of this value is to allow the creation of a VHD that contains an operating system after Sysprep has been run and no image capture is necessary.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DoCapture=YES DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UDShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\MigData$ UDDir=%OSDComputerName%


The user account credentials used to join the target computer to the domain specified in JoinDomain. Specify as UserName.


For ZTI, the credentials that Configuration Manager specifies typically are used. If the DomainAdmin property is specified, the credentials in the DomainAdmin property override the credentials that Configuration Manager specifies.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
domain_admin The name of the user account credentials
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DomainAdmin=NYCAdmin DomainAdminDomain=WOODGROVEBANK DomainAdminPassword=<complex_password>


The domain in which the user's credentials specified in DomainAdmin reside.


For ZTI, the credentials that Configuration Manager specifies typically are used. If the DomainAdmin property is specified, the credentials in the DomainAdmin property override the credentials that Configuration Manager specifies.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
domain_admin_domain The name of the domain where the user account credentials reside
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DomainAdmin=NYCAdmin DomainAdminDomain=WOODGROVEBANK DomainAdminPassword=<complex_password>


The password used for the domain Administrator account specified in the DomainAdmin property to join the computer to the domain.


For ZTI, the credentials that Configuration Manager specifies typically are used. If the DomainAdmin property is specified, the credentials in the DomainAdmin property override the credentials that Configuration Manager specifies.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
domain_admin_password The password for the domain Administrator account on the target computer
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DomainAdmin=NYCAdmin DomainAdminDomain=WOODGROVEBANK DomainAdminPassword=<complex_password>


This entry specifies the domain functional level. This entry is based on the levels that exist in the forest when a new domain is created in an existing forest.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Level Sets the domain functional level to one of the following:

- 2, Windows Server 2003

- 3, Windows Server 2008

- 4, Windows Server 2008 R2

- 5, Windows Server 2012
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DomainLevel=3


Assigns a NetBIOS name to the new domain.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Name Assigns a NetBIOS name to the new domain
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DomainNetBiosName=NewDom


A list of AD DS organizational units (OUs) where the target computer account can be created. The DomainOUs property lists text values that can be any non-blank value. The DomainOUs property has a numeric suffix (for example, DomainOUs1 or DomainOUs2). The values specified by DomainOUs will be displayed in the Deployment Wizard and selectable by the user. The MachineObjectOU property will then be set to the OU selected.

In addition, the same functionality can be provided by configuring the DomainOUList.xml file. The format of the DomainOUList.xml file is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
OU The OU in which the target computer account can be created
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSInstall=Y DomainOUs1=OU=Computers, OU=Tellers, OU=NYC, DC=WOODGROVEBANK, DC=Com DomainOUs2=OU=Computers, OU=Managers, OU=NYC, DC=WOODGROVEBANK, DC=Com


Specifies that deployments of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 will not create the 300 MB system partition.


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can read it properly.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES The additional system partition will not be created.
NO The additional system partition will be created.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSInstall=Y DoNotCreateExtraPartition=YES


Do not use this property in conjunction with properties to configure BitLocker settings.


This property is used to configure whether MDT performs any of the partitioning and formatting task sequence steps in task sequences created using the MDT task sequence templates.


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can read it properly.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES The partitioning and formatting task sequence steps in an MDT task sequence will be performed.
Any other value The partitioning and formatting task sequence steps in an MDT task sequence will not be performed. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSInstall=YES SkipUserData=YES USMTOfflineMigration=TRUE DoNotFormatAndPartition=YES OSDStateStorePath=\\WDG-MDT-01\StateStore$


A list of text values that associates out-of-box drivers created in the Deployment Workbench with each other (typically based on the make and model of a computer). A driver can be associated with one or more driver groups. The DriverGroup property allows the drivers within one or more groups to be deployed to a target computer.

The text values in the list can be any non-blank value. The DriverGroup property value has a numeric suffix (for example, DriverGroup001 or DriverGroup002). After it is defined, a driver group is associated with a computer. A computer can be associated with more than one driver group.

For example, there are two sections for each of the computer manufacturers [Mfgr01] and [Mfgr02]. Two driver groups are defined for the manufacturer Mfgr01: Mfgr01 Video Drivers and Mfgr01 Network Drivers. For the manufacturer Mfgr02, one driver group is defined, Mfgr02 Drivers. One driver group, Shared Drivers, is applied to all computers found in the [Default] section.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
driver_group_name The name of the driver group defined in the Deployment Workbench
[Settings] Priority=Make, Default [Default] DriverGroup001=Shared Drivers :: [Mfgr01] DriverGroup001=Mfgr01 Video Drivers DriverGroup002=Mfgr01 Network Drivers [Mfgr02] DriverGroup001=Mfgr02 Drivers


This property is used to control the device drivers that are injected by the Inject Drivers task sequence step.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Auto Inject only matching drivers from the selection profile or folder. This is the same behavior as MDT 2008, which injects all drivers that matched one of the plug and play (PnP) identifiers (IDs) on the target computer.
All Inject all drivers in the selection profile or folder.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DriverInjectionMode=ALL DriverSelectionProfile=Nothing DriverPaths001=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Drivers$ DriverPaths002=\\NYC-AM-FIL-03\WinDrvs


A list of UNC paths to shared folders where additional device drivers are located. These device drivers are installed with the target operating system on the target computer. The MDT scripts copy the contents of these folders to the C:\Drivers folder on the target computer. The DriverPaths property is a list of text values that can be any non-blank value. The DriverPaths property has a numeric suffix (for example, DriverPaths001 or DriverPaths002).

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
UNC_path UNC path to the shared folder in which the additional drivers reside
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DriverPaths001=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Drivers$ DriverPaths002=\\NYC-AM-FIL-03\Win8Drvs


Profile name used during driver installation.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
profile_name None
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DriverSelectionProfile=MonitorDrivers


The EventService property specifies the URL where the MDT monitoring service is running. By default, the service uses TCP port 9800 to communicate. The MDT monitoring service collects deployment information on the deployment process that can be viewed in the Deployment Workbench and using the Get-MDTMonitorData cmdlet.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
url_path The URL to the MDT monitoring service.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] EventService=https://WDG-MDT-01:9800 DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$


The EventShare property points to a shared folder in which the MDT scripts record events.

By default, the shared folder is created in C:\Events.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
UNC_path The UNC path to the shared folder in which the MDT scripts record events. The default share name is Events.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] EventShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Events DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$


Specifies the action to be taken when an LTI task sequence finishes, which is after the Summary wizard page in the Deployment Wizard.


Use this property in conjunction with the SkipFinalSummary property to skip the Summary wizard page in the Deployment Wizard and automatically perform the action.


This property value must be specified in uppercase so that the deployment scripts can read it properly.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
action Where action is one of the following:

- SHUTDOWN. Shuts down the target computer.

- REBOOT. Restarts the target computer.


- LOGOFF. Log off the current user. If the target computer is currently running Windows PE, then the target computer will be restarted.

- blank. Exit the Deployment Wizard without performing any additional actions. This is the default setting.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] FinishAction=REBOOT


Controls the method used for installed Windows:

  • setup.exe. This method is the traditional method, initiated by running setup.exe from the installation media. MDT uses this method by default.

  • imagex.exe. This method installs the operating system image using imagex.exe with the /apply option. MDT uses this method when the setup.exe method cannot be used (i.e., MDT falls back to using imagex.exe).

    Besides controlling the method used to install these operating systems, this property affects which operating system task sequences are listed in the Deployment Wizard for a specific processor architecture boot image. When the value of this property is set to NEVER, only operating system task sequences that match the processor architecture of the boot image are displayed. If the value of this property is set to any other value or is blank, all task sequences that can use the imagex.exe installation method are shown, regardless of the processor architecture.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
NEVER MDT always uses the imagex.exe method if necessary. Only task sequences that deploy an operating system that matches the boot image are displayed in the Deployment Wizard.
Any other value, including blank Any task sequence that supports the imagex.exe method is displayed in the Deployment Wizard.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSInstall=YES ForceApplyFallback=NEVER


This entry specifies the forest functional level when a new domain is created in a new forest.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
level Sets the domain functional level to one of the following:

- 2, Windows Server 2003

- 3, Windows Server 2008

- 4, Windows Server 2008 R2

- 5, Windows Server 2012
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] ForestLevel=3


The full name of the user of the target computer provided during the installation of the operating system. This value is inserted into the appropriate configuration settings in Unattend.xml.


This value is different from the user credentials created after the operating system is deployed. The FullName property is provided as information to systems administrators about the user running applications on the target computer.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
full_name The full name of the user of the target computer
[Settings] Priority=MACAddress, Default Properties=CustomProperty, ApplicationInstall [Default] CustomProperty=TRUE OrgName=Woodgrove Bank [00:0F:20:35:DE:AC] OSDNEWMACHINENAME=HPD530-1 ApplicationInstall=Custom FullName=Woodgrove Bank User [00:03:FF:FE:FF:FF] OSDNEWMACHINENAME=BVMXP ApplicationInstall=Minimum FullName=Woodgrove Bank Manager


This property is used to override the default path to the folder in which the GPO packs reside. The path specified in this property is relative to the Templates\GPOPacks folder in a distribution share. MDT automatically scans a specific subfolder of this folder based on the operating system being deployed to the target computer, such as Templates\GPOPacks\operating_system (where operating_system is the operating system being deployed). Table 3 list the supported operating systems and the subfolders that correspond to each operating system.

Table 3. Windows Operating Systems and Corresponding GPO Pack Subfolder

Operating system GPO pack subfolder
Windows 7 with SP1 Win7SP1-MDTGPOPack
Windows Server 2008 R2 WS2008R2SP1-MDTGPOPack
Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
path The path relative to the distribution_share\Templates\GPOPacks folder (where distribution_share is the root folder of the distribution share. The default value is the distribution_share\Templates\GPOPacks\operating_system folder (where operating_system is a subfolder based on the operating system version).

In the example below, setting the GPOPackPath property to a value of "Win7-HighSecurity" configures MDT to use the distribution_share\Templates\GPOPacks\Win7-HighSecurity folder as the folder where the GPO packs are stored.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] GPOPackPath=Win7-HighSecurity


The list of local groups on the target computer whose membership will be captured. This group membership is captured during the State Capture Phase and is restored during the State Restore Phase. (The default groups are Administrators and Power Users.) The Groups property is a list of text values that can be any non-blank value. The Groups property has a numeric suffix (for example, Groups001 or Groups002).

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
group_name The name of the local group on the target computer for which group membership will be captured
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UDShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\MigData$ CaptureGroups=YES Groups001=NYC Application Management Groups002=NYC Help Desk Users


This property controls the display of Windows Explorer while the LTI task sequence is running in the new operating system on the target computer. This property can be used in conjunction with the DisableTaskMgr property.


This property can be used with the DisableTaskMgr property to help prevent users from interrupting the LTI task sequence. For more information, see the DisableTaskMgr property.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES Windows Explorer is hidden until the task sequence is complete.
NO Windows Explorer is visible while the task sequence is running. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DisableTaskMgr=YES HideShell=YES


The URL to be used as the Windows Internet Explorer® home page after the target operating system is deployed.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
URL The URL of the web page to be used as the home page for Internet Explorer on the target computer
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] Home_Page=https://portal.woodgrovebank.com


The IP host name of the target computer (the name assigned to the target computer).


This is the computer name of the target computer, not the NetBIOS computer name of the target computer. The NetBIOS computer name can be shorter than the computer name. Also, this property is dynamically set by MDT scripts and cannot have its value set in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only. However, you can use this property within CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB, as shown in the following examples, to aid in defining the configuration of the target computer.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
host_name The IP host name assigned to the target computer


The package ID used for the operating system to install during OEM deployments.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
None The package ID used for the operating system to install during OEM deployments


A list of input locales to be used with the target operating system. More than one input locale can be specified for the target operating system. Each locale must be separated by a semicolon (;). If not specified, the Deployment Wizard uses the input locale configured in the image being deployed.

Exclude this setting in the Windows User State Migration Tool (USMT) when backing up and restoring user state information. Otherwise, the settings in the user state information will override the values specified in the InputLocale property.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
input_locale1; input_locale2 The locale for the keyboard attached to the target computer
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] UserLocale=en-us InputLocale=0409:00000409;0413:00020409;0413:00000409;0409:00020409


The package ID used for the operating system to install during OEM deployments.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
None The package ID used for the operating system to install during OEM deployments


The instance of SQL Server used for querying property values from columns in the table specified in the Table property. The database resides on the computer specified in the SQLServer property. The instance of SQL Server on the computer is specified in the Instance property.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
[Settings] Priority=Computers, Default [Default] OSInstall=YES [Computers] SQLServer=NYC-SQL-01 Database=MDTDB Instance=SQLEnterprise2005 Table=Computers Parameters=SerialNumber, AssetTag ParameterCondition=OR


The IP address of the target computer. The format of the IP address returned by the property is standard dotted-decimal notation; for example, Use this property to create a subsection that contains settings targeted to a specific target computer based on the IP address.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
ip_address The IP address of the target computer in standard dotted-decimal notation


Indicator of whether the computer is a desktop, because the Win32_SystemEnclosure ChassisType property value is 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 35, or 36.


Only one of the following properties will be true at a time: IsDesktop, IsLaptop, IsServer.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE The target computer is a desktop computer.
FALSE The target computer is not a desktop computer.


Specifies whether a hypervisor is present on the target computer. This property is set using information from the CPUID interface.

For further information collected about VMs and information returned from the CPUID interface, see the following properties:

  • IsVM

  • SupportsHyperVRole

  • SupportsNX

  • SupportsVT

  • Supports64Bit

  • VMPlatform


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.


The IsVM property should be used to determine whether the target computer is a virtual or physical machine.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE A hypervisor is detected.
FALSE A hypervisor is not detected.


Indicator of whether the computer is a portable computer, because the Win32_SystemEnclosure ChassisType property value is 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 21, 30, 31, or 32.


Only one of the following properties will be true at a time: IsDesktop, IsLaptop, IsServer.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE The target computer is a portable computer.
FALSE The target computer is not a portable computer.


Indicator of whether the computer is a server, because the Win32_SystemEnclosure ChassisType property value is 23 or 28.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE The target computer is a server.
FALSE The target computer is not a server.


Indicator of whether the current operating system running on the target computer is the Server Core installation option of the Windows Server operating system.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE The operating system on the target computer is the Server Core installation option of Windows Server.
FALSE The operating system on the target computer is not the Server Core installation option of Windows Server.


Indicator of whether the current operating system running on the target computer is a server operating system.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE The operating system on the target computer is a server operating system.
FALSE The operating system on the target computer is not a server operating system.


Specifies whether the target computer is currently running with Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI). The UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. UEFI is a more secure replacement for the older BIOS firmware interface present in some personal computers. For more information on UEFI, go to https://uefi.org.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE The target computer is currently running with UEFI.
FALSE The target computer is not currently running with UEFI.


It is possible that the target computer may support UEFI, but is running in a compatibility mode that emulates the older BIOS firmware interface. In this situation this value of this property will set to FALSE even though the target computer supports UEFI.


Specifies whether the target computer is a VM based on information gathered from the CPUID interface. You can determine the specific VM environment using the VMPlatform property.

For further information collected about VMs and information returned from the CPUID interface, see the following properties:

  • IsHypervisorRunning

  • SupportsHyperVRole

  • SupportsNX

  • SupportsVT

  • Supports64Bit

  • VMPlatform


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE The target computer is a VM.
FALSE The target computer is not a VM.


The domain that the target computer joins after the target operating system is deployed. This is the domain where the computer account for the target computer is created. The JoinDomain property can contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). The JoinDomain property cannot be blank or contain spaces.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
domain_name The name of the domain that the target computer joins
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] JoinDomain=WOODGROVEBANK MachineObjectOU=OU=Reception,OU=NYC,DC=Woodgrovebank,DC=com


The workgroup that the target computer joins after the target operating system is deployed. The JoinWorkgroup property can contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). The JoinWorkgroup property cannot be blank or contain spaces.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
workgroup_name The name of the workgroup that the target computer joins
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] JoinWorkgroup=WDGV_WORKGROUP


A list of keyboard locales to be used with the target operating system. More than one keyboard locale can be specified for the target operating system. Each locale must be separated by a semicolon (;). If not specified, the Deployment Wizard uses the keyboard locale configured in the image being deployed.

Exclude this setting in USMT when backing up and restoring user state information. Otherwise, the settings in the user state information will override the values specified in the KeyboardLocale property.


For this property to function properly, it must be configured in both CustomSettings.ini and BootStrap.ini. BootStrap.ini is processed before a deployment share (which contains CustomSettings.ini) has been selected.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
keyboard_locale1; keyboard_locale2 The locale of the keyboard attached to the target computer.

The value can be specified in the following formats:

- Text (en-us)

- Hexadecimal (0409:00000409)
Example 1
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] UserLocale=en-us KeyboardLocale=en-us
Example 2
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] UserLocale=en-us KeyboardLocale=0409:00000409;1809:00001809;041A:0000041A;083b:0001083b


The name of the keyboard locale to be used while in Windows PE only.


For this property to function properly, it must be configured in both CustomSettings.ini and BootStrap.ini. BootStrap.ini is processed before a deployment share (which contains CustomSettings.ini) has been selected.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
keyboard_locale The locale of the keyboard attached to the target computer.

The value can be specified in the following formats:

- Text (en-us)

- Hexadecimal (0409:00000409)
Example 1
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] KeyboardLocalePE=en-us
Example 2
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] KeyboardLocalePE=0409:00000409


A list of the GUIDs for the language packs to be deployed on the target computer. Deployment Workbench specifies these language packs on the OS Packages node. These GUIDs are stored in the Packages.xml file. The LanguagePacks property has a numeric suffix (for example, LanguagePacks001 or LanguagePacks002).

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
language_pack_guid The GUID that the Deployment Workbench specifies for the language packs to install on the target computer. The GUID corresponds to the language pack GUID stored in Packages.xml.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] LanguagePacks001={a1923f8d-b07b-44c7-ac1e-353b7cc4c1ad}


The arguments passed to the USMT Loadstate process. The ZTI script inserts the appropriate logging, progress, and state store parameters. If this value is not included in the settings file, the user state restore process is skipped.

If the Loadstate process finishes successfully, the user state information is deleted. In the event of a Loadstate failure (or non-zero return code), the local state store is moved to %WINDIR%\StateStore to prevent deletion and to ensure that no user state information is lost.


Do not add any of the following command-line arguments when configuring this property: /hardlink, /nocompress, /decrypt, /key, or /keyfile. The MDT scripts will add these command-line arguments if applicable to the current deployment scenario.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Arguments The command-line arguments passed to Loadstate.exe.

The default arguments specified by Deployment Workbench are as follows:

- /v. Enables verbose output in the Loadstate log. The default is 0. Specify any number from 0 to 15. The value 5 enables verbose and status output.

- /c. When specified, Loadstate will continue to run even if there are nonfatal errors. Without the /c option, Loadstate exits on the first error.

- /lac. Specifies that if the account being migrated is a local (non-domain) account, and it does not exist on the destination computer, then USMT will create the account but it will be disabled.

For more information about these and other arguments, see the USMT Help files.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSInstall=YES ScanStateArgs=/v:5 /o /c LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c /lac DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UDShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\MigData$ UDDir=%OSDComputerName%


The geographic location of the target computers. A list of IP addresses that correspond to the default gateways defined for the computers within that location defines the Location property. An IP address for a default gateway can be associated with more than one location.

Typically, the value for the Location property is set by performing a database query on the database managed using Deployment Workbench. Deployment Workbench can assist in creating the locations, defining property settings associated with the locations, and then in configuring CustomSettings.ini to perform the database query for the Location property and the property settings associated with the locations.

For example, a LocationSettings section in CustomSettings.ini can query the LocationSettings view in the database for a list of locations that contain the value specified in the DefaultGateway property listed in the Parameters property. The query returns all settings associated with each default gateway.

Then the scripts parse each section that corresponds to the locations returned in the query. For example, the value [Springfield]and the section [Springfield-123 Oak Street-4th Floor] in CustomSettings.ini can represent the corresponding locations. This is an example of how one computer can belong to two locations. The [Springfield]section is for all computers in a larger geographic area (an entire city), and the [Springfield-123 Oak Street-4th Floor] section is for all computers on the fourth floor at 123 Oak Street, in Springfield.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
location1,location2 The list of locations to be assigned to an individual computer or a group of computers
[Settings] Priority=LSettings, Default [Default] UserDataLocation=AUTO DeployRoot=\\W2K3-SP1\Distribution$ OSInstall=YES ScanStateArgs=/v:15 /o /c LoadStateArgs=/v:7 /c [LSettings] SQLServer=w2k3-sp1 Instance=MDT2010 Database=MDTDB Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=SQL$ Table=LocationSettings Parameters=DefaultGateway [Springfield] UDDir=%OSDComputerName% UDShare=\\Springfield-FIL-01\UserData [Springfield-123 Oak Street-4th Floor] DeployRoot=\\Springfield-BDD-01\Distribution1$


The dialing digits to gain access to an outside line to dial long distance. The property can contain only numeric digits. This value is inserted into the appropriate configuration settings in Unattend.xml.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
language_pack_guid The GUID that the Deployment Workbench specifies for the language packs to install on the target computer. The GUID corresponds to the language pack GUID stored in Packages.xml.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] AreaCode=206 CountryCode=001 Dialing=TONE LongDistanceAccess=9


The media access control (MAC) layer address of the primary network adapter of the target computer. The MACAddress property is included on the Priority line so that property values specific to a target computer can be provided. Create a section for each MAC address for each of the target computers (such as [00:0F:20:35:DE:AC]or [00:03:FF:FE:FF:FF]) that contain target computer-specific settings.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
mac_address The MAC address of the target computer
[Settings] Priority=MACAddress, Default [Default] CaptureGroups=YES Groups1=NYC Application Management Groups2=NYC Help Desk Users [00:0F:20:35:DE:AC] OSDNEWMACHINENAME=HPD530-1 [00:03:FF:FE:FF:FF] OSDNEWMACHINENAME=BVMXP


The AD DS OU in the target domain where the computer account for the target computer is created.


The OU specified in this property must exist before deploying the target operating system.


If a computer object already exists in AD DS, specifying MachineObjectOU will not cause the computer object to be moved to the specified OU.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
OU_name The name of the OU where the computer account for the target computer will be created
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] JoinDomain=WOODGROVEBANK MachineObjectOU=OU=Reception,OU=NYC,DC=Woodgrovebank,DC=com


The manufacturer of the target computer. The format for Make is undefined. Use this property to create a subsection that contains settings targeted to a specific computer manufacturer (most commonly in conjunction with the Model and Product properties).


This property is dynamically set by MDT scripts and cannot have its value set in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only. However, you can use this property within CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB, as shown in the following examples, to aid in defining the configuration of the target computer.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
make The manufacturer of the target computer
[Settings] Priority=Make, Default [Default] [Dell Computer Corporation] Subsection=Dell-%Model% [Dell-Latitude D600] Packages001=XXX00009:Program9 Packages002=XXX0000A:Program10


A list of application GUIDs that will be installed on the target computer. These applications are specified on the Applications node in the Deployment Workbench. The GUIDs are stored in the Applications.xml file. The MandatoryApplications property is a list of text values that can be any non-blank value. The MandatoryApplications property has a numeric suffix (for example, MandatoryApplications001 or MandatoryApplications002).

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
application_guid The GUID specified by the Deployment Workbench for the application to be deployed to the target computer. The GUID corresponds to the application GUID stored in the Applications.xml file.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] MandatoryApplications001={1D7DF331-47B7-472C-87B3-442597EC2F7D} MandatoryApplications002={9d2b8999-5e4d-4f3d-bb05-edaaf4fe5628} Administrators001=WOODGROVEBANK\NYC Help Desk Staff


The amount of memory installed on the target computer in megabytes. For example, the value 2038 indicates 2,038 MB (or 2 GB) of memory is installed on the target computer.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
memory The amount of memory installed on the target computer in megabytes


The model of the target computer. The format for Model is undefined. Use this property to create a subsection that contains settings targeted to a specific computer model number for a specific computer manufacturer (most commonly in conjunction with the Make and Product properties).


This property is dynamically set by MDT scripts and cannot have its value set in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only. However, you can use this property within CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB, as shown in the following examples, to aid in defining the configuration of the target computer.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
model The model of the target computer
[Settings] Priority=Make, Default [Default] [Dell Computer Corporation] Subsection=Dell-%Model% [Dell-Latitude D600] Packages001=XXX00009:Program9 Packages002=XXX0000A:Program10


The protocol to be used to communicate with the computer running SQL Server specified in the SQLServer property.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
DBNMPNTW Use the named pipes protocol to communicate.
DBMSSOCN Use TCP/IP sockets to communicate.
[Settings] Priority=Computers, Default [Default] ScanStateArgs=/v:5 /o /c LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c /lac [Computers] SQLServer=NYC-SQL-01 SQLShare=SQL$ NetLib=DBNMPNTW Database=MDTDB Instance=SQLEnterprise2005 Table=Computers Parameters=SerialNumber, AssetTag ParameterCondition=OR


Indicates the type of a new domain: whether a new domain in a new forest, the root of a new tree in an existing forest, or a child of an existing domain.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Child The new domain is a child of an existing domain.
Forest The new domain is the first domain in a new forest of domain trees.
Tree The new domain is the root of a new tree in an existing forest.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] NewDomain=Tree


Specifies the required name of a new tree in an existing domain or when Setup installs a new forest of domains.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
name Specifies the required name of a new tree in an existing domain or when Setup installs a new forest of domains
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] NewDomainDNSName=newdom.WoodGroveBank.com


The sorting order for the result set on a database query. The result set is based on the configuration settings of the Database, Table, SQLServer, Parameters, and ParameterCondition properties. More than one property can be provided to sort the results by more than one property.

For example, if Order=Sequence is specified in the CustomSettings.ini file, then an ORDER BY sequence clause is added to the query. Specifying Order=Make, Model adds an ORDER BY Make, Model clause to the query.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
property1, property2, ... Properties to define the sort order for the result set (where propertyn represents the properties in the sort criteria)
[Settings] Priority=Computers, Default [Default] OSInstall=YES ScanStateArgs=/v:5 /o /c LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c /lac [Computers] SQLServer=NYC-SQL-01 SQLShare=SQL$ NetLib=DBNMPNTW Database=MDTDB Instance=SQLEnterprise2005 Table=MakeModelSettings Parameters=SerialNumber, AssetTag ParameterCondition=OR Order=Make, Model


The name of the organization that owns the target computer. This value is inserted into the appropriate configuration settings in Unattend.xml.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
org_name The name of the organization that owns the target computer
[Settings] Priority=MACAddress, Default Properties=CustomProperty, ApplicationInstall [Default] OSInstall=YES ScanStateArgs=/v:5 /o /c LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c /lac UserDataLocation=NONE CustomProperty=TRUE OrgName=Woodgrove Bank [00:0F:20:35:DE:AC] OSDNEWMACHINENAME=HPD530-1 ApplicationInstall=Custom FullName=Woodgrove Bank User [00:03:FF:FE:FF:FF] OSDNEWMACHINENAME=BVMXP ApplicationInstall=Minimum FullName=Woodgrove Bank Manager


The processor architecture type for the target operating system. This property is referenced during OEM deployments. Valid values are x86 and x64.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
x86 The processor architecture type for the operating system is 32 bit.
x64 The processor architecture type for the operating system is 64 bit.


The build number of the currently running operating system.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
7600 Windows 7
9600 Windows 8.1


The version number of the currently running operating system.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
version_number The operating system major version, minor version, and build numbers (major.minor.build). For example, 6.3.9600 would represent Windows 8.1.


Specifies the name of the network connection as it appears in the Control Panel Network Connections item. The name can be between 0 and 255 characters in length.

This property is for LTI only. For the equivalent property for ZTI, see OSDAdapterxName.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0Description or OSDAdapter1Description.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Description The name of the network connection as it appears in the Control Panel Network Connections item


Specifies the DNS domain name (DNS suffix) that will be assigned to the network connection. This property is for ZTI only. For LTI, see the OSDAdapterxDNSSuffix property.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0DNSDomain or OSDAdapter1DNSDomain.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
DNS_domain_name A DNS domain name (DNS suffix) that will be assigned to the network connection
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0DNSDomain=WoodGroveBank.com


This is a comma-delimited list of DNS server IP addresses that will be assigned to the network connection.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0DNSServerList or OSDAdapter1DNSServerList.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
DNS_servers A comma-delimited list of DNS server IP addresses that will be assigned to the network connection
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0DNSServerList=,


A DNS suffix that will be assigned to the network connection. This property is for LTI only. For ZTI, see the OSDAdapterxDNSDomain property.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0DNSSuffix or OSDAdapter1DNSSuffix.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
DNS_suffix A DNS suffix that will be assigned to the network connection
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0DNSSuffix= WoodGroveBank.com


Specifies whether the network connection will be configured via DHCP.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0EnableDHCP or OSDAdapter1EnableDHCP.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE The network connection will be configured via DHCP.
FALSE The network connection will be configured with static configuration.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0EnableDHCP=TRUE


Specifies whether DNS registration is enabled on the network connection.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0EnableDNSRegistration or OSDAdapter1EnableDNSRegistration.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE Enables DNS registration
FALSE Disables DNS registration
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0EnableDNSRegistration=TRUE


Specifies whether full DNS registration is enabled on the network connection.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0EnableFullDNSRegistration or OSDAdapter1EnableFullDNSRegistration.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE Enables full DNS registration
FALSE Disables full DNS registration
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0EnableFullDNSRegistration=TRUE


Specifies whether LMHOSTS lookup is enabled on the network connection.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0EnableLMHosts or OSDAdapter1EnableLMHosts.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE Enables LMHOSTS lookup
FALSE Disables LMHOSTS lookup
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0EnableLMHosts=TRUE


This property specifies whether IP protocol filtering should be enabled on the network connection.

Thexin this property's name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0EnableIPProtocolFiltering or OSDAdapter1EnableIPProtocolFiltering.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE Enables IP protocol filtering
FALSE Disables IP protocol filtering
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0EnableIPProtocolFiltering =TRUE


Specifies whether TCP/IP filtering should be enabled on the network connection. This property is for ZTI only. For LTI, see the OSDAdapterxEnableTCPIPFiltering property.


Thexin this property's name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0EnableTCPFiltering or OSDAdapter1EnableTFiltering.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE Enables TCP/IP filtering
FALSE Disables TCP/IP filtering
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0EnableTCPFiltering=TRUE


Specifies whether TCP/IP filtering should be enabled on the network connection. This property is for LTI only. For ZTI, see the OSDAdapterxEnableTCPFiltering property.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0EnableTCPIPFiltering or OSDAdapter1EnableTCPIPFiltering.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE Enables TCP/IP filtering
FALSE Disables TCP/IP filtering
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0EnableTCPIPFiltering=TRUE


Specifies whether WINS will be enabled on the network connection.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0EnableWINS or OSDAdapter1EnableWINS.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0EnableWINS=TRUE OSDAdapter0WINSServerList=,


A comma-delimited list of Gateway Cost Metrics specified as either integers or the string "Automatic" (if empty, uses "Automatic") that will be configured on the connection.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0GatewayCostMetric or OSDAdapter1GatewayCostMetric.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
cost_metrics A comma-delimited list of Gateway Cost Metrics
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0GatewayCostMetrics=Automatic


A comma-delimited list of gateways to be assigned to the network connection.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0Gateways or OSDAdapter1Gateways.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
gateways A comma-delimited list of gateways
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0Gateways=,


A comma-delimited list of IP addresses to be assigned to the network connection.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0IPAddressList or OSDAdapter1IPAddressList.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
IP_addresses A comma delimited list of IP addresses
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0IPAddressList=, OSDAdapter0SubnetMask=,


A comma-delimited list of IP protocol filters to be assigned to the network connection. This property can be configured using the CustomSettings.ini file or the MDT DB but not the Deployment Workbench. If using Configuration Manager it is also configurable using an Apply Network Settings task sequence step.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0IPProtocolFilterList or OSDAdapter1IPProtocolFilterList.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
protocol_filter_list A comma-delimited list of IP protocol filters
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0IPProtocolFilterList=a list of approved IP protocols


Assign the specified configuration settings to the network interface card that matches the specified MAC address.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0MacAddress or OSDAdapter1MacAddress.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
MAC_address Network adapter MAC address
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0MacAddress=00:0C:29:67:A3:6B


Assign the specified configuration settings to the network adapter that matches the specified name. This property is for ZTI only. For the equivalent property for LTI, see OSDAdapterxDescription.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0Name or OSDAdapter1Name.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
name Network adapter name
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0Name=3Com 3C920 Integrated Fast Ethernet Controller


A comma-delimited list of IP subnet masks to be assigned to the network connection.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0SubnetMask or OSDAdapter1SubnetMask.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
subnet_masks A comma-delimited list of IP subnet masks
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0IPAddressList=, OSDAdapter0SubnetMask=,


A comma-delimited list of TCP filter ports to be assigned to the network connection. This property can be configured using the CustomSettings.ini file or the MDT DB but not the Deployment Workbench. If using Configuration Manager it is also configurable using an Apply Network Settings task sequence step.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0TCPFilterPortList or OSDAdapter1TCPFilterPortList.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
port_list A comma-delimited list of TCP/IP filter ports
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0TCPFilterPortList=a list of approved TCP ports


Specifies the TCP/IP NetBIOS options to be assigned to the network connection.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0TCPIPNetBiosOptions or OSDAdapter1TCPIPNetBiosOptions.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
0 Disable IP forwarding.
1 Enable IP forwarding.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0TCPIPNetBiosOptions=0


A comma-delimited list of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) filter ports to be assigned to the network connection. This property can be configured using the CustomSettings.ini file and the MDT DB but not the Deployment Workbench. If using Configuration Manager it is also configurable using an Apply Network Settings task sequence step.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0UDPFilterPortList or OSDAdapter1UDPFilterPortList.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
port_list A comma-delimited list of UDP filter ports
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0UDPFilterPortList=a list of approved UDP ports


A two-element, comma-delimited list of WINS server IP addresses to be assigned to the network connection.


Thexin this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information, such as OSDAdapter0WINSServerList or OSDAdapter1WINSServerList.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
WINS_server_list A comma-delimited list of WINS server IP addresses
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapter0EnableWINS=TRUE OSDAdapter0WINSServerList=,


Specifies the number of network connections that are to be configured.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
count The number of network adapters
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDAdapterCount=1 OSDAdapter0EnableDHCP=FALSE OSDAdapter0IPAddressList=, OSDAdapter0SubnetMask=, OSDAdapter0Gateways=, OSDAdapter0EnableWINS=TRUE OSDAdapter0WINSServerList=, OSDAdapter0TCPIPNetBiosOptions=0 OSDAdapter0MacAddress=00:0C:29:67:A3:6B OSDAdapter0GatewayCostMetrics=Automatic OSDAdapter0EnableTCPIPFiltering=TRUE OSDAdapter0EnableLMHosts=TRUE OSDAdapter0EnableFullDNSRegistration=TRUE OSDAdapter0EnableDNSRegistration=TRUE OSDAdapter0DNSSuffix=WoodGroveBank.com


Specifies the path to the answer file to be used during OEM deployments.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
file_path Specifies the path to the answer file to be used during OEM deployments


A Boolean value that indicates whether the process creates a recovery key for BitLocker. The key is used for recovering data encrypted on a BitLocker volume. This key is cryptographically equivalent to a startup key. If available, the recovery key decrypts the VMK, which, in turn, decrypts the FVEK.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
AD A recovery key is created.
Not specified A recovery key is not created.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BDEInstallSuppress=NO BDEDriveLetter=S: BDEDriveSize=2000 OSDBitLockerMode=TPMKey OSDBitLockerCreateRecoveryPassword=AD OSDBitLockerStartupKeyDrive=C:


The type of BitLocker installation to be performed. Protect the target computer using one of the following methods:

  • A TPM microcontroller

  • A TPM and an external startup key (using a key that is typically stored on a UFD)

  • A TPM and PIN

  • An external startup key

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TPM Protect the computer with TPM only. The TPM is a microcontroller that stores keys, passwords, and digital certificates. The microcontroller is typically an integral part of the computer motherboard.
TPMKey Protect the computer with TPM and a startup key. Use this option to create a startup key and to save it on a UFD. The startup key must be present in the port each time the computer starts.
TPMPin Protect the computer with TPM and a pin. Use this option in conjunction with the BDEPin property.


This value is not valid when using ZTI.
Key Protect the computer with an external key (the recovery key) that can be stored in a folder, in AD DS, or printed.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BDEInstallSuppress=NO BDEDriveLetter=S: BDEDriveSize=2000 OSDBitLockerMode=TPM OSDBitLockerCreateRecoveryPassword=AD


Instead of generating a random recovery password, the Enable BitLocker task sequence action uses the specified value as the recovery password. The value must be a valid numerical BitLocker recovery password.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
password A valid 48-digit password
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BDEInstallSuppress=NO BDEDriveLetter=S: BDEDriveSize=2000 OSDBitLockerMode=TPMKey OSDBitLockerCreateRecoveryPassword=AD OSDBitLockerRecoveryPassword=621280128854709621167486709731081433315062587367 OSDBitLockerStartupKeyDrive=C:


Instead of generating a random startup key for the key management option Startup Key on USB only, the Enable BitLocker task sequence action uses the value as the startup key. The value must be a valid, Base64-encoded BitLocker startup key.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
startupkey Base64-encoded BitLocker startup key
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BDEInstallSuppress=NO BDEDriveLetter=S: BDEDriveSize=2000 BDEInstall=KEY OSDBitLockerCreateRecoveryPassword=AD OSDBitLockerStartupKey=8F4922B8-2D8D-479E-B776-12629A361049


The location for storing the BitLocker recovery key and startup key.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
location The storage location for the recovery key and startup key (either local to the target computer or to a UNC that points to a shared network folder)
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BDEInstallSuppress=NO BDEDriveLetter=S: BDEDriveSize=2000 OSDBitLockerMode=TPMKey OSDBitLocker CreateRecoveryPassword=AD OSDBitLockerStartupKeyDrive=C:


Specifies the drive to be encrypted. The default drive is the drive that contains the operating system.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
drive The drive that is to be encrypted
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BDEInstallSuppress=NO BDEDriveLetter=S: BDEDriveSize=2000 BDERecoveryPassword=TRUE OSDBitLockerMode=TPMKey OSDBitLockerCreateRecoveryPassword=AD OSDBitLockerTargetDrive=C:


Specifies that the deployment process should not proceed until BitLocker has completed the encryption process for all specified drives. Specifying TRUE could dramatically increase the time required to complete the deployment process.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE Specifies that the deployment process should wait for drive encryption to finish
FALSE Specifies that the deployment process should not wait for drive encryption to finish
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BDEInstallSuppress=NO BDEDriveLetter=S: BDEDriveSize=2000 OSDBitLockerMode=TPMKey OSDBitLockerStartupKeyDrive=C: OSDBitLockerCreateRecoveryPassword=AD OSDBitLockerWaitForEncryption=TRUE


The new computer name to assign to the target computer.


This property can also be set within a task sequence using a customized Set Task Sequence Variable task sequence step.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
computer_name The new computer name to assign to the target computer
[Default] OSDComputerName=%_SMSTSMachineName%


This property is used to pass a value to the align parameter of the create partition primary command in the DiskPart command. The align parameter is typically used with hardware RAID Logical Unit Number (LUN) arrays to improve performance when the logical units (LUs) are not cylinder aligned. The align parameter aligns a primary partition that is not cylinder aligned at the beginning of a disk and rounds the offset to the closest alignment boundary. For more information on the align parameter, see Create partition primary.


This property can be used in conjunction with the OSDDiskOffset property to set the offset parameter for the create partition primary command in the DiskPart command. For more information, see the OSDDiskOffset property.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
alignment_value Specifies the number of kilobytes (KB) from the beginning of the disk to the closest alignment boundary.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDDiskAlign=1024 OSDDiskOffset=2048


Specifies the disk index that will be configured.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
disk_index Specifies the disk index that will be configured (The default value is 0.)
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDDiskIndex=0


This property is used to pass a value to the offset parameter of the create partition primary command in the DiskPart command. For more information on the offset parameter, see Create partition primary.

This property can be used in conjunction with the OSDDiskAlign property to set the align parameter for the create partition primary command in the DiskPart command. For more information, see the OSDDiskAlign property.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
offset_value Specifies the byte offset at which to create the partition. For master boot record (MBR) disks, the offset rounds to the closest cylinder boundary.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDDiskAlign=1024 OSDDiskOffset=2048


This property specifies whether to disable cache alignment optimizations when partitioning the hard disk for compatibility with certain types of BIOS.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE Enables cache alignment optimizations when partitioning the hard disk for compatibility with certain types of BIOS
FALSE Disables cache alignment optimizations when partitioning the hard disk for compatibility with certain types of BIOS (This is the default value.)
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDDiskPartBiosCompatibilityMode=TRUE


Specifies the name of the installation account that will be used during OEM deployments.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
image_creator Specifies the name of the installation account that will be used during OEM deployments


Specifies the index of the image in the .wim file. This property is referenced during OEM deployments.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
index Specifies the index of the image in the WIM file


Specifies the package ID for the image to install during OEM deployments.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
package_ID Specifies the package ID for the image to install during OEM deployments


Specifies the index of the image in the WIM file. This property is referenced during OEM deployments.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
index Specifies the index of the image in the WIM file


Specifies the installation type used for OEM deployments. The default is Sysprep.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
install_type Specifies the installation type used for OEM deployments


Specifies the drive used to install the operating system during OEM deployments. The default value is C:.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
disk Specifies the drive used to install the operating system during OEM deployments


Specifies the number of defined partitions configurations. The maximum number of partitions that can be configured is two. The default is None.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
partitions Specifies the number of defined partitions configurations
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDPartitions=1 OSDPartitions0Bootable=TRUE OSDPartitions0FileSystem=NTFS OSDPartitions0QuickFormat=TRUE OSDPartitions0Size=60 OSDPartitions0SizeUnits=GB OSDPartitions0Type=Primary OSDPartitions0VolumeName=OSDisk OSDPartitions0VolumeLetterVariable=NewDrive1


The partition at the specified index should be set bootable. The default first partition is set bootable.


Thex in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains partition configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE The partition should be set to bootable.
FALSE Do not set the partition to bootable.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDPartitions0Bootable=TRUE


The type of file system for the partition at the specified index. Valid values are NTFS or FAT32.


Thex in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains partition configurations.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
file_system The type of file system for the partition
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDPartitions0FileSystem=NTFS


The partition at the specified index should be quick formatted. The default is TRUE.


Thex in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains partition configurations.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE Quick-format the partition.
FALSE Do not quick-format the partition.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDPartitions0QuickFormat=TRUE


The size of the partition at the specified index.


Thex in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains partition configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Size Partition size
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDPartitions0Size=60 OSDPartitions0SizeUnits=GB


The units of measure used when specifying the size of the partition. Valid values are MB, GB, or %. The default value is MB.


Thex in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains partition configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
size_units The units of measure used when specifying the size of the partition
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDPartitions0Size=60 OSDPartitions0SizeUnits=GB


The type of partition to be created at the specified index.


Thex in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains partition configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Primary Create a primary partition. This is the default value.
Logical Create a logical partition.
Extended Create an extended partition.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDPartitions0Type=Primary


The property that receives the drive letter that is assigned to the partition being managed.


Thex in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains partition configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
volume_letter_variable The name of the variable that will be assigned the drive letter of the partition being managed
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDPartitions0VolumeLetterVariable=NewDrive1


The volume name that will be assigned to the partition at the specified index.


Thex in this properties name is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains partition configurations.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
volume_name The volume name that will be assigned to the partition
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSDPartitions0VolumeName=OSDisk


LTI and ZTI use this property to set the path where the user state migration data will be stored, which can be a UNC path, a local path, or a relative path.


The OSDStateStorePath property takes precedence over the StatePath or UserDataLocation property when those properties are also specified.

In a Replace Computer deployment scenario in ZTI, the Restore User State task sequence step is skipped if the OSDStateStorePath property is set to a valid local or UNC path. The workaround is to set the USMTLocal property to TRUE. Doing so forces ZTI UserState.wsf to recognize the path in the OSDStateStorePath property. This is caused by the Request State Store task sequence step being skipped and the previous value in the OSDStateStorePath property being retained.

In a Replace Computer deployment scenario in ZTI, where user state migration data and the entire computer are being backed up, the Backup.wim file is stored in the folder specified in the OSDStateStorePath property. This may be caused by specifying the wrong value for the ComputerBackupLocation property.

For example, the following CustomSettings.ini file will cause the Backup.wim file to be stored in the same folder specified in the OSDStateStorePath property:


Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Path The path where the user state migration data will be stored, which can be a UNC path, a local path, or a relative path
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] USMTLocal=True OSDStateStorePath=\\fs1\Share\Replace ComputerBackupLocation=\\fs1\Share\ComputerBackup\Client01


Specifies the drive where the operating system will be installed during OEM deployments.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read-only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
system_drive Specifies the drive where the operating system will be installed during OEM deployments


Specifies the install path where the operating system will be installed during OEM deployments.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
system_root Specifies the install path where the operating system will be installed during OEM deployments


A comma-delimited list of server feature IDs that will be installed on the target computer.


Not all features listed in the ServerManager.xml file are compatible with all server operating systems.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
ID1,ID2 The server features that are to be installed on the target computer. Valid values are located in the program_files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Bin\ServerManager.xml file on the MDT server.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSFeatures=CMAK,MSMQ-Multicasting,RSAT


Indicates whether the target computer is authorized to have the target operating system installed. If the OSInstall property is not listed, the default is to allow deployment of operating systems to any target computer.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES Deployment of an operating system to the target computer is authorized. This is the default value.
NO Deployment of an operating system to the target computer is not authorized.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSInstall=YES


A comma-delimited list of server role IDs that will be installed on the target computer.


Not all roles are compatible with all server operating systems.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
ID1,ID2 The server role that is to be installed on the target computer.

See "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Bin\ServerManager.xml" for valid ID values.

[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSRoles=ADDS


A comma-delimited list of server role service IDs that will be installed on the target computer.


Not all server role service IDs are compatible with all server operating systems.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
ID The server role service that will be installed on the target computer. The valid value is:

- ADDS-Domain-Controller
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSRoleServices=ADDS-Domain-Controller


The edition of the currently running operating system. The operating system edition is determined by using the OperatingSystemSKU property of the Win32_OperatingSystem WMI class. For a list of the editions the OperatingSystemSKU property returns, see the section, "OperatingSystemSKU," at Win32_OperatingSystem class.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
edition The operating system edition. For example, "BUSINESS" for a Business edition of an operating system or "ENTERPRISE" for an Enterprise edition of an operating system.


The version of the currently running operating system. This property should only be used to detect if the currently running operating system is Windows PE. Use the OSVersionNumber property to detect other operating systems.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
WinPE Windows PE
2008R2 Windows Server 2008 R2
Win7Client Windows 7
Other Operating systems other than those listed, including Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012


The operating system major and minor version number. This property is referenced during OEM deployments.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
version_number The operating system major and minor version number


The Multiple Activation Key (MAK) string to be applied after the target operating is deployed to the target computer. The value specified in this property is used by the ZTILicensing.wsf script during the State Restore Phase to apply the MAK to the target operating system. The script also configures the volume licensing image to use MAK activation instead of Key Management Service (KMS). The operating system needs to be activated with Microsoft after the MAK is applied. This is used when the target computer is unable to access a server that is running KMS.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
MAK The MAK string to be provided to the target operating system
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] ProductKey=AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEE-FFFFF OverrideProductKey=AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEE-FFFFF


A list of text values that associates operating system packages with each other (typically based on the type of operating system package). An operating system package can be associated with one or more package groups. The PackageGroup property allows the operating system packages within one or more groups to be deployed to a target computer.

The text values in the list can be any non-blank value. The PackageGroup property value has a numeric suffix (for example, PackageGroup001 or PackageGroup002). After it is defined, a package group is associated with a computer. A computer can be associated with more than one package group.


Operating system packages are created on the OS Packages node in the Deployment Workbench.


The PackageGroup property can be specified in the format PackageGroup1=Updates or PackageGroup001=Updates.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
package_group_name Name of the package group to be deployed to the target computer
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] PackageGroup001=Updates


The list of Configuration Manager packages to be deployed to the target computer. The Packages property has a numeric suffix (for example, Packages001 or Packages002).


The PackageGroup property can be specified in the format PackageGroup1=Updates or PackageGroup001=Updates.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
package_id:program_name Name of the package to be deployed to the target computer
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] Packages001=NYC00010:Install Packages002=NYC00011:Install


Profile name used during package installation.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
profile_name Profile name used during package installation
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] PackageSelectionProfile=CoreApplications


The parameters to be passed to a database query that returns property values from columns in the table specified in the Table property. The table is located in the database specified in the Database property on the computer specified in the SQLServer property. The instance of SQL Server on the computer is specified in the Instance property.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
parameter1, parameter2 The list of parameters to pass to the database query
[Settings] Priority=Computers, Default [Default] OSInstall=YES [Computers] SQLServer=NYC-SQL-01 SQLShare=SQL$ Database=MDTDB Instance=SQLEnterprise2005 Table=Computers Parameters=SerialNumber, AssetTag ParameterCondition=OR


Indicator of whether a Boolean AND or OR operation is performed on the properties listed in the Parameters property.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
AND A Boolean AND operation is performed on the properties listed in the Parameters property. Only results that match all properties specified in the Parameters property are returned. This is the default value.
OR A Boolean OR operation is performed on the properties listed in the Parameters property. Results that match any property specified in the Parameters property are returned.
[Settings] Priority=Computers, Default [Default] OSInstall=YES [Computers] SQLServer=NYC-SQL-01 SQLShare=SQL$ Database=MDTDB Instance=SQLEnterprise2005 Table=Computers Parameters=SerialNumber, AssetTag ParameterCondition=OR


Specifies the DNS domain name of an existing directory service domain when installing a child domain.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
name Specifies the DNS domain name of an existing directory service domain when installing a child domain
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] ParentDomainDNSName=WoodGroveBank.com


Specifies the password for the user name (account credentials) to use for promoting the member server to a domain controller.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
password Specifies the password for the user name (account credentials) to use for promoting the member server to a domain controller
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] Password=<complex_password>


The current phase of the deployment process. The Task Sequencer uses these phases to determine which tasks must be completed.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
VALIDATION Identifies that the target computer is capable of running the scripts necessary to complete the deployment process.
STATECAPTURE Saves any user state migration data before deploying the new target operating system.
PREINSTALL Completes any tasks that need to be done (such as creating new partitions) before the target operating system is deployed.
INSTALL Installs the target operating system on the target computer.
POSTINSTALL Completes any tasks that need to be done before restoring the user state migration data. These tasks customize the target operating system before starting the target computer the first time (such as installing updates or adding drivers).
STATERESTORE Restores the user state migration data saved during the State Capture Phase.


The number of the port that should be used when connecting to the SQL Server database instance that is used for querying property values from columns in the table specified in the Table property. The database resides on the computer specified in the SQLServer property. The instance of SQL Server on the computer is specified in the Instance property. The port used during connection is specified in the Port property.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
port The number of the port used when connecting to SQL Server
[Settings] Priority=Computers, Default [Default] OSInstall=YES [Computers] SQLServer=NYC-SQL-01 Database=MDTDB Instance=MDT2010 Port=1433 Table=Computers Parameters=SerialNumber, AssetTag ParameterCondition=OR


A list of user accounts and domain groups to be added to the local Power Users group on the target computer. The PowerUsers property is a list of text values that can be any non-blank value. The PowerUsers property has a numeric suffix (for example, PowerUsers1 or PowerUsers2).

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
name Name of the user or group to be added to the local Power Users group
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] Administrators001=WOODGROVEBANK\NYC Help Desk Staff PowerUsers001=WOODGROVEBANK\User01 PowerUsers002=WOODGROVEBANK\User02


This property specifies if the LiteTouchPE.wim file, which includes Windows RE and optionally DaRT, is applied to the system drive as the recovery partition. This allows the target computer to use the LiteTouchPE.wim image to perform recovery tasks. DaRT may optionally be included in the image, which makes DaRT recovery features available on the target computer.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES The LiteTouchPE.wim file, which includes Windows RE and optionally DaRT, is applied to the system drive as the recovery partition.
any other value The LiteTouchPE.wim file, which includes Windows RE and optionally DaRT, is not applied to the system drive as the recovery partition. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] PrepareWinRE=YES


The reserved property that determines the sequence for finding configuration values. The Priority reserved property lists each section to be searched and the order in which the sections are searched. When a property value is found, the ZTIGather.wsf script quits searching for the property, and the remaining sections are not scanned for that property.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
section1, section2 The sections to be searched in the order they are to be searched
[Settings] Priority=MACAddress, Default [Default] UserDataLocation=NONE CustomProperty=TRUE [00:0F:20:35:DE:AC] OSDNEWMACHINENAME=HPD530-1 [00:03:FF:FE:FF:FF] OSDNEWMACHINENAME=BVMXP


The speed of the processor installed on the target computer in MHz. For example, the value 1995 indicates the processor on the target computer is running at 1,995 MHz or 2 gigahertz.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
processor_speed The speed of the processor on the target computer in megahertz


The product name of the target computer. With some computer vendors, the make and model might not be sufficiently unique to identify the characteristics of a particular configuration (for example, hyperthreaded or non-hyperthreaded chipsets). The Product property can help to differentiate.

The format for Product is undefined. Use this property to create a subsection that contains settings targeted to a specific product name for a specific computer model number for a specific computer manufacturer (most commonly in conjunction with the Make and Model properties).


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
product The product name of the target computer


The product key string to be configured for the target computer. Before the target operating system is deployed, the product key specified is automatically inserted into the appropriate location in Unattend.xml.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
product_key The product key to be assigned to the target computer
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] ProductKey=AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEE-FFFFF


A reserved property that defines any custom, user-defined properties. These user-defined properties are located by the ZTIGather.wsf script in the CustomSettings.ini file, BootStrap.ini file, or the MDT DB. These properties are additions to the predefined properties in MDT.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
custom_property1,custom_property2 Custom, user-defined properties to be resolved
[Settings] Priority=MACAddress, Default Properties=CustomProperty, ApplicationInstall [Default] OSInstall=YES ScanStateArgs=/v:5 /o /c LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c /lac UserDataLocation=NONE CustomProperty=TRUE [00:0F:20:35:DE:AC] OSDNEWMACHINENAME=HPD530-1 ApplicationInstall=Custom [00:03:FF:FE:FF:FF] OSDNEWMACHINENAME=BVMXP ApplicationInstall=Minimum


Specifies the DNS domain name of the domain to replicate.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
name Specifies the DNS domain name of the domain to replicate
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] ReplicaDomainDNSName=WoodGroveBank.com


Specifies whether to install a new domain controller as the first domain controller in a new directory service domain or to install it as a replica directory service domain controller.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Replica Installs the new domain controller as a replica directory service domain controller.
Domain Installs the new domain controller as the first domain controller in a new directory service domain. You must specify the TreeOrChild entry with a valid value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] ReplicaOrNewDomain=Domain


Indicates the full DNS name of the domain controller from which you replicate the domain information.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
name Indicates the full DNS name of the domain controller from which you replicate the domain information
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] ReplicationSourceDC=dc01.WoodGroveBank.com


The drive letter mapped to the ResourceRoot property for the ZTIDrivers.wsf and ZTIPatches.wsf scripts to use to install drivers and patches to the target computer.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
drive_letter The letter designation for the logical drive that contains the resources


The value of this property is used by the ZTIDrivers.wsf and ZTIPatches.wsf scripts to install drivers and patches to the target computer.


For LTI, the scripts automatically set the ResourceRoot property to be the same as the DeployRoot property. For ZTI, the values in the DeployRoot and ResourceRoot properties can be unique.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
UNC_path The UNC path to the shared folder that contains the resources
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceDrive=R: ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UserDataLocation=NONE


The purpose of a computer based on the tasks performed by the user on the target computer. The Role property lists text values that can be any non-blank value. The Role property value has a numeric suffix (for example, Role1 or Role2). When defined, a role is associated with a computer. A computer can perform more than one role.

Typically, the value for the Role property is set by performing a database query in the MDT DB. The Deployment Workbench can assist in creating the role and property settings associated with the role, and then the Deployment Workbench can configure CustomSettings.ini to perform the database query for the Role property and the property settings associated with the role.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Role The roles to be assigned to an individual computer or a group of computers
Example 1
[Settings] Priority=RoleSettings, Default [Default] SkipCapture=NO UserDataLocation=AUTO DeployRoot=\\W2K3-SP1\Distribution$ OSInstall=YES ScanStateArgs=/v:15 /o /c LoadStateArgs=/v:7 /c [RoleSettings] SQLServer=w2k3-sp1 Instance=MDT2010 Database=MDTDB Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=SQL_Share Table=RoleSettings Parameters=Role
Example 2
[Settings] Priority=RoleSettings, Default [Default] SkipCapture=NO UserDataLocation=AUTO DeployRoot=\\W2K3-SP1\Distribution$ OSInstall=YES Role1=Teller Role2=Woodgrove User [RoleSettings] SQLServer=w2k3-sp1 Instance=MDT2010 Database=MDTDB Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=SQL_Share Table=RoleSettings Parameters=Role


Supplies the password for the administrator account when starting the computer in Safe mode or a variant of Safe mode, such as Directory Services Restore mode.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
password Supplies the password for the administrator account when starting the computer in Safe mode or a variant of Safe mode, such as Directory Services Restore mode
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SafeModeAdminPassword=<complex_password>


Arguments passed to the USMT Scanstate process. The scripts call Scanstate.exe, and then insert the appropriate logging, progress, and state store parameters. If this value is not included in the settings file, the user state backup process is skipped.


Use the USMTMigFiles property to specify the .xml files to be used by Scanstate.exe instead of using the /I parameter in the ScanStateArgs property. This prevents the ZTIUserState.wsf script from potentially duplicating the same list of .xml files.


Do not add any of the following command line arguments when configuring this property: /hardlink, /nocompress, /encrypt, /key, or /keyfile. The MDT scripts will add these command-line arguments if applicable to the current deployment scenario.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
arguments The command-line arguments passed to Scanstate.exe.

The default arguments specified by the Deployment Workbench are as follows:

- /v. Enables verbose output in the Scanstate log. The default is 0. Specify any number from 0 to 15. The value 5 enables verbose and status output.

- /o. Overwrites any existing data in the store. If not specified, Scanstate will fail if the store already contains data. This option cannot be specified more than once in a Command Prompt window.

- /c. When specified, Scanstate will continue to run even if there are nonfatal errors. Without the /c option, Scanstate exits on the first error.

For more information about these and other arguments, see the USMT Help files.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] ScanStateArgs=/v:5 /o /c LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c /lac DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UDShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\MigData$ UDDir=%OSDComputerName%


The serial number of the target computer. The format for serial numbers is undefined. Use this property to create a subsection that contains settings targeted to a specific computer.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
serial_number The format of the serial number is undefined and is determined by the serial number standard of each computer manufacturer.


Specifies the name of an existing site where you can place the new domain controller.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
name Specifies the name of an existing site where you can place the new domain controller
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SiteName=FirstSite


Indicates whether the Local Administrators wizard page is skipped.


This default value for this property is YES, which means that the Local Administrators wizard page will be skipped by default. To display this wizard page, you must specifically set the value of this property to NO in CustomSettings.ini or in the MDT DB.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES Wizard page is not displayed, and the information on that page is not collected. This is the default value.
NO Wizard page is displayed, and the information on that page is collected.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=NO SkipCapture=NO SkipAdminAccounts=NO SkipAdminPassword=NO SkipApplications=NO SkipComputerBackup=NO SkipDomainMembership=NO SkipUserData=NO SkipPackageDisplay=NO SkipLocaleSelection=NO SkipProductKey=YES


Indicates whether the Administrator Password wizard page is skipped.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES Wizard page is not displayed, and the information on that page is not collected.
NO Wizard page is displayed, and the information on that page is collected. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=NO SkipCapture=NO SkipAdminPassword=YES SkipApplications=NO SkipComputerBackup=NO SkipDomainMembership=NO SkipUserData=NO SkipPackageDisplay=NO SkipLocaleSelection=NO SkipProductKey=YES


Indicates whether the Select one or more applications to install wizard page is skipped.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES Wizard page is not displayed, and the information on that page is not collected.
NO Wizard page is displayed, and the information on that page is collected. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=NO SkipCapture=NO SkipAdminPassword=NO SkipApplications=YES SkipComputerBackup=NO SkipDomainMembership=NO SkipUserData=NO SkipPackageDisplay=NO SkipLocaleSelection=NO SkipProductKey=YES


Indicates whether the Welcome to Windows Deployment wizard page is skipped.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.


For this property to function properly it must be configured in both CustomSettings.ini and BootStrap.ini. BootStrap.ini is processed before a deployment share (which contains CustomSettings.ini) has been selected.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES Wizard page is not displayed, and the information on that page is not collected.
NO Wizard page is displayed, and the information on that page is collected. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=NO SkipCapture=NO SkipAdminPassword=YES SkipApplications=NO SkipBDDWelcome=YES SkipComputerBackup=NO SkipDomainMembership=NO SkipUserData=NO SkipPackageDisplay=NO SkipLocaleSelection=NO SkipProductKey=YES


Indicates whether the Specify the BitLocker configuration wizard page is skipped.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES Wizard page is not displayed, and the information on that page is not collected.
NO Wizard page is displayed, and the information on that page is collected. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=NO SkipCapture=NO SkipApplications=NO SkipBDDWelcome=YES SkipBitLocker=YES SkipComputerBackup=NO SkipDomainMembership=NO SkipUserData=NO SkipPackageDisplay=NO SkipLocaleSelection=NO


Indicates whether the Select a task sequence to execute on this computer wizard page is skipped.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.

This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES Wizard page is not displayed, and the information on that page is not collected.
NO Wizard page is displayed, and the information on that page is collected. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=NO SkipCapture=NO SkipAdminPassword=YES SkipApplications=NO SkipBDDWelcome=YES SkipBuild=YES SkipComputerBackup=NO SkipComputerName=NO SkipDomainMembership=NO SkipFinalSummary=NO SkipSummary=NO SkipUserData=NO SkipPackageDisplay=NO SkipLocaleSelection=NO


Indicates whether the Specify whether to capture an image wizard page is skipped.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES The wizard page is not displayed, and the information on that page is not collected.
NO The wizard page is displayed, and the information on that page is collected. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=NO SkipCapture=YES SkipApplications=NO SkipComputerBackup=NO SkipDomainMembership=NO SkipUserData=NO SkipPackageDisplay=NO SkipLocaleSelection=NO


Indicates whether the Specify where to save a complete computer backup wizard page is skipped.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES The wizard page is not displayed, and the information on that page is not collected.
NO The wizard page is displayed, and the information on that page is collected. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=NO SkipCapture=NO SkipAdminPassword=NO SkipApplications=NO SkipComputerBackup=YES SkipDomainMembership=NO SkipUserData=NO SkipPackageDisplay=NO SkipLocaleSelection=NO


Indicates whether the Configure the computer name wizard page is skipped.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES Wizard page is not displayed, and the information on that page is not collected.
NO Wizard page is displayed, and the information on that page is collected. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=NO SkipCapture=NO SkipAdminPassword=NO SkipApplications=NO SkipComputerBackup=NO SkipComputerName=YES SkipDomainMembership=NO SkipUserData=NO SkipPackageDisplay=NO SkipLocaleSelection=NO


Indicates whether the Join the computer to a domain or workgroup wizard page is skipped.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES The wizard page is not displayed, and the information on that page is not collected.
NO The wizard page is displayed, and the information on that page is collected. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=NO SkipCapture=NO SkipAdminPassword=NO SkipApplications=NO SkipComputerBackup=NO SkipUserData=NO SkipPackageDisplay=NO SkipLocaleSelection=NO SkipDomainMembership=NO


Indicates whether the Operating system deployment completed successfully wizard page is skipped.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES The wizard page is not displayed, and the information on that page is not collected.
NO The wizard page is displayed, and the information on that page is collected. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=NO SkipCapture=NO SkipApplications=NO SkipBDDWelcome=YES SkipComputerBackup=NO SkipComputerName=NO SkipDomainMembership=NO SkipFinalSummary=NO SkipUserData=NO SkipPackageDisplay=NO SkipLocaleSelection=NO SkipProductKey=YES


By default, when specifying folders to be included when injecting drivers, patches (packages), and so on, values are specified something like:


This would, by default, also include all sub-folders located under the "SecondFolder." If SkipGroupSubFolders is set to YES in CustomSettings.ini, this behavior will change so that the subfolders will be excluded and only the contents of "SecondFolder" will be added.

To exclude subfolders when matching against groups such as DriverGroup001, PackageGroup001, and so on, set SkipGroupSubFolders to YES.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES Do not include subfolders when matching against groups.
NO Include subfolders when matching against groups. This is the default behavior.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipGroupSubFolders=NO


Indicates whether the Locale Selection wizard page is skipped.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES The wizard page is not displayed, and the information on that page is not collected.
NO The wizard page is displayed, and the information on that page is collected. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=NO SkipCapture=NO SkipApplications=NO SkipComputerBackup=NO SkipDomainMembership=NO SkipUserData=NO SkipPackageDisplay=NO SkipLocaleSelection=NO


Indicates whether the Packages wizard page is skipped.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES The wizard page is not displayed, and the information on that page is not collected.
NO The wizard page is displayed, and the information on that page is collected. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=NO SkipCapture=NO SkipApplications=NO SkipComputerBackup=NO SkipDomainMembership=NO SkipUserData=NO SkipPackageDisplay=YES SkipLocaleSelection=NO


Indicates whether the Specify the product key needed to install this operating system wizard page is skipped.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES The wizard page is not displayed, and the information on that page is not collected.
NO The wizard page is displayed, and the information on that page is collected. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=NO SkipCapture=NO SkipAdminPassword=YES SkipApplications=NO SkipComputerBackup=NO SkipDomainMembership=NO SkipUserData=NO SkipPackageDisplay=NO SkipLocaleSelection=NO SkipProductKey=YES


This property is used to configure whether MDT rearms the Microsoft Office 2010 25-day activation grace period. If Microsoft Office 2010 is captured in a custom image, the user sees activation notification dialog boxes immediately after the image is deployed instead of 25-days after deployment.

By default, MDT rearms the Microsoft Office 2010 25-day activation grace period when running the LTISysprep.wsf script. You can set the value of this property to YES so that MDT skips the rearming of the Microsoft Office 2010 25-day activation grace period.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES MDT does not rearm the Microsoft Office 2010 25-day activation grace period.
NO MDT rearms the Microsoft Office 2010 25-day activation grace period. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSInstall=Y SkipCapture=YES SkipAdminPassword=NO SkipProductKey=YES SkipRearm=YES DoCapture=YES


Indicates whether the Roles and Features wizard page is skipped.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES The wizard page is not displayed, and the information on that page is not collected.
NO The wizard page is displayed, and the information on that page is collected. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=NO SkipCapture=NO SkipAdminPassword=YES SkipApplications=NO SkipBDDWelcome=YES SkipTaskSequence=Yes SkipComputerBackup=NO SkipComputerName=NO SkipDomainMembership=NO SkipFinalSummary=NO SkipRoles=YES SkipSummary=NO SkipUserData=NO SkipPackageDisplay=NO SkipLocaleSelection=NO


Indicates whether the Ready to begin wizard page is skipped.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES The wizard page is not displayed, and the information on that page is not collected.
NO The wizard page is displayed, and the information on that page is collected. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=NO SkipCapture=NO SkipAdminPassword=YES SkipApplications=NO SkipBDDWelcome=YES SkipTaskSequence=Yes SkipComputerBackup=NO SkipComputerName=NO SkipDomainMembership=NO SkipFinalSummary=NO SkipSummary=NO SkipUserData=NO SkipPackageDisplay=NO SkipLocaleSelection=NO


Indicates whether the Select a task sequence to execute on this computer wizard page is skipped.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.


Specify the SkipBuild property when using the Deployment Workbench to configure the Deployment Wizard to skip the Select a task sequence to execute on this computer wizard page.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES The wizard page is not displayed, and the information on that page is not collected.
NO The wizard page is displayed, and the information on that page is collected. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=NO SkipCapture=NO SkipApplications=NO SkipBDDWelcome=YES SkipTaskSequence=NO SkipComputerBackup=NO SkipComputerName=NO SkipDomainMembership=NO SkipFinalSummary=NO SkipSummary=NO SkipUserData=NO SkipPackageDisplay=NO SkipLocaleSelection=NO


Indicates whether the Set the Time Zone wizard page is skipped.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES The wizard page is not displayed, and the information on that page is not collected.
NO The wizard page is displayed, and the information on that page is collected. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=NO SkipCapture=NO SkipAdminPassword=YES SkipApplications=NO SkipBDDWelcome=YES SkipTaskSequence=YES SkipComputerBackup=NO SkipComputerName=NO SkipDomainMembership=NO SkipFinalSummary=NO SkipSummary=NO SkipTimeZone=NO SkipUserData=NO SkipPackageDisplay=NO SkipLocaleSelection=NO


Indicates whether the Specify whether to restore user data and Specify where to save your data and settings wizard page is skipped.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES The wizard page is not displayed, and the information on that page is not collected.
NO The wizard page is displayed, and the information on that page is collected. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=NO SkipCapture=NO SkipAdminPassword=YES SkipApplications=NO SkipComputerBackup=NO SkipDomainMembership=NO SkipUserData=NO SkipPackageDisplay=NO SkipLocaleSelection=NO SkipProductKey=YES


Indicates whether the entire Deployment Wizard is skipped.

For other properties that must be configured when this property is set to YES, see Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
YES The entire wizard is not displayed, and none of the information on the wizard pages is collected.
NO The wizard is displayed, and the information on the enabled wizard pages is collected. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SkipWizard=YES


The network shared folder in which the deployment logs are stored at the end of the deployment process.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
shared_folder The name of the network shared folder in which script logs are stored
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UDShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\MigData$ UDDir=%OSDComputerName% SLShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Logs$ UDProfiles=Administrator, User-01, ExtranetUser UserDataLocation=NONE SkipCapture=NO SkipAdminPassword=YES SkipProductKey=YES


The network shared folder in which all MDT logs should be written during deployment. This is used for advanced real-time debugging only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
shared_folder The name of the network shared folder in which script logs are stored
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UDShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\MigData$ UDDir=%OSDComputerName% SLShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Logs$ SLShareDynamicLogging=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Logs$ UDProfiles=Administrator, User-01, ExtranetUser UserDataLocation=NONE SkipCapture=NO SkipAdminPassword=YES SkipProductKey=YES


Specifies whether user device affinity (UDA) should be enabled and whether approval is required. This property only works with the UDA feature in Configuration Manager.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Auto The affinity between a user and the target device is established, and approval is automatically performed.
Pending The affinity between a user and the target device is established, and approval is submitted for Configuration Manager administrator approval.
Disable The affinity between a user and the target device is not established.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SMSTSAssignUserMode=Auto SMSTSUdaUsers=Fabrikam\Ken, Fabrikam\Pilar


Specifies the user name in Domain\User_Name format that should be used with a Run Command Line step that is configured to run as a user.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
user_name Specifies the user name in that should be used with a Run Command Line step
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName=Fabrikam\Ken SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword=<complex_password>


Specifies the password that should be used with a Run Command Line step that is configured to run as a user.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
user_password Specifies the password that should be used with a Run Command Line step
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName=Fabrikam\Ken SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword=<complex_password>


Specifies the users who will be assigned affinity with a specific device using the UDA feature, which is available only in Configuration Manager.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
user1, user2, ... The comma-separated list of users in Domain\User_Name format that will be assigned affinity with the target device.


You can only use the NetBIOS domain name in this value, such as Fabrikam\Ken. You cannot use the fully qualified domain name (fabrikam.com\Ken) or the UPN notation (ken@fabrikam.com).
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SMSTSAssignUserMode=Auto SMSTSUdaUsers=Fabrikam\Ken, Fabrikam\Pilar


The identity of the computer running SQL Server that performs a database query that returns property values from columns in the table specified in the Table property. The query is based on parameters specified in the Parameters and ParameterCondition properties. The instance of SQL Server on the computer is specified in the Instance property.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
SQL_server The name of the computer running SQL Server
[Settings] Priority=Computers, Default [Default] OSInstall=YES ScanStateArgs=/v:5 /o /c LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c /lac [Computers] SQLServer=NYC-SQL-01 SQLShare=SQL$ Database=MDTDB Instance=SQLEnterprise2005 Table=Computers Parameters=SerialNumber, AssetTag ParameterCondition=OR


The name of a shared folder on the computer running SQL Server (specified by the SQLServer property). The credentials used for authentication are provided by the UserDomain, UserID, and UserPassword properties (for LTI and ZTI) or by the Configuration Manager Advanced Client account credentials (ZTI only).


This property must be specified to perform Integrated Windows authentication. This is the recommended authentication method, rather than using the DBID and DBPwd properties (which support the SQL Server authentication method).

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
shared_folder The name of a shared folder on the computer running SQL Server
[Settings] Priority=Computers, Default Properties=MyCustomProperty [Default] OSInstall=YES ScanStateArgs=/v:5 /o /c LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c /lac [Computers] SQLServer=NYC-SQL-01 SQLShare=SQL$ Database=MDTDB Instance=MDT2010 Table=Computers Parameters=SerialNumber, AssetTag ParameterCondition=OR


This property is used to set the path where the user state migration data will be stored, which can be a UNC path, a local path, or a relative path. The OSDStateStorePath property takes precedence over the StatePath or UserDataLocation property when those properties are also specified.


This property is provided for backward compatibility with previous versions of MDT. Use the OSDStateStorePath property instead.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Path The path where the user state migration data will be stored, which can be a UNC path, a local path, or a relative path
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] StatePath=\\fs1\Share\Replace ComputerBackupLocation=\\fs1\Share\ComputerBackup\Client01


The name of the stored procedure used when performing a database query that returns property values from columns in the table or view. The stored procedure is located in the database specified in the Database property. The computer running SQL Server is specified in the SQLServer property. The instance of SQL Server on the computer is specified in the Instance property. The name of the stored procedure is specified in the StoredProcedure property.

For more information about using a stored procedure to query a SQL Server database, see the section, "Deploying Applications Based on Earlier Application Versions", in the MDT document Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Samples Guide.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
stored_procedure The name of the stored procedure used to query the SQL Server database
[Settings] Priority=DynamicPackages, Default [Default] OSInstall=YES [DynamicPackages] SQLDefault=DB_DynamicPackages [DB_DynamicPackages] SQLServer=SERVER1 Database=MDTDB StoredProcedure=RetrievePackages Parameters=MacAddress SQLShare=Logs Instance=MDT2013 Port=1433 Netlib=DBNMPNTW


Specifies whether the processor resources on the target computer can support the Hyper-V server role in Windows Server. This property is True if the value for the following properties is set to TRUE:

  • SupportsNX

  • SupportsVT

  • Supports64Bit

    Each of the previous properties is set using information from the CPUID interface. For further information collected about VMs and information returned from the CPUID interface, see the following properties:

  • IsHypervisorRunning

  • IsVM

  • SupportsNX

  • SupportsVT

  • Supports64Bit

  • VMPlatform


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE The processor resources of the target computer can support the Hyper-V server role in Windows Server.
FALSE The processor resources of the target computer cannot support the Hyper-V server role in Windows Server.


Specifies whether the processor resources on the target computer support the No Execute (NX) technology. The NX technology is used in processors to segregate areas of memory for use by either storage of processor instructions (code) or for storage of data. This property is set using information from the CPUID interface.

For further information collected about VMs and information returned from the CPUID interface, see the following properties:

  • IsHypervisorRunning

  • IsVM

  • SupportsHyperVRole

  • SupportsVT

  • Supports64Bit

  • VMPlatform


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE The processor resources of the target computer support NX technology.
FALSE The processor resources of the target computer do not support NX technology.


Specifies whether the processor resources on the target computer support the Virtualization Technology (VT) feature. VT is used to support current virtualized environments, such as Hyper-V. This property is set using information from the CPUID interface.

For further information collected about VMs and information returned from the CPUID interface, see the following properties:

  • IsHypervisorRunning

  • IsVM

  • SupportsHyperVRole

  • SupportsNX

  • Supports64Bit

  • VMPlatform


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE The processor resources of the target computer support VT technology.
FALSE The processor resources of the target computer do not support VT technology.


Specifies whether the processor resources on the target computer support Windows 64-bit operating systems. Most modern virtualization environments require 64-bit processor architecture. This property is set using information from the CPUID interface.

For further information collected about VMs and information returned from the CPUID interface, see the following properties:

  • IsHypervisorRunning

  • IsVM

  • SupportsHyperVRole

  • SupportsNX

  • SupportsVT

  • VMPlatform


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE The processor resources of the target computer support a Windows 64-bit operating system.
FALSE The processor resources of the target computer do not support a Windows 64-bit operating system.


Specifies the fully qualified, non-UNC path to a directory on a fixed disk of the local computer.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
path Specifies the fully qualified, non-UNC path to a directory on a fixed disk of the local computer
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] SysVolPath=%DestinationLogicalDrive%\Windows\Sysvol


The name of the table or view to be used in performing a database query that returns property values from columns in the table or view. The query is based on parameters specified in the Parameters and ParameterCondition properties. The table or view is located in the database specified in the Database property. The computer running SQL Server is specified in the SQLServer property. The instance of SQL Server on the computer is specified in the Instance property.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
table_name The name of the table or view to be queried for property values
[Settings] Priority=Computers, Default [Default] OSInstall=YES ScanStateArgs=/v:5 /o /c LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c /lac [Computers] SQLServer=NYC-SQL-01 SQLShare=SQL$ Database=MDTDB Instance=MDT2010 Table=Computers Parameters=SerialNumber, AssetTag ParameterCondition=OR


Identifies the operating system task sequence to be deployed to the target computer. The task sequence ID is created on the Task Sequences node in the Deployment Workbench. The TaskSequenceID property allows alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). The TaskSequenceID property cannot be blank or contain spaces.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
task_sequence_id Identifier of the operating system task sequence defined in the Deployment Workbench for the target operating system being deployed


Be sure to use the TaskSequenceID specified in the Deployment Workbench UI, not the GUID of the TaskSequenceID.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] TaskSequenceID=BareMetal


Specifies the name of the task sequence being run.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
task_sequence_name Name of the task sequence being run, such as Deploy Windows 8.1 to Reference Computer


Specifies the version of the task sequence being run.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
task_sequence_version Version of the task sequence being run, such as 1.00


The time zone in which the target computer is located. This value is inserted into the appropriate configuration settings in Unattend.xml.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
time_zone_name The text value that indicates the time zone where the target computer is located
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] TimeZoneName=Pacific Standard Time DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UDShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\MigData$ UDDir=%OSDComputerName% SLShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Logs$ UDProfiles=Administrator, User-01, ExtranetUser UserDataLocation=NONE


Specifies the UNC path to the Tools\proc_arch folder (where proc_arch is the processor architecture of the currently running operating system and can have a value of x86 or x64), which is immediately beneath the root of the folder structure specified in the DeployRoot property. The Tools\proc_arch folder contains utilities that MDT uses during the deployment process.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
path The UNC or local path to the Tools\proc_arch folder (where proc_arch is the processor architecture of the currently running operating system and can have a value of x86 or x64) immediately beneath the root of the folder structure specified by the DeployRoot property


The TPM password (also known as the TPM administration password) for the owner of the target computer. The password can be saved to a file or stored in AD DS.


If the TPM ownership is already set or TPM ownership is not allowed, then the TPMOwnerPassword property is ignored. If the TPM password is needed and the TPMOwnerPassword property is not provided, the TPM password is set to the local Administrator password.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
password The TPM password for the owner of the target computer
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BDEDriveLetter=S: BDEDriveSize=2000 BDEInstall=TPMKey BDERecoveryKey=TRUE BDEKeyLocation=C: TPMOwnerPassword=<complex_password> BackupShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Backup$ BackupDir=%OSDComputerName% DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UDShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\MigData$ UDDir=%OSDComputerName%


The folder in which the user state migration data is stored. This folder exists beneath the network shared folder specified in UDShare.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
folder The name of the folder that exists beneath the network shared folder
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UDShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\MigData$ UDDir=%OSDComputerName% SLShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Logs$ UDProfiles=Administrator, User-01, ExtranetUser UserDataLocation=NONE SkipCapture=NO


A comma-delimited list of user profiles that need to be saved by Scanstate.exe during the State Capture Phase.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
user_profiles The list of user profiles to be saved, separated by commas
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UDShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\MigData$ UDDir=%OSDComputerName% SLShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Logs$ UDProfiles=Administrator, User-01, ExtranetUser UserDataLocation=NONE SkipCapture=NO


The network share where user state migration data is stored.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
UNC_path The UNC path to the network share where user state migration data is stored
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UDShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\MigData$ UDDir=%OSDComputerName% SLShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Logs$ UDProfiles=Administrator, User-01, ExtranetUser UserDataLocation=NONE SkipCapture=NO


The default language to be used with the target operating system. If not specified, the Deployment Wizard uses the language configured in the image being deployed.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
UI_language The default language for the operating system on the target computer
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] UserLocale=en-us UILanguage=en-us KeyboardLocale=0409:00000409


The location in which USMT stores user state migration data.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
blank If UserDataLocationis not specified or is left blank, the Deployment Wizard will default to using the AUTO behavior.
UNC_path The UNC path to the network shared folder where the user state migration data is stored.
AUTO The deployment scripts store the user state migration data on a local hard disk if space is available. Otherwise, the user state migration data is saved to a network location, which is specified in the UDShare and UDDir properties.
NETWORK The user state migration data is stored in the location designated by the UDShare and UDDir properties.
NONE The user state migration data is not saved.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSInstall=YES ScanStateArgs=/v:5 /o /c LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c /lac DoCapture=YES BackupShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Backup$ BackupDir=%OSDComputerName% UserDataLocation=NETWORK DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UDShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\MigData$ UDDir=%OSDComputerName%


The domain in which a user's credentials (specified in the UserID property) reside.


For a completely automated LTI deployment, provide this property in both CustomSettings.ini and BootStrap.ini. However, note that storing the user credentials in these files stores the credentials in clear text and therefore is not secure.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
domain The name of the domain where the user account credentials reside
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSInstall=YES ScanStateArgs=/v:5 /o /c LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c /lac DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UserDataLocation=NONE UserDomain=WOODGROVEBANK UserID=NYC Help Desk Staff UserPassword=<complex_password>


The user credentials for accessing network resources.


For a completely automated LTI deployment, provide this property in both CustomSettings.ini and BootStrap.ini. However, note that storing the user credentials in these files stores the credentials in clear text and therefore is not secure.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
user_id The name of the user account credentials used to access the network resources
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSInstall=YES ScanStateArgs=/v:5 /o /c LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c /lac DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UserDataLocation=NONE UserDomain=WOODGROVEBANK UserID=NYC-HelpDesk UserPassword=<complex_password>


The user locale to be used with the target operating system. If not specified, the Deployment Wizard uses the user locale configured in the image being deployed.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
user_locale The locale for the user on the target computer. The value is specified as a text value (en-us).
Example 1
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] UserLocale=en-us KeyboardLocale=0409:00000409
Example 2
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] UserLocale=en-us KeyboardLocale=en-us


The password for user credentials specified in the UserID property.


For a completely automated LTI deployment, provide this property in both CustomSettings.ini and BootStrap.ini. However, note that storing the user credentials in these files stores the credentials in clear text and therefore is not secure.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
user_password The password for the user account credentials
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] UserDataLocation=NONE UserDomain=WOODGROVEBANK UserID=NYC-HelpDesk UserPassword=<complex_password>


The USMT configuration XML file that should be used when running Scanstate and Loadstate.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
USMTConfigFile The name of the XML configuration file that should be used when running Scanstate.exe and Loadstate.exe
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSInstall=YES ScanStateArgs=/v:5 /o /c LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c /lac DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UDShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\MigData$ UDDir=%OSDComputerName% SLShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Logs$ USMTMigFiles1=MigApp.xml USMTMigFiles2=MigUser.xml USMTMigFiles3=MigSys.xml USMTMigFiles4=MigCustom.xml USMTConfigFile=USMTConfig.xml UserDataLocation=NONE


This property specifies whether the USMT user state information is stored locally on the target computer. This property is primarily used by the ZTIUserState.wsf and ZTIBackup.wsf scripts to indicate that the Request State Store and Release State Store task sequence steps for Configuration Manager deployments are skipped. For more information, see the OSDStateStorePath property.


This property should only be used in the circumstance described in the OSDStateStorePath property).

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE The USMT user state information is stored locally on the target computer, and the Request State Store and Release State Store task sequence steps are skipped.
FALSE The USMT user state information is not stored locally on the target computer, and the Request State Store and Release State Store task sequence steps are performed.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSInstall=YES ScanStateArgs=/v:5 /o /c LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c /lac DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UDShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\MigData$ UDDir=%OSDComputerName% SLShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Logs$ USMTLocal=TRUE USMTMigFiles001=MigApp.xml USMTMigFiles002=MigUser.xml USMTMigFiles003=MigSys.xml USMTMigFiles004=MigCustom.xml UserDataLocation=NONE


A list of files in XML format that are used by USMT (Scanstate.exe) to identify user state migration information to be saved. When this property is not specified, the ZTIUserState.wsf script uses MigApp.xml, MigUser.xml, and MigSys.xml. Otherwise, ZTIUserState.wsf uses the files explicitly referenced in this property. The USMTMigFiles property has a numeric suffix (for example, USMTMigFiles001 or USMTMigFiles002).


Use this property to specify the XML files to be used by Scanstate.exe instead of using the /I parameter in the ScanStateArgs property. This prevents the ZTIUserState.wsf script from potentially duplicating the same list of XML files.


This property name can be specified using single-digit nomenclature (USMTMigFiles1) or triple-digit nomenclature (USMTMigFiles001).

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
USMTMigFile The name of the .xml file to be used as input for Scanstate.exe, on separate lines. If not specified, the default is MigApp.xml, MigUser.xml, and MigSys.xml.


If this value is specified, the default files (MigApp.xml, MigUser.xml, and MigSys.xml) must also be added to the list if these files are to be included.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSInstall=YES ScanStateArgs=/v:5 /o /c LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c /lac DeployRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Distribution$ ResourceRoot=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Resource$ UDShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\MigData$ UDDir=%OSDComputerName% SLShare=\\NYC-AM-FIL-01\Logs$ USMTMigFiles001=MigApp.xml USMTMigFiles002=MigUser.xml USMTMigFiles003=MigSys.xml USMTMigFiles004=MigCustom.xml UserDataLocation=NONE


This property determines whether MDT uses USMT to perform an offline user state migration. In an offline migration, the capture is performed in Windows PE instead of the existing operating system.

Offline migration is using USMT is performed for:

  • UDI always, regardless of the setting of the USMTOfflineMigration property

  • ZTI only for the MDT Refresh Computer deployment scenario and only when the USMTOfflineMigration property is set to "TRUE"


    You cannot perform USMT offline user state migration in the MDT New Computer deployment scenario using ZTI.

  • LTI for the:

    1. MDT New Computer deployment scenario using the Move Data and Settings wizard page in the Deployment Wizard

    2. MDT Refresh Computer deployment scenario and only when the USMTOfflineMigration property is set to "TRUE"

    For more information about using MDT and USMT to perform an offline user state migration, see "Configure USMT Offline User State Migration".

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE MDT uses USMT to perform an offline user state migration.
Any other value MDT does not perform an offline user state migration. Instead, user state migration is captured in the existing operating system. This is the default value.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] OSInstall=YES SkipUserData=YES USMTOfflineMigration=TRUE DoNotFormatAndPartition=YES OSDStateStorePath=\\WDG-MDT-01\StateStore$


The Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) stored in the System Management BIOS of the target computer.

The format for UUID is a 16-byte value using hexadecimal digits in the following format: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC. Use this property to create a subsection that contains settings targeted to a specific computer.


This property is dynamically set by MDT scripts and cannot have its value set in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only. However, you can use this property within CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB, as shown in the following examples, to aid in defining the configuration of the target computer.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
UUID The UUID of the target computer


This property is used to specify a UNC path to a network shared folder that is used to validate the credentials provided for joining the target computer to a domain. The credentials being validated are specified in the DomainAdmin, DomainAdminDomain, and DomainAdminPassword properties.


Ensure that no other properties in MDT use the server sharing the folder in this property. Using a server that is already referenced by other MDT properties could result in improper validation of the credentials.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
unc_path Specifies the fully qualified UNC path to a network shared folder
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] ValidateDomainCredentialsUNC=\\wdg-fs-01\Source$


This property is used to specify the name of a differencing VHD (also known as a child VHD) file. A differencing VHD is similar to a dynamically expanding VHD but contains only the modified disk blocks of the associated parent VHD. The parent VHD is read only, so you must modify the differencing VHD. The differencing VHD file is created in the same folder as the parent VHD file, so only the file name is specified in this property. This property is only valid for the MDT New Computer deployment scenario.


All parent VHD files created by MDT are stored in the VHD folder in the root of the parent drive.

This property is commonly set using a task sequence step created using the Create Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) task sequence type. You can override the value the Create Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) task sequence step sets by configuring this property in CustomSettings.ini.


To configure this property in CustomSettings.ini, you must add this property to the Properties line in CustomSettings.ini.

For related properties that are used with VHD files, see:

  • VHDCreateFileName

  • VHDCreateSizeMax

  • VHDCreateSource

  • VHDCreateType

  • VHDDisks

  • VHDInputVariable

  • VHDOutputVariable

  • VHDTargetDisk

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
filename Specifies the name of the differencing VHD file, which is located in the same folder as the parent VHD file

The differencing VHD file cannot have the same name as the parent VHD file.
RANDOM Automatically generates a random name for the differencing VHD file, which is located in the same folder as the parent VHD file
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] VHDCreateDiffVHD=Win7Diff_C.vhd VHDInputVariable=VHDTargetDisk


This property is used to specify the name of a VHD file. The type of VHD file is based on the value of the VHDCreateType property. The property only includes the file name, not the path to the file name, and is valid only for the MDT New Computer deployment scenario.


The VHD files created by MDT are stored in the VHD folder in the root of the parent drive.

This property is commonly set using a task sequence step created using the Create Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) task sequence type. You can override the value the Create Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) task sequence step sets by configuring this property in CustomSettings.ini.


To configure this property in CustomSettings.ini, you must add this property to the Properties line in CustomSettings.ini.

For related properties that are used with VHD files, see:

  • VHDCreateDiffVHD

  • VHDCreateSizeMax

  • VHDCreateSource

  • VHDCreateType

  • VHDDisks

  • VHDInputVariable

  • VHDOutputVariable

  • VHDTargetDisk

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
file_name Specifies the name of the VHD file
RANDOM Automatically generates a random name for the VHD file, which is located in the VHD folder in the root of the parent drive
Blank Same a RANDOM
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] VHDCreateSizeMax=130048 VHDCreateType=EXPANDABLE VHDCreateFileName=Win7_C.vhd VHDInputVariable=VHDTargetDisk


This property is used to specify the maximum size of a VHD file in megabytes (MB). The size of the VHD file at creation time is based on the type of VHD file being created. For more information, see the VHDCreateType property. This property is valid only for the MDT New Computer deployment scenario.


If this property is not specified, the default value for the maximum size of a VHD file is 90% of the available disk space on the parent disk.

This property is commonly set using a task sequence step created using the Create Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) task sequence type. You can override the value that the Create Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) task sequence step sets by configuring this property in CustomSettings.ini.


To configure this property in CustomSettings.ini, you must add this property to the Properties line in CustomSettings.ini.

For related properties that are used with VHD files, see:

  • VHDCreateDiffVHD

  • VHDCreateFileName

  • VHDCreateSource

  • VHDCreateType

  • VHDDisks

  • VHDInputVariable

  • VHDOutputVariable

  • VHDTargetDisk

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
size The maximum size of the VHD file specified in MB. For example, 130,048 MB equals 127 GB. The default value is 90% of the available disk space on the parent disk.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] VHDCreateSizeMax=130048 VHDCreateType=FIXED VHDCreateFileName=Win7_C.vhd VHDInputVariable=VHDTargetDisk


This property is used to specify the name of a VHD file that is used as a template (source) for creating a new VHD file. You can specify the file name using a UNC path, local path, relative path, or just the file name. If just the file name is specified, then MDT attempts to find the VHD file on the target computer. This property is valid only for the MDT New Computer deployment scenario.

This property is commonly set using a task sequence step created using the Create Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) task sequence type. You can override the value that the **Create Virtual Hard Disk (VHD)**task sequence step sets by configuring this property in CustomSettings.ini.


To configure this property in CustomSettings.ini, you must add this property to the Properties line in CustomSettings.ini.

For related properties that are used with VHD files, see:

  • VHDCreateDiffVHD

  • VHDCreateFileName

  • VHDCreateSizeMax

  • VHDCreateType

  • VHDDisks

  • VHDInputVariable

  • VHDOutputVariable

  • VHDTargetDisk

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
name The file name, which can be specified using a UNC path, local path, relative path, or just the file name. If just the file name is specified, then MDT attempts to find the VHD file on the target computer.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] VHDCreateSizeMax=130048 VHDCreateSource=\\wdg-mdt-01\vhds\win7_template.vhd VHDCreateType=FIXED VHDCreateFileName=Win7_C.vhd VHDInputVariable=VHDTargetDisk


This property is used to specify the type of VHD file that is specified in the VHDCreateFileName property and can be one of the following VHD file types:

  • Fixed VHD file. For this VHD type, the size of the VHD specified at creation is allocated and does not change automatically after creation. For example, if you create a 24-gigabyte (GB) fixed VHD file, the file will be approximately 24 GB in size (with some space used for the internal VHD structure) regardless of how much information is stored in the VHD file.

  • Dynamically expanding VHD file. For this VHD type, only a small percentage of the size of the VHD specified at creation time is allocated. Then, the VHD file continues to grow as more and more information is stored in it. However, the VHD file cannot grow beyond the size specified at creation. For example, if you create a 24 GB dynamically expanding VHD, it will be small at creation. However, as information is stored in the VHD file, the file will continue to grow but never exceed the maximum size of 24 GB.

    This property is only valid for the MDT New Computer deployment scenario.


The maximum size of the VHD file is specified in the VHDCreateSizeMax property.

This property is commonly set using a task sequence step created using the Create Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) task sequence type. You can override the value that the Create Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) task sequence step sets by configuring this property in CustomSettings.ini.


To configure this property in CustomSettings.ini, you must add this property to the Properties line in CustomSettings.ini.

For related properties that are used with VHD files, see:

  • VHDCreateDiffVHD

  • VHDCreateFileName

  • VHDCreateSizeMax

  • VHDCreateSource

  • VHDDisks

  • VHDInputVariable

  • VHDOutputVariable

  • VHDTargetDisk

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
EXPANDABLE Creates a fixed VHD file
FIXED Creates a dynamically expanding VHD file
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] VHDCreateSizeMax=130048 VHDCreateType=EXPANDABLE VHDCreateFileName=Win7_C.vhd VHDInputVariable=VHDTargetDisk


This property contains a list of the physical drive numbers assigned to VHD files separated by spaces. Each time a VHD file is created, MDT adds the disk index of the newly created disk to this property using the Index property of the Win32_DiskDrive WMI class.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

This property is commonly set using a task sequence step created using the Create Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) task sequence type. You can override the value that the Create Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) task sequence step sets by configuring this property in CustomSettings.ini.


To configure this property in CustomSettings.ini, you must add this property to the Properties line in CustomSettings.ini.

For related properties that are used with VHD files, see:

  • VHDCreateDiffVHD

  • VHDCreateFileName

  • VHDCreateSizeMax

  • VHDCreateSource

  • VHDCreateType

  • VHDInputVariable

  • VHDOutputVariable

  • VHDTargetDisk

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
index1 index2 index3 A list of the physical drive numbers assigned to the VHD files separated by spaces—for example, 1 2 5.


This property contains a variable that contains the drive on the target computer where the VHD files will be created. MDT creates the VHD files in the VHD folder in the root of this drive.


If this property is omitted, MDT attempts to create the VHD files in the VHD folder in the root of the first system drive.

This property is commonly set using a task sequence step created using the Create Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) task sequence type. You can override the value that the Create Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) task sequence step sets by configuring this property in CustomSettings.ini.


To configure this property in CustomSettings.ini, you must add this property to the Properties line in CustomSettings.ini.

For related properties that are used with VHD files, see:

  • VHDCreateDiffVHD

  • VHDCreateFileName

  • VHDCreateSizeMax

  • VHDCreateSource

  • VHDCreateType

  • VHDDrives

  • VHDOutputVariable

  • VHDTargetDisk

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
variable Variable that contains the drive letter on the target computer where the VHD files will be created. MDT creates the VHD files in the VHD folder in the root of this drive. For example, if this property has a value of VHDTargetDisk, the VHDTargetDisk property contains the drive letter (such as H).
VHDCreateSizeMax=130048 VHDCreateType=EXPANDABLE VHDCreateFileName=Win7_C.vhd VHDInputVariable=VHDTargetDisk


This property contains a variable that contains the physical drive number that was assigned to the newly created VHD file. Each time a VHD file is created, MDT sets this property to the disk index of the newly created disk using the Index property of the Win32_DiskDrive WMI class.

This property is commonly set using a task sequence step created using the Create Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) task sequence type. You can override the value that the Create Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) task sequence step sets by configuring this property in CustomSettings.ini.


To configure this property in CustomSettings.ini, you must add this property to the Properties line in CustomSettings.ini.

For related properties that are used with VHD files, see:

  • VHDCreateDiffVHD

  • VHDCreateFileName

  • VHDCreateSizeMax

  • VHDCreateSource

  • VHDCreateType

  • VHDDisks

  • VHDInputVariable

  • VHDTargetDisk

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Variable Variable will contains the physical drive number assigned to the newly created VHD file. For example, if this property has a value of OSDDiskIndex, the OSDDiskIndex property will contain the physical drive number assigned to the newly created VHD file (such as 4).


Specifies the drive on the target computer where the VHD is to be created. This property is later referenced in the VHDInputVariable property.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

For related properties that are used with VHD files, see:

  • VHDCreateDiffVHD

  • VHDCreateFileName

  • VHDCreateSizeMax

  • VHDCreateSource

  • VHDCreateType

  • VHDDisks

  • VHDInputVariable

  • VHDOutputVariable

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Disk Specifies the drive where the VHD is to be created


Specifies the name of the Hyper-V host running the VM where MDT is running. This property is available only when the Hyper-V Integration Components are installed and running.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Table 4 lists the Windows operating systems that MDT supports and their corresponding Hyper-V Integration Components support.

Table 4. Windows Operating Systems and Hyper-V Integration Components Support

Operating system Hyper-V Integration Components
Windows PE Integration Components are unavailable.
Windows 7 Available by default in Enterprise, Ultimate, and Professional editions.
Windows Server 2008 R2 Available by default in all editions.
Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Name The name of the Hyper-V host running the VM where MDT is running


Specifies the name of the VM where MDT is running. This property is only available when the Hyper-V Integration Components are installed and running.

Table 5 lists the Windows operating systems supported by MDT and their corresponding Hyper-V Integration Components support.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Table 5. Windows Operating Systems and Hyper-V Integration Components Support

Operating system Hyper-V Integration Components
Windows PE Integration Components are unavailable.
Windows 7 Available by default in Enterprise, Ultimate, and Professional editions.
Windows Server 2008 R2 Available by default in all editions.
Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
name The name of the VM where MDT is running


Specifies specific information about the virtualization environment for the target computer when the target computer is a VM. The VM platform is determined by using WMI.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
Hyper-V Hyper-V
VirtualBox Virtual Box
VMware VMware virtualization platform
Xen Citrix Xen Server


The vertical refresh rate for the monitor on the target computer. The vertical refresh rate is specified in Hertz. In the example, the value 60 indicates that the vertical refresh rate of the monitor is 60 Hz. This value is inserted into the appropriate configuration settings in Unattend.xml.


The default values (in the Unattend.xml template file) are 1,024 pixels horizontal resolution, 768 pixels vertical resolution, 32-bit color depth, and 60 Hz vertical refresh rate.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
refresh_rate The vertical refresh rate for the monitor on the target computer in Hertz
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BitsPerPel=32 VRefresh=60 XResolution=1024 YResolution=768


This property is used to pass a value to the maxsize parameter of the vssadmin resize shadowstorage command in the Vssadmin command. The maxsize parameter is used to specify the maximum amount of space on the target volume that can be used for storing shadow copies. For more information on the maxsize parameter, see Vssadmin resize shadowstorage.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
maxsize_value Specifies the maximum amount of space that can be used for storing shadow copies. The value can be specified in bytes or as a percentage of the target volume.

To specify the value:

- In bytes, the value must be 300 MB or greater and accept the following suffixes: KB, MB, GB, TB, PB and EB. You can also use B, K, M, G, T, P, and E as suffixes—for example:


- As a percentage, use the % character as the suffix to the numeric value—for example:



If a suffix is not supplied, the default suffix is bytes. For example, VSSMaxSize=1024 indicates that the VSSMaxSize will be set to 1,024 bytes.

If the value is set to UNBOUNDED, then there is no limit placed on the amount of storage space that can be used—for example:

[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] VSSMaxSize=25%


The computer running Windows Deployment Services that is used for installing Windows Deployment Services images. The default value is the server running Windows Deployment Services from which the image was initiated.


This property is dynamically set by the MDT scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB. Treat this property as read only.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
WDS_server The name of the computer running Windows Deployment Services


MDT uses this property to set the location of the sources\sxs folder in a network shared folder that contains the operating system source files. This property is used when:

  • MDT is running a custom task sequence or deploying a custom image

  • MDT is installing roles or features in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012

  • The computer does not have access to the Internet

    When the situation described in the bulleted list above occurs, MDT may be unable to find the operating system source files locally, and the installation will attempt to download the files from the Internet. Because the computer does not have Internet access, the process will fail. Setting this property to the appropriate value helps prevent this problem from occurring.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
folder_unc A UNC path to the Sources\sxs folder for the operating system being deployed.


The UNC path must include the Sources\sxs folder.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] WindowsSource=%DeployRoot%\Operating Systems\Windows 8\Sources\sxs


Specifies whether the disk should be wiped. If WipeDisk is TRUE, the ZTIWipeDisk.wsf script will clean the disk using the Format command. The Format command is not the most "secure" way of wiping the disk.

Securely wiping the disk should be done so in a manner that follows the U.S. Department of Defense standard 5220.22-M, which states, "To clear magnetic disks, overwrite all locations three times (first time with a character, second time with its complement, and the third time with a random character)."

When MDT wipes the disk, it uses the Format command with the /P:3 switch, which instructs Format to zero every sector on the volume and to perform the operation three times. There is no way to tell the Format command to use a particular character or a random character.


If the disk must be securely wiped, a non-Microsoft secure disk wipe tool should be added to the task sequence using the Run Command Line task sequence step.


This property value must be specified in uppercase letters so that the deployment scripts can properly read it.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
TRUE If WipeDisk is set to TRUE, the Win32_DiskPartition at DiskIndex 0 and Index 0 will be formatted.
FALSE The disk will not be formatted.
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] WipeDisk=TRUE


Profile name used by the wizard for filtering the display of various items.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
profile_name Profile name used by the wizard for filtering the display of various items
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] WizardSelectionProfile=SelectTaskSequenceOnly


This is the name of the Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server that the target computer should use when scanning for, downloading, and installing updates.

For more information about what script uses this property, see ZTIWindowsUpdate.wsf.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
server_name The name of the WSUS server, specified in HTTP format
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] WSUSServer=https://WSUSServerName[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] WSUSServer=https://WSUSServerName


The list of Windows Update/Microsoft Update software updates to ignore (by associated Knowledge Base articles).

Deployment project team members will want to periodically review the list of updates being installed by the ZTIWindowsUpdate.wsf script to verify that each update meets the project's needs and expectations. All updates are logged and recorded in the ZTIWindowsUpdate.log file, which is generated during deployment. Each update will indicate its status as INSTALL or SKIP and lists the UpdateID, the update name, and the QNumber associated with each update. If an update needs to be excluded, that update should be added to the CustomSettings.ini file (for LTI deployments).

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
WUMU_ExcludeKB The list of Windows Update/Microsoft Update software updates to ignore by QNumber
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] WUMU_ExcludeKB1=925471


The list of Windows Update/Microsoft Update software updates to ignore (by associated update ID).

Deployment project team members will want to periodically review the list of updates being installed by the ZTIWindowsUpdate.wsf script to verify that each update meets the project's needs and expectations. All updates are logged and recorded in the ZTIWindowsUpdate.log file, which is generated during deployment. Each update will indicate its status as INSTALL or SKIP and lists the UpdateID, the update name, and the QNumber associated with each update. If an update should be excluded, that update should be added to the CustomSettings.ini file (for LTI deployments).

For example, if the installation of the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool should be excluded, look up the line in the ZTIWindowsUpdate.log that shows where the update was identified and installed, and then select the UpdateID number. For example, the UpdateID number for the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool is adbe6425-6560-4d40-9478-1e35b3cdab4f.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
WUMU_ExcludeID The list of Windows Update/Microsoft Update software updates to ignore, by UpdateID number
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] WUMU_ExcludeID1={adbe6425-6560-4d40-9478-1e35b3cdab4f}[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] WUMU_ExcludeID1={adbe6425-6560-4d40-9478-1e35b3cdab4f}


The horizontal resolution of the monitor on the target computer, specified in pixels. In the example, the value 1024 indicates the horizontal resolution of the monitor is 1,024 pixels. This value is inserted into the appropriate configuration settings in Unattend.xml.


The default values (in the Unattend.xml template file) are 1,024 pixels horizontal resolution, 768 pixels vertical resolution, 32-bit color depth, and 60 Hz vertical refresh rate.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
horizontal_resolution The horizontal resolution of the monitor on the target computer in pixels
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BitsPerPel=32 VRefresh=60 XResolution=1024 YResolution=768[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BitsPerPel=32 VRefresh=60 XResolution=1024 YResolution=768


The vertical resolution of the monitor on the target computer, specified in pixels. In the example, the value 768 indicates the vertical resolution of the monitor is 768 pixels. This value gets inserted into the appropriate configuration settings in Unattend.xml.


The default values (in the Unattend.xml template file) are 1,024 pixels horizontal resolution, 768 pixels vertical resolution, 32-bit color depth, and 60 Hz vertical refresh rate.

Component Configured By | Scenario Property Is Applicable
BootStrap.ini | LTI (Stand-alone MDT)
CustomSettings.ini |
MDT DB | ZTI (Configuration Manager)
Value Description
vertical_resolution The vertical resolution of the monitor on the target computer in pixels
[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BitsPerPel=32 VRefresh=60 XResolution=1024 YResolution=768[Settings] Priority=Default [Default] BitsPerPel=32 VRefresh=60 XResolution=1024 YResolution=768

Providing Properties for Skipped Deployment Wizard Pages

Table 6 lists the individual Deployment Wizard pages, the property to skip the corresponding wizard page, and the properties that must be configured when skipping the wizard page.

If the SkipWizard property is used to skip all the Deployment Wizard pages, provide all the properties in the Configure these properties column. For examples of various deployment scenarios that skip Deployment Wizard pages, see the section, "Fully Automated LTI Deployment Scenario", in the MDT document Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Samples Guide.


In instances where the Configure These Properties column is blank, no properties need to be configured when skipping the corresponding wizard page.

Table 6. Deployment Wizard Pages

Skip this wizard page Using this property Configure these properties
Welcome SkipBDDWelcome
Specify credentials for connecting to network shares Skipped by providing properties in next column - UserID

- UserDomain

- UserPassword
Task Sequence SkipTaskSequence - TaskSequenceID
Computer Details SkipComputerName,

- OSDComputerName

- JoinWorkgroup


- JoinDomain

- DomainAdmin
User Data SkipUserData - UDDir

- UDShare

- UserDataLocation
Move Data and Settings SkipUserData - UDDir

- UDShare

- UserDataLocation
User Data (Restore) SkipUserData - UDDir

- UDShare

- UserDataLocation
Computer Backup SkipComputerBackup - BackupDir

- BackupShare

- ComputerBackupLocation
Product Key SkipProductKey - ProductKey


- OverrideProductKey
Language Packs SkipPackageDisplay LanguagePacks
Locale and Time SkipLocaleSelection, SkipTimeZone - KeyboardLocale

- UserLocale

- UILanguage

- TimeZoneName
Roles and Features SkipRoles - OSRoles

- OSRoleServices

- OSFeatures
Applications SkipApplications Applications
Administrator Password SkipAdminPassword AdminPassword
Local Administrators SkipAdminAccounts - Administrators
Capture Image SkipCapture - ComputerBackupLocation
Bitlocker SkipBitLocker - BDEDriveLetter

- BDEDriveSize

- BDEInstall

- BDEInstallSuppress

- BDERecoveryKey

- TPMOwnerPassword

- OSDBitLockerStartupKeyDrive

- OSDBitLockerWaitForEncryption
Ready to begin SkipSummary -
Operating system deployment completed successfully SkipFinalSummary -
Operating system deployment did not complete successfully SkipFinalSummary -