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Authentication overview

Fabric workloads rely on integration with Microsoft Entra ID for authentication and authorization.

All interactions between workloads and other Fabric or Azure components must be accompanied by proper authentication support for requests received or sent. Tokens sent out must be generated properly, and tokens received must be validated properly as well.

It's recommended that you become familiar with the Microsoft identity platform before starting to work with Fabric workloads. It's also recommended to go over Microsoft identity platform best practices and recommendations.


  • From workload frontend to workload backend

    An example of such communication is any data plane API. This communication is done with a Subject token (Delegated token).

    For information on how to acquire a token in the workload FE, read Authentication API. In addition, make sure you go over token validation in the Backend authentication and authorization overview.

  • From Fabric backend to workload backend

    An example of such communication is Create workload item. This communication is done with a SubjectAndApp token, which is a special token that includes an app token and a subject token combined (see the Backend authentication and authorization overview to learn more about this token).

    For this communication to work, the user using this communication must give consent to the Microsoft Entra application.

  • From workload backend to Fabric backend

    This is done with a SubjectAndApp token for workload control APIs (for example, ResolveItemPermissions), or with a Subject token (for other Fabric APIs).

  • From workload backend to external services

    An example of such communication is writing to a Lakehouse file. This is done with Subject token or an App token, depending on the API.

    If you plan on communicating with services using a Subject token, make sure you're familiar with On behalf of flows.

    Refer to Authentication tutorial to set up your environment to work with authentication.

Authentication JavaScript API

Fabric front-end offers a JavaScript API for Fabric workloads to acquire a token for their application in Microsoft Entra ID. Before working with the authentication JavaScript API, make sure you go over the authentication JavaScript API documentation.


To understand why consents are required, review User and admin consent in Microsoft Entra ID.

How do consents work in Fabric workloads?

To grant a consent for a specific application, Fabric FE creates an MSAL instance configured with the workload's application ID and asks for a token for the provided scope (additionalScopesToConsent - see AcquireAccessTokenParams).

When asking for a token with the workload application for a specific scope, Microsoft Entra ID displays a popup consent in case it's missing, and then redirect the popup window to the redirect URI configured in the application.

Typically the redirect URI is in the same domain as the page that requested the token so the page can access the popup and close it.

In our case, it's not in the same domain since Fabric is requesting the token and the redirect URI of the workload isn't in the Fabric domain, so when the consent dialog opens, it needs to be closed manually after redirect - we don't use the code returned in the redirectUri, and hence we just autoclose it (when Microsoft Entra ID redirects the popup to the redirect URI, it closes).

You can see the code/configuration of the redirect Uri in the file index.ts. This file can be found in the Microsoft-Fabric-workload-development-sample, under the front-end folder.

Here's an example of a consent popup for our app "my workload app" and its dependencies (storage and Power BI) that we configured when going over the authentication set up:

Screenshot of the consent popup.