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Security Extensibility

This section contains samples that demonstrate custom security in Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).

In This Section

Durable Issued Token Provider Demonstrates how to implement a custom client issued token provider.

SAML Token Provider Demonstrates how to implement a custom client SAML token provider.

Supporting Tokens Demonstrates how to add additional tokens to a message that uses WS-Security.

Token Authenticator Demonstrates how to implement a custom token authenticator.

Token Provider Demonstrates how to implement a custom token provider.

X.509 Certificate Validator Demonstrates how to implement a custom X.509 Certificate Validator.

Authorization Policy Demonstrates how to implement a custom claim authorization policy and an associated custom service authorization manager.

Custom Token Demonstrates how to add a custom token implementation into a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) application.

Client Validation Demonstrates how to write a client endpoint behavior that validates the service endpoint to ensure that the service endpoint is safe to use.