az managedservices
Manage the registration assignments and definitions in Azure.
Name | Description | Type | Status |
az managedservices assignment |
Manage the registration assignments in Azure. |
Core | GA |
az managedservices assignment create |
Create a registration assignment. |
Core | GA |
az managedservices assignment delete |
Delete a registration assignment. |
Core | GA |
az managedservices assignment list |
List all the registration assignments. |
Core | GA |
az managedservices assignment show |
Show registration assignment. |
Core | GA |
az managedservices assignment wait |
Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition is met. |
Core | GA |
az managedservices definition |
Manage the registration definitions in Azure. |
Core | GA |
az managedservices definition create |
Create a registration definition. |
Core | GA |
az managedservices definition delete |
Delete a registration definition. |
Core | GA |
az managedservices definition list |
List all the registration definitions under the default scope or under the subscription provided. |
Core | GA |
az managedservices definition show |
Show the registration definition details. |
Core | GA |
az managedservices definition wait |
Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition is met. |
Core | GA |
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