az custom-providers
This reference is part of the custom-providers extension for the Azure CLI (version 2.3.1 or higher). The extension will automatically install the first time you run an az custom-providers command. Learn more about extensions.
Commands to manage custom providers.
Name | Description | Type | Status |
az custom-providers resource-provider |
Commands to manage custom resource provider. |
Extension | Experimental |
az custom-providers resource-provider create |
Create or update the custom resource provider. |
Extension | Experimental |
az custom-providers resource-provider delete |
Delete the custom resource provider. |
Extension | Experimental |
az custom-providers resource-provider list |
Get all the custom resource providers within a resource group or in the current subscription. |
Extension | Experimental |
az custom-providers resource-provider show |
Get the properties for the custom resource provider. |
Extension | Experimental |
az custom-providers resource-provider update |
Update the custom resource provider. Only tags can be updated. |
Extension | Experimental |
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