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Array functions in mapping data flow

APPLIES TO: Azure Data Factory Azure Synapse Analytics


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Data flows are available both in Azure Data Factory and Azure Synapse Pipelines. This article applies to mapping data flows. If you are new to transformations, please refer to the introductory article Transform data using a mapping data flow.

The following articles provide details about array functions supported by Azure Data Factory and Azure Synapse Analytics in mapping data flows.

Array function list

Array functions perform transformations on data structures that are arrays. These include special keywords to address array elements and indexes:

  • #acc represents a value that you wish to include in your single output when reducing an array
  • #index represents the current array index, along with array index numbers #index2, #index3 ...
  • #item represents the current element value in the array
Array function Task
array Creates an array of items. All items should be of the same type. If no items are specified, an empty string array is the default. Same as a [] creation operator.
at Finds the element at an array index. The index is 1-based. Out of bounds index results in a null value. Finds a value in a map given a key. If the key is not found it returns null.
contains Returns true if any element in the provided array evaluates as true in the provided predicate. Contains expects a reference to one element in the predicate function as #item.
distinct Returns a distinct set of items from an array.
except Returns a difference set of one array from another dropping duplicates.
filter Filters elements out of the array that do not meet the provided predicate. Filter expects a reference to one element in the predicate function as #item.
find Find the first item from an array that match the condition. It takes a filter function where you can address the item in the array as #item. For deeply nested maps you can refer to the parent maps using the #item_n(#item_1, #item_2...) notation.
flatten Flattens array or arrays into a single array. Arrays of atomic items are returned unaltered. The last argument is optional and is defaulted to false to flatten recursively more than one level deep.
in Checks if an item is in the array.
intersect Returns an intersection set of distinct items from 2 arrays.
map Maps each element of the array to a new element using the provided expression. Map expects a reference to one element in the expression function as #item.
mapIf Conditionally maps an array to another array of same or smaller length. The values can be of any datatype including structTypes. It takes a mapping function where you can address the item in the array as #item and current index as #index. For deeply nested maps you can refer to the parent maps using the #item_[n](#item_1, #index_1...) notation.
mapIndex Maps each element of the array to a new element using the provided expression. Map expects a reference to one element in the expression function as #item and a reference to the element index as #index.
mapLoop Loops through from 1 to length to create an array of that length. It takes a mapping function where you can address the index in the array as #index. For deeply nested maps you can refer to the parent maps using the #index_n(#index_1, #index_2...) notation.
reduce Accumulates elements in an array. Reduce expects a reference to an accumulator and one element in the first expression function as #acc and #item and it expects the resulting value as #result to be used in the second expression function.
size Finds the size of an array or map type
slice Extracts a subset of an array from a position. Position is 1 based. If the length is omitted, it is defaulted to end of the string.
sort Sorts the array using the provided predicate function. Sort expects a reference to two consecutive elements in the expression function as #item1 and #item2.
unfold Unfolds an array into a set of rows and repeats the values for the remaining columns in every row.
union Returns a union set of distinct items from 2 arrays.