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Migrate to Azure Front Door while retaining *.azureedge.net domain


  • Relying on domains like *.azureedge.net and *.azurefd.net isn't recommended as it poses availability risks. To ensure greater flexibility and avoid a single point of failure, adopt a custom domain.
  • For customers who migrated to Akamai while retaining *.azureedge.net and *.vo.msecnd.net domains, these domains will be supported till March 31, 2025.
  • For customers who migrated to Front Door Standard/Premium while retaining *.azureedge.net, these domains will be supported till September 30, 2027.

This article provides you with instructions for migrating to Azure Front Door from Azure CDN from Edgio while retaining the *.azureedge.net domain.


  • Review the feature differences between Azure CDN and Azure Front Door to identify any compatibility gaps.

  • Ensure you have access to a VM connected to the internet that can run Wget on Linux or Invoke-WebRequest on Windows using PowerShell.

  • Use a monitoring tool such as CatchPoint or ThousandEyes to verify the availability of your URLs before and after the migration. These tools are ideal because they can monitor the availability of your URLs from different global locations. Alternatively, you can use webpagetest.org, but it provides a limited view from a few locations.

  • Migration is supported only to Azure Front Door Standard and Premium SKUs.

  • Bring Your Own Certificate (BYOC) isn't supported for these domains.

  • Only the .azureedge.net domain is supported.

  • The *.vo.msecnd.net domain isn't supported.


    • The following steps assume you're using an Azure Blob Storage account as your origin. If you're using a different origin, adjust the steps accordingly.
    • If you're already using custom domains on Edgio, follow the steps in Migrate Azure CDN from Edgio to Azure Front Door.


    If you plan to migrate to Azure Front Door, set the Feature Flag DoNotForceMigrateEdgioCDNProfiles before January 7, 2025 using Set up preview feature. This will prevent Microsoft from auto-migrating your profiles to Azure Front Door. Auto-migration is on a best effort basis and may cause issues with billing, features, availability, and performance. You'll have until January 14, 2025 to complete your migration to another CDN, but again Microsoft cannot guarantee your services will be available on the Edgio platform before this date.

Gather information

  1. Collect the following information from your Azure CDN from Edgio profile: - Endpoints - Origin configurations - Custom domains - Caching settings - Compression settings - Web application firewall (WAF) settings - Custom rules settings

  2. Determine which tier of Azure Front Door is suitable for your workloads. For more information, see Azure Front Door comparison.

  3. Review the origin settings in your Azure CDN from Edgio profile.

  4. Determine a test URL with your Azure CDN from Edgio profile and perform a wget or Invoke-WebRequest to obtain the HTTP header information.

  5. Enter the URL into the monitoring tool to understand the geographic availability of your URL.

Set up Azure Front Door

  1. Go to Front Door and CDN profiles, then select Create.

  2. On the Compare offerings page, select Azure Front Door and then Custom create.

  3. Select Continue to create an Azure Front Door.

  4. Choose the subscription and resource group. Enter a name for the Azure Front Door profile. Select the tier that best suits your workloads and select the Endpoint tab.

  5. Select Add an endpoint. Enter a name for the endpoint, then select Add. Note down the endpoint hostname, which looks like <endpointname>-<hash>.xxx.azurefd.net.

  6. Select + Add a route. Enter a name for the route.

  7. Select Add a new domain. Use the following settings and select Add:

    Field Value
    Domain type Non-Azure validated domain
    DNS management All other DNS services
    Custom domain <existing_endpoint_name>.azureedge.net
    Certificate type AFD managed
    Minimum TLS version TLS 1.2
  8. In the Add a route page, leave the Patterns to match and Accepted protocols as default.


    A CDN profile can have multiple endpoints, so you may need to create multiple routes.

  9. Select Add a new origin group. Enter a name for the origin group and select + Add an origin. Enter the origin name and select the origin type. For Azure Blob Storage, select Storage as the origin type. Choose the hostname of the Azure Blob Storage account and leave the rest of the settings as default. Select Add.

  10. Leave the rest of the settings as default and select Add.

  11. If caching was enabled in your Azure CDN from Edgio profile, select Enable caching and set the caching rules.


    Azure CDN from Edgio Standard-cache is equivalent to Azure Front Door Ignore query string caching.

  12. Select Enable compression if it was enabled in your Azure CDN from Edgio profile. Ensure the origin path matches the path in your Azure CDN from Edgio profile to avoid 4xx errors.

  13. Select Add to create the route.

  14. Select + Add a policy to set up web application firewall (WAF) settings and custom rules as determined in the previous steps.

  15. Select Review + create and then Create.


    • You may have multiple custom domains in your Azure CDN from Edgio profile. Ensure you add all custom domains to the Azure Front Door profile and associate them with the correct routes.
    • Domain validation isn't required for *.azureedge.net domains as long as it is a valid Edgio endpoint owned by the same customer in the same Entra ID Tenant.
  16. After creating the profile, thoroughly test it by directing traffic to the endpoint hostname. Verify that the endpoint is functioning correctly and serving content as expected.

DNS changes

  1. Create a support request with the following details. If you have already created a support case for the Edgio retirement, there's no need to create a new one.

    • Issue type: Technical
    • Subscription: Your subscription
    • Service: My services, then select Azure CDN
    • Summary: "DNS flip of <existing_endpoint_name>.azureedge.net to <new_endpoint_name>.azurefd.net"
    • Problem type: Migrating Microsoft CDN to Front Door Standard or Premium
  2. Skip the Recommended solutions section.

  3. Under Additional details, provide the following information:

    • Azure Front Door profile name
    • Resource group of AFD profile
    • Subscription ID of AFD profile
    • AFD endpoint hostname (for example, contoso.azurefd.net)
    • Azure CDN from Edgio endpoint hostname (for example, contoso.azureedge.net)
  4. The Azure support team makes the necessary DNS changes within 24-48 hours of filing the ticket. Traffic will now start being served by the Azure Front Door service.

  5. If you face any issues and need to roll back the DNS changes, you can reopen the support ticket and request for rollback.


    • Most of the traffic will immediately switch to Azure Front Door. You may see a small portion of the traffic still served by Edgio. The DNS changes take time to propagate and some DNS servers have high TTL for DNS record expiry. Wait for 24-48 hours for all the traffic to switch.
    • After the changes, under AFD Domains blade, the 'Certificate state' field may show the value as 'issuing' and the 'DNS state' field may show the value as 'Certificate needed'. This is just a portal bug that will be fixed by January 31. The bug doesn't impact your certificates or traffic in any manner as the Certificate and DNS State for *.azureedge.net domains are completely managed by AFD.

Next step

Learn about best practices for Azure Front Door.