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What is the Azure Arc ISV Partner program?

Azure Arc is a platform that extends Azure to datacenters, on-premises, edge, or even multicloud environments. It simplifies governance and management by delivering the consistency of the Azure platform. Azure Arc provides a centralized way to manage non-Azure resources such as VMs and Kubernetes clusters as if they're running in Azure. It allows users to run Azure services and management capabilities regardless of where the resources are deployed. As Azure Arc promises to provide Azure services for a multicloud deployment, we created the Azure Arc ISV Partner Program, which builds non-Microsoft applications to integrate with this model.

The Azure Arc ISV Partner program enables independent software vendors to extend their solutions to Azure Arc and manage them seamlessly. The program provides resources and guidance to help Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) create and publish Azure Arc-enabled services and resources in the commercial marketplace. Users can now access validated, enterprise grade applications and tools to enhance their Azure Arc developments, while partners benefit from a deeper integration with Azure Arc services. All Marketplace images are validated across the Azure Arc platform backed with support from both Microsoft and partner teams. With the solutions each partner makes available on the Azure Marketplace, the integration with Azure Arc offers central governance to build robust applications with consistent security and reliability for any hybrid deployments.

All Azure Arc partners validate their applications on CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) certified Kubernetes clusters. That means all Arc-enabled marketplace offers are tested on Kubernetes distributions that go through the Azure Arc Validation program and the stringent requirements of the Azure Marketplace.

Become an Azure Arc ISV partner

The Azure Marketplace is located on the Azure portal and is a centralized place users can install applications on Azure Arc. It's a one-stop shop that allows users with a single click of a button to provision end to end solutions quickly and reliably. Providers in the marketplace can reach more customers by preparing and publishing your offer on the Azure Marketplace for Arc-enabled Kubernetes. To learn more about the Microsoft Azure Marketplace, visit Overview of the Microsoft commercial marketplace.

List offers in the Azure Marketplace

Follow these steps to list your offers in the Azure Marketplace:

  1. Create an Azure Marketplace publisher account: If you currently don't have one, set up a publisher account in the Azure Marketplace.
  2. Define the offer: Requires detailed product descriptions, pricing models, and technology.
  3. Package the solution: Includes preparing technical details such as the helm charts and CNAB.
  4. Compliance and certification: Ensure your offers meet Azure Marketplace requirements, such as security, compliance, and technical standards.
  5. Publish to the marketplace: After approval, your offer will be publicly visible in the Azure Marketplace, showcasing the Arc enablement.
    Users can learn more through visiting publishing Azure Arc offers in the commercial marketplace.