Comhroinn trí

Resource usage record resources

You can use the ResourceUsageRecord resource to describe the estimated monetary cost of a subscription's resource level usage in the current billing cycle.


Property Type Description
SubscriptionId string Gets or sets the subscription identifier. For Microsoft Azure (MS-AZR-0145P) subscriptions, this value is the commerce subscription identifier. For Azure plans, this value is the Azure plan identifier).
ResourceUri string Gets or sets the resource URI."
ResourceType string Gets or sets the resource type.
EntitlementId string Gets or sets the entitlement identifier (the Azure subscription identifier).
EntitlementName string Gets or sets the entitlement name.
ResourceGroupName double Gets or sets the resource group name.
Name string The name of the resource.
ResourceName string Gets or sets the name of the resource.
TotalCost decimal Gets or sets the estimated total cost usage.
CurrencyCode string Gets or sets the currency code.
USDTotalCost decimal Gets or sets the estimated total cost in USD.
LastModifiedDate string The day (in date-time format) that this record was last modified.
Attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes corresponding to the resource.