Partager via



Instantiates the Passport Manager object using the supplied interface pointers instead of handling query strings and cookies through the built-in OnStartPage method. This method is used primarily to instantiate Active Server Pages (ASP) Passport Manager objects created in application scope with IPassportFactory::CreatePassportManager, but can be conceivably used in C++ as long as IDispatch pointers to the Request and Response object interfaces can be obtained.

Important  IPassportManager::OnStartPageECB, IPassportManager::OnStartPagePFC, or IPassportManager::OnStartPageManual must be called in order to initialize the Passport Manager object when writing a C++ ISAPI extension before any other IPassportManager methods will give correct results. IPassportManager::OnStartPageASP must be called on any Passport Manager object created with Passport Factory in ASP before any other IPassportManager methods will give correct results.


    IDispatch* pdispRequest,
    IDispatch* pdispResponse


  • pdispRequest
    [in] A pointer to the Request object interface for the current connection.
  • pdispResponse
    [in] A pointer to the Response object interface for the current connection.

Return values

Returns one of the following values:

S_OK Success.
PP_E_NOT_CONFIGURED Passport Manager object is misconfigured.
E_POINTER No object pointers supplied or pointers invalid.


In general this method should not be used from a C application. If writing an ISAPI filter, use IPassportManager::OnStartPageFilter instead. If writing an ISAPI extension, use IPassportManager::OnStartPageECB instead.

See Also

IPassportManager Interface | IPassportManager::OnStartPageFilter | IPassportManager::OnStartPageECB