Partager via



Determines whether a connection is coming back from a Microsoft .NET Passport server (Login, Update, or Registration) and whether the .NET Passport data contained on the query string is valid.


HRESULT get_FromNetworkServer(


  • pVal
    [out, retval] A pointer to a VARIANT Boolean value that declares whether specific .NET Passport data was included on the incoming query string. If pVal returns VARIANT_TRUE, the connection is coming back from the .NET Passport server and the .NET Passport data contained on the query string is valid. If pVal returns VARIANT_FALSE, then there was no data on the query string, or that data was not valid.

Return values

Returns one of the following values:

S_OK Success.


This method identifies client requests that are redirected from a .NET Passport network server. A VARIANT_TRUE result in pVal means that Profile or Ticket data was on the query string. Otherwise, pVal returns VARIANT_FALSE. Whenever the query string on an incoming request contains valid .NET Passport data, then the Passport Manager object will set .NET Passport cookies on the connecting user's computer for the current domain automatically. It is not necessary to explicitly call IPassportManager::FromNetworkServer or any other method in order to generate Ticket or Profile cookies from .NET Passport information on the query string when the Passport Manager object is used in an Active Server Pages (ASP) page.

See Also

IPassportManager Interface