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Charger des fichiers volumineux à l’aide des Kits de développement logiciel (SDK) Microsoft Graph

De nombreuses entités dans Microsoft Graph prennent en charge les chargements de fichiers pouvant être repris pour faciliter le chargement de fichiers volumineux. Au lieu d’essayer de charger l’intégralité du fichier dans une seule requête, le fichier est divisé en morceaux plus petits et une requête est utilisée pour charger une seule tranche. Pour simplifier ce processus, les sdk Microsoft Graph implémentent une tâche de chargement de fichiers volumineux qui gère le chargement des tranches.

Charger un fichier volumineux sur OneDrive

using var fileStream = File.OpenRead(filePath);

// Use properties to specify the conflict behavior
// IMPORTANT: you must add the following using directive to define DriveUpload:
// using DriveUpload = Microsoft.Graph.Drives.Item.Items.Item.CreateUploadSession;
// For more information, see:
var uploadSessionRequestBody = new DriveUpload.CreateUploadSessionPostRequestBody
    Item = new DriveItemUploadableProperties
        AdditionalData = new Dictionary<string, object>
            { "@microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior", "replace" },

// Create the upload session
// itemPath does not need to be a path to an existing item
var myDrive = await graphClient.Me.Drive.GetAsync();
var uploadSession = await graphClient.Drives[myDrive?.Id]

// Max slice size must be a multiple of 320 KiB
int maxSliceSize = 320 * 1024;
var fileUploadTask = new LargeFileUploadTask<DriveItem>(
    uploadSession, fileStream, maxSliceSize, graphClient.RequestAdapter);

var totalLength = fileStream.Length;
// Create a callback that is invoked after each slice is uploaded
IProgress<long> progress = new Progress<long>(prog =>
    Console.WriteLine($"Uploaded {prog} bytes of {totalLength} bytes");

    // Upload the file
    var uploadResult = await fileUploadTask.UploadAsync(progress);

    Console.WriteLine(uploadResult.UploadSucceeded ?
        $"Upload complete, item ID: {uploadResult.ItemResponse.Id}" :
        "Upload failed");
catch (ODataError ex)
    Console.WriteLine($"Error uploading: {ex.Error?.Message}");

Reprise du chargement d’un fichier

Les Kits de développement logiciel (SDK) Microsoft Graph prennent en charge la reprise des chargements en cours. Si votre application rencontre une interruption de connexion ou un état HTTP 5.x.x lors du chargement, vous pouvez reprendre le chargement.

await fileUploadTask.ResumeAsync(progress);

Charger une pièce jointe volumineuse dans un message Outlook

// Create message
var draftMessage = new Message
    Subject = "Large attachment",

var savedDraft = await graphClient.Me

using var fileStream = File.OpenRead(filePath);
var largeAttachment = new AttachmentItem
    AttachmentType = AttachmentType.File,
    Name = Path.GetFileName(filePath),
    Size = fileStream.Length,

// IMPORTANT: you must add the following using directive to define AttachmentUpload:
// using AttachmentUpload = Microsoft.Graph.Me.Messages.Item.Attachments.CreateUploadSession;
// For more information, see:
var uploadSessionRequestBody = new AttachmentUpload.CreateUploadSessionPostRequestBody
    AttachmentItem = largeAttachment,

var uploadSession = await graphClient.Me

// Max slice size must be a multiple of 320 KiB
int maxSliceSize = 320 * 1024;
var fileUploadTask = new LargeFileUploadTask<FileAttachment>(
    uploadSession, fileStream, maxSliceSize, graphClient.RequestAdapter);

var totalLength = fileStream.Length;
// Create a callback that is invoked after each slice is uploaded
IProgress<long> progress = new Progress<long>(prog =>
    Console.WriteLine($"Uploaded {prog} bytes of {totalLength} bytes");

    // Upload the file
    var uploadResult = await fileUploadTask.UploadAsync(progress);
    Console.WriteLine(uploadResult.UploadSucceeded ? "Upload complete" : "Upload failed");
catch (ODataError ex)
    Console.WriteLine($"Error uploading: {ex.Error?.Message}");