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BorderStyle Enum


Specifies the border style for a control.

public enum BorderStyle
public enum BorderStyle


Name Value Description
None 0

No border.

FixedSingle 1

A single-line border.

Fixed3D 2

A three-dimensional border.


The following code example demonstrates how to use the BorderStyle enumeration and the TreeView.BorderStyle, TreeView.HideSelection and the TreeView.ShowRootLines properties. To run this example, paste the following code in a form and call the InitializeTreeView method in the form's constructor or Load method.


// Declare the TreeView control.
internal System.Windows.Forms.TreeView TreeView1;

// Initialize the TreeView to blend with the form, giving it the 
// same color as the form and no border.
private void InitializeTreeView()

    // Create a new TreeView control and set the location and size.
    this.TreeView1 = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeView();
    this.TreeView1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(72, 48);
    this.TreeView1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(200, 200);

    // Set the BorderStyle property to none, the BackColor property to  
    // the form's backcolor, and the Scrollable property to false.  
    // This allows the TreeView to blend in form.

    this.TreeView1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
    this.TreeView1.BackColor = this.BackColor;
    this.TreeView1.Scrollable = false;

    // Set the HideSelection property to false to keep the 
    // selection highlighted when the user leaves the control. 
    // This helps it blend with form.
    this.TreeView1.HideSelection = false;

    // Set the ShowRootLines and ShowLines properties to false to 
    // give the TreeView a list-like appearance.
    this.TreeView1.ShowRootLines = false;
    this.TreeView1.ShowLines = false;

    // Add the nodes.
    this.TreeView1.Nodes.AddRange(new TreeNode[]
        {new TreeNode("Features", 
            new TreeNode[]{
            new TreeNode("Full Color"), 
            new TreeNode("Project Wizards"), 
            new TreeNode("Visual C# and Visual Basic Support")}), 
            new TreeNode("System Requirements", 
            new TreeNode[]{
                new TreeNode("Pentium 133 MHz or faster processor "),
                new TreeNode("Windows 98 or later"), 
                new TreeNode("100 MB Disk space")})

    // Set the tab index and add the TreeView to the form.
    this.TreeView1.TabIndex = 0;


Use the members of this enumeration to set the border style for controls that have a changeable border.

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