Use GPU workloads with Azure Red Hat OpenShift
This article shows you how to use NVIDIA GPU workloads with Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO).
- OpenShift CLI
- jq, moreutils, and gettext package
- Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4.10
If you need to install an ARO cluster, see Tutorial: Create an Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4 cluster. ARO clusters must be version 4.10.x or higher.
As of ARO 4.10, it is no longer necessary to set up entitlements to use the NVIDIA Operator. This has greatly simplified the setup of the cluster for GPU workloads.
sudo dnf install jq moreutils gettext
brew install jq moreutils gettext
Request GPU quota
All GPU quotas in Azure are 0 by default. You will need to sign in to the Azure portal and request GPU quota. Due to competition for GPU workers, you may have to provision an ARO cluster in a region where you can actually reserve GPU.
ARO supports the following GPU workers:
- NC4as T4 v3
- NC6s v3
- NC8as T4 v3
- NC12s v3
- NC16as T4 v3
- NC24s v3
- NC24rs v3
- NC64as T4 v3
The following instances are also supported in additional MachineSets:
- Standard_ND96asr_v4
- NC24ads_A100_v4
- NC48ads_A100_v4
- NC96ads_A100_v4
- ND96amsr_A100_v4
When requesting quota, remember that Azure is per core. To request a single NC4as T4 v3 node, you will need to request quota in groups of 4. If you wish to request an NC16as T4 v3, you will need to request quota of 16.
Sign in to Azure portal.
Enter quotas in the search box, then select Compute.
In the search box, enter NCAsv3_T4, check the box for the region your cluster is in, and then select Request quota increase.
Configure quota.
Sign in to your ARO cluster
Sign in to OpenShift with a user account with cluster-admin privileges. The example below uses an account named kubadmin:
oc login <apiserver> -u kubeadmin -p <kubeadminpass>
Pull secret (conditional)
Update your pull secret to make sure you can install operators and connect to
Skip this step if you have already recreated a full pull secret with enabled.
Log into to
Browse to
Select Download pull secret and save the pull secret as
The remaining steps in this section must be run in the same working directory as
.Export the existing pull secret.
oc get secret pull-secret -n openshift-config -o json | jq -r '.data.".dockerconfigjson"' | base64 --decode > export-pull.json
Merge the downloaded pull secret with the system pull secret to add
.jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' export-pull.json pull-secret.txt | tr -d "\n\r" > new-pull-secret.json
Upload the new secret file.
oc set data secret/pull-secret -n openshift-config --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=new-pull-secret.json
You may need to wait about 1 hour for everything to sync up with
Delete secrets.
rm pull-secret.txt export-pull.json new-pull-secret.json
GPU machine set
ARO uses Kubernetes MachineSet to create machine sets. The procedure below explains how to export the first machine set in a cluster and use that as a template to build a single GPU machine.
View existing machine sets.
For ease of setup, this example uses the first machine set as the one to clone to create a new GPU machine set.
MACHINESET=$(oc get machineset -n openshift-machine-api -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}' | jq -r '[] | @tsv')
Save a copy of the example machine set.
oc get machineset -n openshift-machine-api $MACHINESET -o json > gpu_machineset.json
Change the
field to a new unique name.jq ' = "nvidia-worker-<region><az>"' gpu_machineset.json| sponge gpu_machineset.json
matches the desired replica count for the machine set.jq '.spec.replicas = 1' gpu_machineset.json| sponge gpu_machineset.json
Change the
field to match
field.jq '.spec.selector.matchLabels."" = "nvidia-worker-<region><az>"' gpu_machineset.json| sponge gpu_machineset.json
Change the
to match
field.jq '.spec.template.metadata.labels."" = "nvidia-worker-<region><az>"' gpu_machineset.json| sponge gpu_machineset.json
Change the
to match the desired GPU instance type from Azure.The machine used in this example is Standard_NC4as_T4_v3.
jq '.spec.template.spec.providerSpec.value.vmSize = "Standard_NC4as_T4_v3"' gpu_machineset.json | sponge gpu_machineset.json
Change the
to match the desired zone from Azure.jq ' = "1"' gpu_machineset.json | sponge gpu_machineset.json
Delete the
section of the yaml file.jq 'del(.status)' gpu_machineset.json | sponge gpu_machineset.json
Verify the other data in the yaml file.
Ensure the correct SKU is set
Depending on the image used for the machine set, both values for image.sku
and image.version
must be set accordingly. This is to ensure if generation 1 or 2 virtual machine for Hyper-V will be used. See here for more information.
If using Standard_NC4as_T4_v3
, both versions are supported. As mentioned in Feature support. In this case, no changes are required.
If using Standard_NC24ads_A100_v4
, only Generation 2 VM is supported.
In this case, the image.sku
value must follow the equivalent v2
version of the image that corresponds to the cluster's original image.sku
. For this example, the value will be v410-v2
This can be found using the following command:
az vm image list --architecture x64 -o table --all --offer aro4 --publisher azureopenshift
Filtered output:
------- ---------------
v410-v2 410.84.20220125
aro_410 410.84.20220125
If the cluster was created with the base SKU image aro_410
, and the same value is kept in the machine set, it will fail with the following error:
failure sending request for machine myworkernode: cannot create vm: compute.VirtualMachinesClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=400 -- Original Error: Code="BadRequest" Message="The selected VM size 'Standard_NC24ads_A100_v4' cannot boot Hypervisor Generation '1'.
Create GPU machine set
Use the following steps to create the new GPU machine. It may take 10-15 minutes to provision a new GPU machine. If this step fails, sign in to Azure portal and ensure there are no availability issues. To do so, go to Virtual Machines and search for the worker name you created previously to see the status of VMs.
Create the GPU Machine set.
oc create -f gpu_machineset.json
This command will take a few minutes to complete.
Verify GPU machine set.
Machines should be deploying. You can view the status of the machine set with the following commands:
oc get machineset -n openshift-machine-api oc get machine -n openshift-machine-api
Once the machines are provisioned (which could take 5-15 minutes), machines will show as nodes in the node list:
oc get nodes
You should see a node with the
name that was created previously.
Install NVIDIA GPU Operator
This section explains how to create the nvidia-gpu-operator
namespace, set up the operator group, and install the NVIDIA GPU operator.
Create NVIDIA namespace.
cat <<EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: nvidia-gpu-operator EOF
Create Operator Group.
cat <<EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: kind: OperatorGroup metadata: name: nvidia-gpu-operator-group namespace: nvidia-gpu-operator spec: targetNamespaces: - nvidia-gpu-operator EOF
Get the latest NVIDIA channel using the following command:
CHANNEL=$(oc get packagemanifest gpu-operator-certified -n openshift-marketplace -o jsonpath='{.status.defaultChannel}')
If your cluster was created without providing the pull secret, the cluster won't include samples or operators from Red Hat or from certified partners. This will result in the following error message:
Error from server (NotFound): "gpu-operator-certified" not found.
To add your Red Hat pull secret on an Azure Red Hat OpenShift cluster, follow this guidance.
Get latest NVIDIA package using the following command:
PACKAGE=$(oc get packagemanifests/gpu-operator-certified -n openshift-marketplace -ojson | jq -r '.status.channels[] | select(.name == "'$CHANNEL'") | .currentCSV')
Create Subscription.
envsubst <<EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: kind: Subscription metadata: name: gpu-operator-certified namespace: nvidia-gpu-operator spec: channel: "$CHANNEL" installPlanApproval: Automatic name: gpu-operator-certified source: certified-operators sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace startingCSV: "$PACKAGE" EOF
Wait for Operator to finish installing.
Don't proceed until you have verified that the operator has finished installing. Also, ensure that your GPU worker is online.
Install node feature discovery operator
The node feature discovery operator will discover the GPU on your nodes and appropriately label the nodes so you can target them for workloads.
This example installs the NFD operator into the openshift-ndf
namespace and creates the "subscription" which is the configuration for NFD.
Official Documentation for Installing Node Feature Discovery Operator.
Set up
.cat <<EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: openshift-nfd EOF
.cat <<EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: kind: OperatorGroup metadata: generateName: openshift-nfd- name: openshift-nfd namespace: openshift-nfd EOF
.cat <<EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: kind: Subscription metadata: name: nfd namespace: openshift-nfd spec: channel: "stable" installPlanApproval: Automatic name: nfd source: redhat-operators sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace EOF
Wait for Node Feature discovery to complete installation.
You can log in to your OpenShift console to view operators or simply wait a few minutes. Failure to wait for the operator to install will result in an error in the next step.
Create NFD Instance.
cat <<EOF | oc apply -f - kind: NodeFeatureDiscovery apiVersion: metadata: name: nfd-instance namespace: openshift-nfd spec: customConfig: configData: | # - name: "more.kernel.features" # matchOn: # - loadedKMod: ["example_kmod3"] # - name: "" # value: customValue # matchOn: # - nodename: ["special-.*-node-.*"] operand: image: >- servicePort: 12000 workerConfig: configData: | core: # labelWhiteList: # noPublish: false sleepInterval: 60s # sources: [all] # klog: # addDirHeader: false # alsologtostderr: false # logBacktraceAt: # logtostderr: true # skipHeaders: false # stderrthreshold: 2 # v: 0 # vmodule: ## NOTE: the following options are not dynamically run-time ## configurable and require a nfd-worker restart to take effect ## after being changed # logDir: # logFile: # logFileMaxSize: 1800 # skipLogHeaders: false sources: # cpu: # cpuid: ## NOTE: attributeWhitelist has priority over attributeBlacklist # attributeBlacklist: # - "BMI1" # - "BMI2" # - "CLMUL" # - "CMOV" # - "CX16" # - "ERMS" # - "F16C" # - "HTT" # - "LZCNT" # - "MMX" # - "MMXEXT" # - "NX" # - "POPCNT" # - "RDRAND" # - "RDSEED" # - "RDTSCP" # - "SGX" # - "SSE" # - "SSE2" # - "SSE3" # - "SSE4.1" # - "SSE4.2" # - "SSSE3" # attributeWhitelist: # kernel: # kconfigFile: "/path/to/kconfig" # configOpts: # - "NO_HZ" # - "X86" # - "DMI" pci: deviceClassWhitelist: - "0200" - "03" - "12" deviceLabelFields: # - "class" - "vendor" # - "device" # - "subsystem_vendor" # - "subsystem_device" # usb: # deviceClassWhitelist: # - "0e" # - "ef" # - "fe" # - "ff" # deviceLabelFields: # - "class" # - "vendor" # - "device" # custom: # - name: "my.kernel.feature" # matchOn: # - loadedKMod: ["example_kmod1", "example_kmod2"] # - name: "my.pci.feature" # matchOn: # - pciId: # class: ["0200"] # vendor: ["15b3"] # device: ["1014", "1017"] # - pciId : # vendor: ["8086"] # device: ["1000", "1100"] # - name: "my.usb.feature" # matchOn: # - usbId: # class: ["ff"] # vendor: ["03e7"] # device: ["2485"] # - usbId: # class: ["fe"] # vendor: ["1a6e"] # device: ["089a"] # - name: "my.combined.feature" # matchOn: # - pciId: # vendor: ["15b3"] # device: ["1014", "1017"] # loadedKMod : ["vendor_kmod1", "vendor_kmod2"] EOF
Verify that NFD is ready.
The status of this operator should show as Available.
Apply NVIDIA Cluster Config
This section explains how to apply the NVIDIA cluster config. Please read the NVIDIA documentation on customizing this if you have your own private repos or specific settings. This process may take several minutes to complete.
Apply cluster config.
cat <<EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: kind: ClusterPolicy metadata: name: gpu-cluster-policy spec: migManager: enabled: true operator: defaultRuntime: crio initContainer: {} runtimeClass: nvidia deployGFD: true dcgm: enabled: true gfd: {} dcgmExporter: config: name: '' driver: licensingConfig: nlsEnabled: false configMapName: '' certConfig: name: '' kernelModuleConfig: name: '' repoConfig: configMapName: '' virtualTopology: config: '' enabled: true use_ocp_driver_toolkit: true devicePlugin: {} mig: strategy: single validator: plugin: env: - name: WITH_WORKLOAD value: 'true' nodeStatusExporter: enabled: true daemonsets: {} toolkit: enabled: true EOF
Verify cluster policy.
Log in to OpenShift console and browse to operators. Ensure sure you're in the
namespace. It should sayState: Ready once everything is complete
Validate GPU
It may take some time for the NVIDIA Operator and NFD to completely install and self-identify the machines. Run the following commands to validate that everything is running as expected:
Verify that NFD can see your GPU(s).
oc describe node | egrep 'Roles|pci-10de' | grep -v master
The output should appear similar to the following:
Roles: worker
Verify node labels.
You can see the node labels by logging into the OpenShift console -> Compute -> Nodes -> nvidia-worker-southcentralus1-. You should see multiple NVIDIA GPU labels and the pci-10de device from above.
NVIDIA SMI tool verification.
oc project nvidia-gpu-operator for i in $(oc get pod -lopenshift.driver-toolkit=true --no-headers |awk '{print $1}'); do echo $i; oc exec -it $i -- nvidia-smi ; echo -e '\n' ; done
You should see output that shows the GPUs available on the host such as this example screenshot. (Varies depending on GPU worker type)
Create Pod to run a GPU workload
oc project nvidia-gpu-operator cat <<EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: cuda-vector-add spec: restartPolicy: OnFailure containers: - name: cuda-vector-add image: "" resources: limits: 1 nodeSelector: true EOF
View logs.
oc logs cuda-vector-add --tail=-1
If you get an error Error from server (BadRequest): container "cuda-vector-add" in pod "cuda-vector-add" is waiting to start: ContainerCreating
, try running oc delete pod cuda-vector-add
and then re-run the create statement above.
The output should be similar to the following (depending on GPU):
[Vector addition of 5000 elements]
Copy input data from the host memory to the CUDA device
CUDA kernel launch with 196 blocks of 256 threads
Copy output data from the CUDA device to the host memory
If successful, the pod can be deleted:
oc delete pod cuda-vector-add