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information technology rant

QuEST – Qualified Electronic Signatures Tutorial

This is to inform you about the availability of a guide on how to implement electronic signature...

Author: Michael Kalbe [MSFT] Date: 10/10/2004

Nachtrag zum XP SP2 Webcast vom 07.10.04

Wahnsinn, wir hatten gestern 256 Teilnehmer in unserem Webcast! Neuer Rekord! Unser Tool "Live...

Author: Michael Kalbe [MSFT] Date: 10/07/2004

Webcast zum Windows XP SP2 (special edition)

Ich bin gerade dabei mich auf den morgigen Webcast "SPECIAL EDITION" vorzubereiten. (Nähere...

Author: Michael Kalbe [MSFT] Date: 10/06/2004

"golden opportunity" for virus writers...

Dana Epp passes along a "golden opportunity" for virus writers to get hired with the FBI. All they...

Author: Michael Kalbe [MSFT] Date: 10/05/2004

Heute Morgen am Fahrkartenschalter...

...fing mein Tag doch gleich mit einem Grinsen an. Zum Glück habe ich meinen Foto dabei...

Author: Michael Kalbe [MSFT] Date: 10/05/2004

"Antivirus Defense in Depth Guide" aktualisiert für XPSP2

Seit Freitag gibt es den "Antivirus Defense in Depth Guide" in der Version 2.0 - diese neue Version...

Author: Michael Kalbe [MSFT] Date: 10/04/2004

Cool stuff on

While surfin' around, I found this little helpful tool on If you want to examine the...

Author: Michael Kalbe [MSFT] Date: 09/08/2004

my blog is online

Here we go, my blog is now online. Stay tuned for further infomations about my blog... //.ichael

Author: Michael Kalbe [MSFT] Date: 09/07/2004
