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OrgDBOrgSettings for server-side synchronization


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This topic covers the default values of OrgDBOrgSettings that are specific to server-side synchronization. For information about how to edit these settings, go to Environment database settings.

Name Default value Description
AddParentEntityToRelatedOnNewActivityCreate false When the value is set to true, the Related column in activity records automatically populates when creating an activity within the context of a parent record. For example, if this setting is enabled, creating a new email activity from the timeline of an account automatically associates that record in the Related column.
AllowSaveAsDraftAppointment false Setting this value to true provides the capability to create appointments in Dynamics 365 as draft without synchronizing with Exchange. The appointment form will have a Save as Draft command and a Send command, so that you can save, add details, and update an appointment activity without synchronizing to Exchange. The default value is set to false to preserve existing behavior.
AutoCreateContactOnPromote true Disables the ability to automatically create a contact row for unresolved senders on promotion of an email.
This option is organization-wide, but can also be disabled from the personal options setting for each user. More information: Set personal options
AutoTrackSentFolderItems false When enabled, server-side synchronization will automatically track emails from the sent items folder by using the user or queue's incoming email filtering method. The default value is set to false to preserve existing behavior.
CreateQueueItemForSynchronizingMailbox true Allows queue items to be created for a synchronized mailbox when there's no recipient in the To: or Cc: field.
More information: Create queue items from synchronized email messages
CreateQueueItemsForAcceptingQueueRecipients true When enabled, the system will create a queue item for each resolved queue recipient during incoming email processing. If AutoRouteToOwnerQueue is enabled for the email table, the system additionally creates a queue item in the email owner's default queue. The default value is true.
DistinctPhysicalAndLogicalDeletesForExchangeSync false When enabled, server-side synchronization will distinguish between physical and logical deletes when processing sync row deletions from Dynamics 365 to Exchange. If a row is determined to be logically deleted, the item will be unlinked in Exchange where it might otherwise be deleted. When the setting is disabled, both logical and physical deletes are propagated to Exchange according to the default sync behavior, which can include deletion.
Physical delete is when the row is physically deleted from Dynamics 365.
Logical delete is when a user loses access to the row or the row is no longer being retrieved by the user's synchronization filter.
DoNotAutoTrackEmail true When enabled, allows the No Email Messages option to appear in the user's or queue's incoming email filtering method options.
DoNotCorrelateForwardedEmailsAsReplies false Forwarded emails typically contain an In-Reply-To message header value that refers to the original email's messageID. As a result, forwarded emails are considered replies to existing emails. This behavior can be modified by enabling DoNotCorrelateForwardedEmailsAsReplies.

Unfortunately, email message headers do not provide an indicator to determine if an email was forwarded. The DoNotCorrelateForwardedEmailsAsReplies setting works by examining the recipients of the current email and determining if any of them were also the sender of the original email with which it is being correlated through the In-Reply-To header. If one of the recipients is identified as the sender, the email is considered a reply. If none of the recipients were the sender, the email is considered a forward, and is excluded from In-Reply-To correlation.

It is important to note that this detection logic may sometimes result in unexpected outcomes, such as when a user replies all to an email from their Sent Items folder, which will not be classified as a reply because the sender is not among the initial recipients of the sent email.

Note: This setting disables conversationIndex correlation as conversationIndex is incompatible with the feature. Smart matching and tracking token correlation will continue to function and have priority over this setting as their purpose is to correlate emails based on other data (recipients, subject words, tracking token in subject). For this reason we recommend disabling smart matching (OFF by default) and tracking token as they could interfere with this setting in certain cases.
DoNotIgnoreInternalEmailToQueues true If Track emails sent between Dynamics 365 users as two activities is disabled in system settings, this setting allows emails sent from a user to a queue mailbox to be synchronized to Dynamics 365 if the queue's incoming email delivery settings would otherwise accept the email.
EmailTemplateRetrieveFallbackContact false When referencing a contact on a lead or opportunity in an email template, use fallback logic to pick up a fallback contact such as primarycontactid or parentcontactId when the referenced contact is empty.
EnableMailboxDelegationForOutgoingEmail false When enabled, Server Side Sync will use the mailbox of the email submitter to send the email. For example, if Nancy Anderson sends an email and Gail Erickson was selected in the From field, the email will appear in Outlook as from Nancy Anderson on behalf of Gail Erickson. When disabled, Server Side Sync will use the mailbox in the From field to send the email. For additional information including prerequisites, go to Send outgoing email as another user with Exchange mailbox delegation
EnableSssItemLevelMonitoring true When enabled, allows the server-side synchronization failures dashboard to be visible for users and administrators.
For more information about how to use the dashboard to troubleshoot synchronization failures, go to Troubleshoot item level server-side synchronization issues with Dynamics 365.
Note: Use the ExchangeSyncIdMappingPersistenceTimeInDays setting to control how long the data for failed emails is retained.
ExchangeSyncIdMappingPersistenceTimeInDays 3 The number of days for which the ExchangeSyncIdMappings are to be persisted for failed emails. We recommend that the value not exceed 7 days, because this can result in a large number of rows being stored in the database.
Note This setting is used in conjunction to the EnableSssItemLevelMonitoring setting.
HideEmailAutoTrackOptions false When enabled, removes the All email messages, Email messages from Dynamics 365 Leads, Contacts and Accounts and Email messages from Dynamics 365 records that are email enabled incoming email filtering method options from user's personal options.
Note: Enabling this setting does not change the values currently set for individual users. We recommend setting this to enabled to prevent accidental email promotion into Dynamics 365.
HideTrackAllOption false When enabled, removes the All email messages incoming email filtering method option from user's personal options.
Note: Enabling this setting does not change the values currently set for individual users. We recommend setting this to enabled to prevent accidental email promotion into Dynamics 365.
IgnoreConversationIndexAndInReplyToForCorrelation false Ignore Email ConversationIndex and InReplyTo fields when performing email correlation.
Note: this setting is most commonly used to prevent other correlation methods from interfering with tracking tokens.
IgnoreCopiedItemsInSSSForMailbox true When enabled, server-side sync won't synchronize copied, linked items from Exchange as inserts into Dynamics 365.
IgnoreInternalEmailDetectionEnhancement true If Track emails sent between Dynamics 365 users as two activities is disabled in system settings, enabling this option allows emails sent from Dynamics 365 users to be considered for correlation if the same email with the opposite direction code (sent/received) doesn't exist in Dynamics 365. Disabling this enhancement will fall back to legacy behavior where the email may be rejected based on the DoNotIgnoreInternalEmailToQueues setting.
IgnoreInternalEmailFromQueues false This setting can be enabled when the Track emails sent between Dynamics 365 users as two activities setting is disabled in system settings. If this setting is enabled, internal emails to other Dynamics 365 queues or users from a Dynamics 365 queue won’t be automatically tracked in Dynamics 365.
MaximumSubjectLengthOnMailServer 255 Defines the maximum length when you generate and append a tracking token to the subject of an email. If the length of the tracking token is less than this value, the subject will be truncated if the concatenated value (subject + tracking token) exceeds the maximum limit. However, if the tracking token exceeds this value by itself, the system will truncate the subject to fit within the specified value and won't include the tracking token.
RequirePrivilegeToSelfApproveEmailAddress false When enabled, a user needs the Approve Email Addresses for Users or Queues privilege to approve their own mailbox.
ResolveForInactiveEntities false When enabled, email addresses for inactive tables are ignored for email address resolution of the To and Cc recipient lists.
Note: This setting doesn't apply to system users whose accounts have been disabled, who are always excluded. This setting also does not apply to the From field.
RestrictIRMEmailItems false When enabled, server-side synchronization won't automatically track emails that are marked as restricted permission in Outlook by using Information Rights Management (IRM). The default value is set to false to preserve existing behavior. This setting does not prevent users from manually tracking a restricted email using Dynamics 365 App for Outlook or category tracking.
SSSCreateAdditionalQueueItemsForAlreadyTrackedEmail false When enabled, server-side synchronization will create a queue item for the synchronizing queue if an email has already been created by server-side synchronization and the queue item doesn't exist in the synchronizing queue. The default value is false.
SSSForceFilteringMethodForUserMailboxes -1 Overrides the incoming email filtering method for all user mailboxes by the following values: -1 (Disabled), 0 (All Email Messages), 1 (Email messages in response to Dynamics 365 email), 2 (Email messages from Dynamics 365 Leads, Contacts and Accounts), 3 (Email messages from Dynamics 365 records that are email enabled), and 4 (No email messages).
SSSPropagateAppointmentCancellationsToExchange false When enabled, canceled appointments in Dynamics 365 will propagate to the Exchange organizer's mailbox as a delete. This will result in a cancellation message to all recipients if the appointment has attendees and is scheduled in the future.
SSSSaveOutgoingEmailToExchangeSentFolder true When enabled, emails sent from Dynamics 365 will be saved to the sent items folder in Exchange for the mailbox they're sent from.
Note: this will cause the Sent Items folder to increase in size over time, and can result in Exchange throttling if quota limitations are surpassed.
SSSTagAlreadyTrackedEmails true Allows server-side synchronization to apply the Tracked to Dynamics 365 category flag to emails in Dynamics 365 recipient mailboxes if the email being evaluated is already a row in Dynamics 365.
SSSTaskDeletionSyncBehaviorFromExchange 0 Specifies how task deletions in Exchange are synchronized to their linked Dynamics 365 activity record.
0: Tasks deleted in Exchange are deleted in Dynamics (default).
1: Tasks deleted in Exchange are deleted in Dynamics if they are not Completed.
2: Tasks deleted in Exchange are never deleted in Dynamics.
SSSUpdatePastMeetingsInNonDraftMode false Allows updates for meetings set entirely within the past in Dynamics 365 to be propagated to Exchange when properties such as start, end, subject, body, attendees, or location are changed.
Note: If this setting is enabled, Exchange will send out meeting invites, updates, and cancellations for past meetings synchronized from Dynamics 365.
TrackAppointmentsFromNonOrganizer true When enabled, allows non-organizer recipients to track appointments into Dynamics 365 from Exchange.
TrackCategorizedItems true Allows users to manually track items by using categories. Linked items will also appear with the category applied as a visual indicator of the item's track status.
Note: Disabling this feature will remove the category from Outlook and related functionality.
UseCrmOrganizerForEmptyExchangeOrganizer false When enabled, if the Exchange appointment organizer isn't associated with an email address, this setting will allow server-side synchronization to use the existing Dynamics 365 organizer information to populate the organizer field when processing updates from Exchange to Dynamics 365.
UseFilteringMethodOfSyncingMailboxOnlyForCorrelation false When disabled, the filtering method of all Dynamics 365 recipients is evaluated to determine whether any user or queue accepts an email when performing correlation during automatic incoming email processing. When enabled, the system will only consider the incoming email filtering method of the user or queue who is currently processing the email. In this case, the incoming email filtering method of other Dynamics 365 recipients is ignored.
UsePlainTextForEmailTemplateBody false Changes the email template to use plain text where otherwise text with the following symbols wouldn't appear: <text>.
UseXAnchorMailboxInExchangeRequestHeader true Allows server-side sync to specify the XAnchorMailbox Header when connecting to Exchange. We recommend that you not disable this setting.
UnresolveSenderInCaseOfMultipleMatch false When enabled, server-side synchronization keeps the email sender unresolved if it matches with multiple records across entities such as lead, team, user, custom entity, account, and contact. For example, if the email sender's email address matches with one account and one lead, the email sender is left unresolved by server-side synchronization.