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Microsoft Dataverse language collations


The new and improved Power Platform admin center is now in public preview! We designed the new admin center to be easier to use, with task-oriented navigation that helps you achieve specific outcomes faster. We'll be publishing new and updated documentation as the new Power Platform admin center moves to general availability.

When an environment with a Dataverse database is created, admins are asked to select which default language they would like to use. This sets the dictionary, time and date format, number format, and indexing properties for the environment.

Language selections for Dataverse also include collation settings that are applied to the SQL database, which stores tables and relational data. These collation settings affect things such as recognized characters, sorting, quick find, and filtering. The collations applied to environments are chosen based on the default language selected at the time of environment creation and aren't user configurable. After a collation is in place, it can't be changed.

Collations contain the following case-sensitivity and accent-sensitivity options that can vary from language to language.

Case and accent option Collation Description
Case insensitive _CI All languages have case insensitive enabled, which means that "Cafe" and "cafe" are considered the same word.
Accent sensitive _AS Some languages are accent sensitive, which means that "cafe" and "café" are treated as different words.
Accent insensitive _AI Some languages are accent insensitive, which means that "cafe" and "café" are treated as the same word.

Language details

A language includes the following information:

  • LCID: This is an identification number applied to languages in the Microsoft .NET framework to easily identify which language is being used. For example, 1033 is US English.

  • Language: The actual language. In some cases, names, country/region, and character dataset information have been added for disambiguation.

  • Collation: The language collation uses the case-sensitivity and accent-sensitivity options associated with the language (_CI, _AS, _AI) described earlier.

Language and associated collation used with Dataverse

LCID and language Collation
1025 Arabic _CI_AI
1026 Bulgarian - Cyrillic dataset _CI_AI
1027 Catalan _CI_AI
1028 Traditional Chinese Taiwan - Stroke 90 dataset _CI_AI
1029 Czech _CI_AI
1030 Danish Norwegian _CI_AI
1031 German Standard (Germany) _CI_AI
1032 Greek _CI_AI
1033 English (United States) _CI_AI
1035 Finnish Swedish (Finland) _CI_AS
1036 French (France) _CI_AI
1037 Hebrew _CI_AI
1038 Hungarian _CI_AI
1040 Italian (Italy) _CI_AI
1041 Japanese - Stoke 90 dataset _CI_AI
1042 Korean _CI_AI
1043 Dutch (Netherlands) _CI_AI
1044 Danish Norwegian - Bokmaal _CI_AI
1045 Polish _CI_AI
1046 Brazilian Portuguese _CI_AI
1048 Romanian _CI_AS
1049 Russian (Russia) - Cyrillic dataset _CI_AI
1050 Croatian _CI_AS
1051 Slovak _CI_AS
1053 Finnish Swedish (Sweden) _CI_AS
1054 Thai _CI_AS
1055 Turkish _CI_AI
1057 Indonesian _CI_AS
1058 Ukrainian _CI_AS
1060 Slovenian _CI_AS
1061 Estonian _CI_AS
1062 Latvian _CI_AS
1063 Lithuanian _CI_AS
1066 Vietnamese _CI_AS
1069 Basque _CI_AS
1081 Hindi - Latin character dataset _CI_AS
1086 Malay _CI_AS
1087 Kazakh _CI_AS
1110 Galician _CI_AS
2052 Simplified Chinese (China) - Stroke 90 dataset _CI_AI
2070 Portuguese (Portugal) _CI_AI
2074 Serbian - Latin character set _CI_AS
3076 Traditional Chinese Hong Kong - Stroke 90 dataset _CI_AI
3082 Modern Spanish (Spain) _CI_AI
3098 Serbian - Cyrillic dataset _CI_AI

See also

Environments overview