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Remove a large amount of specific, targeted data with bulk deletion


The new and improved Power Platform admin center is now in public preview! We designed the new admin center to be easier to use, with task-oriented navigation that helps you achieve specific outcomes faster. We'll be publishing new and updated documentation as the new Power Platform admin center moves to general availability.

The bulk deletion feature helps you to maintain data quality and manage the consumption of system storage by deleting data that you no longer need.

For example, you can delete the following data in bulk:

  • Stale data.
  • Data that is irrelevant to the business.
  • Unneeded test or sample data.
  • Data that is incorrectly imported from other systems.

With bulk deletion you can perform the following operations:

  • Delete data across multiple tables.
  • Delete records for a specified table.
  • Receive email notifications when a bulk deletion finishes.
  • Delete data periodically.
  • Schedule the start time of a recurring bulk delete.
  • Retrieve the information about the failures that occurred during a bulk deletion.

These settings can be found in the Microsoft Power Platform admin center by going to Environments > [select an environment] > Settings > Data management > Bulk deletion.

Make sure you have the System Administrator permission to update the setting.

Delete bulk data

  1. Select an environment and go to Settings > Data management > Bulk deletion.

  2. Select New to run the Bulk Deletion Wizard to create a bulk deletion job with the records you want to delete.

For information about how to implement bulk delete in code, go to Delete data in bulk.

Restore the deleted records in Power Apps

Restoring the deleted records in the Power Apps user experience is only available for system administrators.

Learn more about how to restore deleted records using the recycle bin in Turn on recycle bin.

If the recycle bin is not available, learn more in Back up and restore environments.

Restore all records deleted by a bulk delete job

To restore deleted records, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Power Platform admin center as a system administrator.
  2. Select Environments and select the environment for which you want to view and restore deleted records.
  3. Select Settings > Data management > Bulk deletion.
  4. You can view all the bulk record deletion jobs.
  5. Select one or more bulk delete jobs you want to restore, and then select Restore on the command bar.
  6. Select OK to confirm the action to restore.

Restore individual records

To restore deleted records, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Power Platform admin center as a system administrator.
  2. Select Environments and select the environment for which you want to view and restore deleted records.
  3. Select Settings > Data management > Bulk deletion.
  4. You can view all the bulk record deletion jobs.
  5. Select the bulk deletion job you want to restore the record from.
  6. The record view form opens. At the end of the form is a link. Select Restore individual records using System Job.
  7. The above link will navigate you to the deleted records tab of the job. Select one or more records you want to restore, and then select Restore on the command bar.
  8. Select OK to confirm the action to restore.