

Manage tenants and user roles in SPF

System Center - Service Provider Foundation (SPF) doesn't create user roles or define their scope. To set up tenants, you need a certificate public key that's used to validate claims made on behalf of a tenant.

Create a certificate

If you don't have an existing CA certificate to use, you can generate a self-signed certificate. You can export public and private keys from the certificate and associate the public key with a tenant.

Obtain a self-signed certificate

Create a certificate using makecert.exe (Certificate Creation Tool).

  1. Open a command prompt as administrator.

  2. Generate the certificate by running the following command:

    makecert -r -pe -n "" -b 07/12/2012 -e 09/23/2014 -ss My -sr CurrentUser -sp "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider" -sy 12 -sky exchange  
  3. This command puts the certificate in the Current User Certificate Store. To access it, on the Start screen, enter certmgr.msc and then in the Apps results, select certmgr.msc. In the certmgr window, select Certificates - Current User > Personal > Certificates folder.

Export the public key

  1. Right-click the certificate > All Tasks > Export.
  2. In Export Private Key, choose No, do not export the private key > Next.
  3. In Export File Format, select Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER) > Next.
  4. In File to Export, specify a path and filename for the certificate > Next.
  5. In Completing the Certificate Export Wizard, select Finish.

To export using PowerShell, run:

``S C:\> $path = "C:\Temp\tenant4D.cer"  

PS C:\> $cert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2($path)  

PS C:\> $key = [Convert]::ToBase64String($cert.RawData)``

Export the private key

  1. Right-click the certificate > All Tasks > Export.
  2. In Export Private Key, choose Yes, export the private key > Next. If this option isn't available and you generated a self-signed certificate, ensure it included the -pe option.
  3. In Export File Format, select Personal Information Exchange - PKCS #12 (.PFX). Ensure Include all certificates in the certification path if possible is selected and select Next.
  4. In File to Export, specify a path and filename for the certificate > Next.
  5. In Completing the Certificate Export Wizard, select Finish.

Create the tenant

Service Provider Foundation doesn't create user roles or define their scope (such as clouds), resources, or actions. Instead, the New-SCSPFTenantUserRole cmdlet creates an association for a tenant with a user role name. When that association is created, it also generates an ID that can be used for the corresponding ID for creating the role in System Center 2016 - Virtual Machine Manager.

You can also create user roles by using the Admin OData protocol service using the Developer's guide.

  1. Run the SPF command shell as an Administrator.

  2. Enter the following command to create the tenant. This command assumes that the $key variable contains the public key.

    PS C:\> $tenant = New-SCSPFTenant -Name "" -IssuerName "" -Key $key  
  3. Run this command to verify that the public key for the tenant was imported successfully:

    PS C:\> Get-SCSPFTrustedIssuer  

    The next procedure uses the $tenant variable that you created.

Create a tenant administrator role in VMM

  1. Enter the following command and agree to this elevation for the Windows PowerShell command shell:

    PS C:\> Set-Executionpolicy remotesigned  
  2. Enter the following command to import the VMM module:

    PS C:\> Import-Module virtualmachinemanager  
  3. Use the Windows PowerShell T:Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.Cmdlets.New\-SCUserRole cmdlet to create the user role. This command assumes the $tenant variable that was created as described in the procedure above.

    PS C:\> $TARole = New-SCUserRole -Name -ID $tenant.Id -UserRoleProfile TenantAdmin  


    Note that if the user role was previously created by using the VMM Administration Console, its permissions would be overwritten by those specified by the New\-SCSUserRole cmdlet.

  4. Verify that the user role was created by verifying that it's listed in the User Roles in Settings workspace in the VMM Administration Console.

  5. Define the following for the role by selecting the role and selecting Properties on the toolbar:

    • On the Scope, select one or more clouds.

    • On the Resources, add any resources such as templates.

    • On the Actions, select one or more actions.

    Repeat this procedure for every server assigned to the tenant.

    The next procedure uses the $TARole variable that you created.

Create a tenant self-service user role in VMM

  1. Enter the following command to create a self-service user in SPF for the tenant you created:

    PS C:\> $TenantSSU = New-SCSPFTenantUserRole -Name ContosoCloudSpaceSSU -Tenant $tenant   
  2. Create the corresponding tenant user role in VMM by entering the following command:

    PS C:\> $vmmSSU = New-SCUserRole -Name ContosoCloudSpaceVMMSSU -UserRoleProfile SelfServiceUser -ParentUserRole $TARole -ID $TenantSSU.ID  
  3. Verify that the user role was created by verifying that it's listed in the User Roles in Settings workspace in the VMM Administration Console. Notice that the parent of the role is the tenant administrator.

Repeat this procedure as needed for each tenant.