
Custom sensitive information type filters reference

In Microsoft Purview, you can define filters or other checks while creating a custom sensitive information type (SIT).


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List of supported filters and use cases

AllDigitsSame Exclude

Description: Allows you to exclude matches that have all digits as duplicate digits, such as 111111111 or 111-111-111

Defining filters:

<Filters id="ssn_filters">
    <Filter type="AllDigitsSameFilter"></Filter>

Using it in rule package at the entity level:

<Entity id="50842eb7-edc8-4019-85dd-5a5c1f2bb085" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85"  filters="ssn_filters">
      <Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
        <IdMatch idRef="Func_ssn" />

Using it in rule package at the pattern level:

<Entity id="50842eb7-edc8-4019-85dd-5a5c1f2bb085" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
      <Pattern confidenceLevel="85"  filters="ssn_filters">
        <IdMatch idRef="Func_ssn" />

TextMatchFilter StartsWith

Description: Allows you to define the starting characters for the entity. It has two variants, exclude and include.

For example, to exclude the numbers starting with 0500, 91, 091, 010 in a list like this:

  • 0500-4500-027
  • 91564721450
  • 91-8523697410
  • 700-8956-7844
  • 1000-3265-9874
  • 0100-7892-3012

you can use the following XML:

<Filters id="phone_number_filters_exc">
    <Filter type="TextMatchFilter" direction="StartsWith" logic="Exclude" textProcessorId="Keyword_false_positives_sw">

  <Keyword id="Keyword_false_positives_sw">
    <Group matchStyle="string">

Similarly, to include the numbers starting with 0500, 91, 091, 0100 in a list like this:

  • 0500-4500-027
  • 91564721450
  • 91-8523697410
  • 700-8956-7844
  • 1000-3265-9874
  • 0100-7892-3012

you can use the following XML:

<Filters id="phone_filters_inc">
    <Filter type="TextMatchFilter" direction="StartsWith" logic="Include" textProcessorId="Keyword_false_positives_sw">

TextMatchFilter EndsWith

Description: Allows you to define the ending characters for the entity.

For example, to exclude the numbers ending with 0500,91,091, 0100 in a list like this:

  • 1234567891
  • 1234-5678-0091
  • 1234.4567.7091
  • 1234-8091-4564

you can use the following XML:

<Filters id="phone_number_filters_exc">
    <Filter type="TextMatchFilter" direction="EndsWith" logic="Exclude" textProcessorId="Keyword_false_positives_sw">

  <Keyword id="Keyword_false_positives_sw">
    <Group matchStyle="string">

For example, to include the numbers ending with 0500, 91, 091, 0100, in a list like this:

  • 1234567891
  • 1234-5678-0091
  • 1234.4567.7091
  • 1234-8091-4564

You can use the following XML:

<Filters id="phone_filters_inc">
    <Filter type="TextMatchFilter" direction=" EndsWith" logic="Include" textProcessorId="Keyword_false_positives_sw">

TextMatchFilter Full

Description: Allows you to prohibit certain matches to prevent them from triggering the rule, such as excluding 4111111111111111 from the list of valid credit card matches.

For example, to exclude credit card numbers like 4111111111111111 and 3241891031113111 in a list like this:

  • 4485 3647 3952 7352
  • 4111111111111111
  • 3241891031113111

you can use the following XML:

<Filters id="cc_number_filters_exc">
    <Filter type="TextMatchFilter" direction="Full" logic="Exclude" textProcessorId="Keyword_false_positives_full">

  <Keyword id="Keyword_false_positives_full">
    <Group matchStyle="string">

Likewise, to include credit card numbers like 4111111111111111 and 3241891031113111 in a list like this:

  • 4485 3647 3952 7352
  • 4111111111111111
  • 3241891031113111

you can use the following XML:

<Filters id="cc_filters_inc">
    <Filter type="TextMatchFilter" direction="Full" logic="Include" textProcessorId="Keyword_false_positives_full">

TextMatchFilter Prefix

Description: Allows you to define the preceding characters that should be always excluded or included. For example, if Credit card number is preceded by ‘Order ID:’, then remove the match from the valid matches.

For example, to exclude occurrences of phone numbers that have Phone number and call me at strings before the phone number, in a list like this:

  • Phone number 091-8974-653278
  • Phone 45-124576532-123
  • 45-124576532-123

you can use the following XML:

<Filters id="cc_number_filters_exc">
    <Filter type="TextMatchFilter" direction="Prefix" logic="Exclude" textProcessorId="Keyword_false_positives_prefix">
  <Keyword id="Keyword_false_positives_prefix">
    <Group matchStyle="string">
      <Term>phone number</Term>
      <Term>call me at</Term>

Similarly, to include occurrences that have credit card and card # strings before the credit card number, in a list like this:

  • Credit card 45-124576532-123
  • 45-124576532-123 (which could be phone number)

you can use the following XML:

<Filters id="cc_filters_inc">
    <Filter type="TextMatchFilter" direction="Full" logic="Include" textProcessorId="Keyword_true_positives_prefix">

  <Keyword id="Keyword_true_positives_prefix">
    <Group matchStyle="string">
      <Term>credit card</Term>
      <Term>card #</Term>

TextMatchFilter Suffix

Description: Allows you to define the following characters that should be always excluded or included. For example, if Credit card number is followed by ‘/xuid’ then remove the match from the valid matches.

For example, top exclude occurrences if there are five more instances of four digits as suffix in a list like this:

  • 1234-5678-9321 4500 9870 6321 48925566
  • 1234-5678-9321

you can use the following XML:

<Filters id="cc_number_filters_exc">
    <Filter type="TextMatchFilter" direction="Prefix" logic="Exclude" textProcessorId="Regex_false_positives_suffix">


You can also exclude occurrences if they are followed by /xuidsuffix, like the one in this list:

  • 1234-5678-9321 /xuid
  • 1234-5678-9321

you can use this XML:

<Filters id="cc_number_filters_exc">
    <Filter type="TextMatchFilter" direction="Prefix" logic="Exclude" textProcessorId="Keyword_false_positives_suffix">

  <Keyword id="Keyword_false_positives_suffix">
    <Group matchStyle="string">

Similarly, to include an occurrence only if it is followed by cvv or expires, such as the two in this list:

  • 45-124576532-123
  • 45-124576532-123 cvv 966
  • 45-124576532-123 expires 03/23

you can use this XML:

<Filters id="cc_filters_inc">
    <Filter type="TextMatchFilter" direction="Full" logic="Include" textProcessorId="Keyword_true_positives_suffix">

  <Keyword id="Keyword_true_positives_suffix">
    <Group matchStyle="string">

Using filters in rule packages

Filters can be defined on the entire SIT or on a pattern. Here are some examples.

At the sensitive information type level

Filters at Entity - will cover all child patterns

The filters will be applied to all the instances classified by any of the patterns in that entity / sensitive information type.

<Entity id="6443b88f-2808-482a-8e1a-3ae5026645e1" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85" filters="CompositeFiltersAtEntityLevel">
      <Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
        <IdMatch idRef="Regex_denmark_id" />

At the individual pattern of the sensitive information type level

Filters only at the pattern level.

The filter will be applied to only the instances matched by the pattern.

<Entity id="50842eb7-edc8-4019-85dd-5a5c1f2bb085" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
      <Pattern confidenceLevel="85"  filters="CompositeFiltersAtPattern">
        <IdMatch idRef="Keyword_cc_verification" />

At the sensitive information type level with an additional filter on some of the patterns of that entity

Filters at Entity + pattern

The filters will be applied to all the instances classified by any of the patterns in that entity / sensitive information type. The pattern level filter will filter the instances matched by that pattern.

<Entity id="6443b88f-2808-482a-8e1a-3ae5026645e1" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85" filters="CompositeFiltersAtEntityLevel">
      <Pattern confidenceLevel="85" filters="CompositeFiltersAtPattern">
        <IdMatch idRef="Regex_denmark_id" />

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