
Azure Databricks regions

This article lists the regions supported by Azure Databricks.


Some Databricks features, known as Designated Services, use geographies to manage data residency when processing customer content. To learn more, see Data residency in Azure.

For more region-related information, see the following articles:

Supported regions list

This table lists the regions supported by Databricks. Some features are available only in a subset of regions. For details, see Features with limited regional availability.

Region Location
australiacentral AustraliaCentral
australiacentral2 AustraliaCentral2
australiaeast AustraliaEast
australiasoutheast AustraliaSoutheast
brazilsouth BrazilSouth
canadacentral CanadaCentral
canadaeast CanadaEast
centralindia CentralIndia
centralus CentralUS
chinaeast2 ChinaEast2
chinaeast3 ChinaEast3
chinanorth2 ChinaNorth2
chinanorth3 ChinaNorth3
eastasia EastAsia
eastus EastUS
eastus2 EastUS2
francecentral FranceCentral
germanywestcentral GermanyWestCentral
japaneast JapanEast
japanwest JapanWest
koreacentral KoreaCentral
mexicocentral MexicoCentral
northcentralus NorthCentralUS
northeurope NorthEurope
norwayeast NorwayEast
qatarcentral QatarCentral
southafricanorth SouthAfricaNorth
southcentralus SouthCentralUS
southeastasia SoutheastAsia
southindia SouthIndia
swedencentral SwedenCentral
switzerlandnorth SwitzerlandNorth
switzerlandwest SwitzerlandWest
uaenorth UAENorth
uksouth UKSouth
ukwest UKWest
usgovaz USGovAZ
usgovva USGovVA
westcentralus WestCentralUS
westeurope WestEurope
westindia WestIndia
westus WestUS
westus2 WestUS2
westus3 WestUS3