Speech service in sovereign clouds
Azure Government (United States)
Available to US government entities and their partners only. See more information about Azure Government here and here.
- Azure portal:
- Regions:
- US Gov Arizona
- US Gov Virginia
- Available pricing tiers:
- Free (F0) and Standard (S0). See more details here
- Supported features:
- Speech to text
- Custom speech (Acoustic Model (AM) and Language Model (LM) adaptation)
- Text to speech
- Standard voice
- Neural voice
- Speech translation
- Speech to text
- Unsupported features:
- Custom commands
- Custom neural voice
- Personal voice
- Text to speech avatar
- Supported languages:
- See the list of supported languages here
Endpoint information
This section contains Speech service endpoint information for the usage with Speech SDK, Speech to text REST API, and Text to speech REST API.
Speech service REST API
Speech service REST API endpoints in Azure Government have the following format:
REST API type / operation | Endpoint format |
Access token | https://<REGION_IDENTIFIER>.api.cognitive.microsoft.us/sts/v1.0/issueToken |
Speech to text REST API | https://<REGION_IDENTIFIER>.api.cognitive.microsoft.us/<URL_PATH> |
Speech to text REST API for short audio | https://<REGION_IDENTIFIER>.stt.speech.azure.us/<URL_PATH> |
Text to speech REST API | https://<REGION_IDENTIFIER>.tts.speech.azure.us/<URL_PATH> |
with the identifier matching the region of your subscription from this table:
Region identifier | |
US Gov Arizona | usgovarizona |
US Gov Virginia | usgovvirginia |
Speech SDK
For Speech SDK in sovereign clouds, you need to use "from endpoint / with endpoint" instantiation of SpeechConfig
class or --endpoint
option of Speech CLI.
class should be instantiated like this:
var config = SpeechConfig.Endpoint(new Uri(usGovEndpoint), subscriptionKey);
Speech CLI should be used like this (note the --endpoint
spx recognize --endpoint "usGovEndpoint" --file myaudio.wav
Replace subscriptionKey
with your Speech resource key.
Replace usGovEndpoint
with the endpoint from the Azure Portal.
Microsoft Azure operated by 21Vianet
Available to organizations with a business presence in China. See more information about Microsoft Azure operated by 21Vianet here.
- Azure portal:
- Regions:
- China East 2
- China North 2
- China North 3
- Available pricing tiers:
- Free (F0) and Standard (S0). See more details here
- Supported features:
- Speech to text
- Custom speech (Acoustic Model (AM) and Language Model (LM) adaptation)
- Pronunciation assessment
- Text to speech
- Standard voice
- Neural voice
- Speech translator
- Speech to text
- Unsupported features:
- Custom commands
- Custom neural voice
- Personal voice
- Text to speech avatar
- Supported languages:
- See the list of supported languages here
Endpoint information
This section contains Speech service endpoint information for the usage with Speech SDK, Speech to text REST API, and Text to speech REST API.
Speech service REST API
Speech service REST API endpoints in Azure operated by 21Vianet have the following format:
REST API type / operation | Endpoint format |
Access token | https://<REGION_IDENTIFIER>.api.cognitive.azure.cn/sts/v1.0/issueToken |
Speech to text REST API | https://<REGION_IDENTIFIER>.api.cognitive.azure.cn/<URL_PATH> |
Speech to text REST API for short audio | https://<REGION_IDENTIFIER>.stt.speech.azure.cn/<URL_PATH> |
Text to speech REST API | https://<REGION_IDENTIFIER>.tts.speech.azure.cn/<URL_PATH> |
with the identifier matching the region of your subscription from this table:
Region identifier | |
China East 2 | chinaeast2 |
China North 2 | chinanorth2 |
China North 3 | chinanorth3 |
Speech SDK
For Speech SDK in sovereign clouds, you need to use "from endpoint / with endpoint" instantiation of SpeechConfig
class or --endpoint
option of Speech CLI.
class should be instantiated like this:
var config = SpeechConfig.Endpoint(new Uri(azCnEndpoint), subscriptionKey);
Speech CLI should be used like this (note the --endpoint
spx recognize --endpoint "azCnEndpoint" --file myaudio.wav
Replace subscriptionKey
with your Speech resource key. Replace azCnEndpoint
with the endpoint from the Azure Portal.