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Uninstall Fundraising and Engagement

Fundraising and Engagement is being retired and support ends on December 31, 2026. If your organization is transitioning from Fundraising and Engagement to the Fundraising template app, you must first remove Fundraising and Engagement from your Power Platform environment. This article explains how to uninstall Fundraising and Engagement for a successful transition.


  • Migrate data: Migrate all Fundraising and Engagement data. If you do not, the data will be deleted when the solutions are uninstalled.
  • Remove dependent custom solutions: To prevent dependency issues during uninstallation, you must first uninstall all custom solutions created using the Fundraising and Engagement components.

Remove Fundraising and Engagement from Power Platform

  1. Sign in to the Power Platform Maker Portal.

  2. Select Environment in the top navigation bar and select your Power Platform environment from the drop-down menu.

  3. Select Solutions in the side panel.

  4. On the solutions page, select Managed.

    A screenshot displaying how to see the list of managed solutions.

  5. To successfully remove Fundraising and Engagement, you must uninstall all solutions that use Fundraising and Engagement components.

    1. Select the solution from the list.
    2. Select Delete in the upper command bar.
    3. After the solution is deleted successfully, a success notification appears on the message bar.

    A screenshot displaying how to delete the solution.

    Remove solutions in the following order:

    Order Display name Name
    1 Fundraising and Engagement Base FundraisingandEngagementAnchor
    2 Fundraising and Engagement - Configuration FundraisingandEngagementConfiguration
    3 Fundraising and Engagement Stripe Integration FundraisingandEngagementStripe
    4 Fundraising and Engagement Insights FundraisingandEngagementInsights
    5 Likelihood to donate Flows LikelihoodToDonateFlows
    6 IndustryAI Non Profit Orchestration msydn_IndustryAINonProfitOrchestration
    7 IndustryAI NonProfit Custom Actions IndustryAINonProfitCustomActions
    8 Likelihood to donate Configuration Data LikelihoodToDonateConfigurationData
    9 Prediction Common Data Model PredictionCommonDataModel
    10 Likelihood to donate DPC LikelihoodToDonateDPC
    11 Likelihood to donate Permissions LikelihoodToDonatePermissions
    12 Likelihood to donate MDL LikelihoodToDonateMDL
    13 IndustryAI Non Profit Roles msdyn_IndustryAINonProfitRoles
    14 Fundraising and Engagement FundraisingandEngagement
    15 Likelihood to donate Data Model LikelihoodToDonateDataModel
    16 Fundraising and Engagement Deprecations FundraisingandEngagementDeprecations


    When you remove a solution with extensive data and dependencies, you may not see the success notification immediately. However, the process continues to run in the background. To monitor the solution history and track deletion progress, select the See history button on the solutions list page.

    A screenshot showing how to check solution history and track deletion progress.

Known issues

Uninstalling solutions can sometimes result in dependency issues. To resolve these issues, review the dependencies for each component and remove any unmanaged layer customizations.

  1. If a dependency prevents solution removal, a notification appears at the top of the page stating that the solution can't be deleted. Select View Dependencies to open the dependency list.

    A screenshot showing how to view solution dependencies.

  2. The dependency list page shows the remaining dependencies for the solution. For each dependency in the list:

    1. Select the dependency.

    2. Select See solution layers in the top bar.

      A screenshot displaying how to see the solution layers.

    3. On the solution layers page:

      1. Select the second tab for the related entity's solution layers.
      2. Select Unmanaged layer.
      3. Select Remove active customizations in the top bar.

      A screenshot showing how to remove active customizations.


If you encounter other issues or need more assistance, reach out to Support for Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit.