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How to configure a managed network for Azure AI Foundry hubs

We have two network isolation aspects. One is the network isolation to access an Azure AI Foundry hub. Another is the network isolation of computing resources for both your hub and project (such as compute instance, serverless and managed online endpoint.) This document explains the latter highlighted in the diagram. You can use hub built-in network isolation to protect your computing resources.

Diagram of hub network isolation configuration with Azure AI Foundry.

You need to configure following network isolation configurations.

  • Choose network isolation mode. You have two options: allow internet outbound mode or allow only approved outbound mode.
  • If you use Visual Studio Code integration with allow only approved outbound mode, create FQDN outbound rules described in the use Visual Studio Code section.
  • If you use HuggingFace models in Models with allow only approved outbound mode, create FQDN outbound rules described in the use HuggingFace models section.
  • If you use one of the open-source models with allow only approved outbound mode, create FQDN outbound rules described in the curated by Azure AI section.

Network isolation architecture and isolation modes

When you enable managed virtual network isolation, a managed virtual network is created for the hub. Managed compute resources you create for the hub automatically use this managed virtual network. The managed virtual network can use private endpoints for Azure resources that are used by your hub, such as Azure Storage, Azure Key Vault, and Azure Container Registry.

There are three different configuration modes for outbound traffic from the managed virtual network:

Outbound mode Description Scenarios
Allow internet outbound Allow all internet outbound traffic from the managed virtual network. You want unrestricted access to machine learning resources on the internet, such as python packages or pretrained models.1
Allow only approved outbound Outbound traffic is allowed by specifying service tags. * You want to minimize the risk of data exfiltration, but you need to prepare all required machine learning artifacts in your private environment.
* You want to configure outbound access to an approved list of services, service tags, or FQDNs.
Disabled Inbound and outbound traffic isn't restricted. You want public inbound and outbound from the hub.

1 You can use outbound rules with allow only approved outbound mode to achieve the same result as using allow internet outbound. The differences are:

  • Always use private endpoints to access Azure resources.
  • You must add rules for each outbound connection you need to allow.
  • Adding FQDN outbound rules increase your costs as this rule type uses Azure Firewall. If you use outbound FQDN rules, charges for Azure Firewall are included in your billing. For more information, see Pricing.
  • The default rules for allow only approved outbound are designed to minimize the risk of data exfiltration. Any outbound rules you add might increase your risk.

The managed virtual network is preconfigured with required default rules. It's also configured for private endpoint connections to your hub, the hub's default storage, container registry, and key vault if they're configured as private or the hub isolation mode is set to allow only approved outbound. After choosing the isolation mode, you only need to consider other outbound requirements you might need to add.

The following diagram shows a managed virtual network configured to allow internet outbound:

Diagram of managed virtual network isolation configured for internet outbound.

The following diagram shows a managed virtual network configured to allow only approved outbound:


In this configuration, the storage, key vault, and container registry used by the hub are flagged as private. Since they're flagged as private, a private endpoint is used to communicate with them.

Diagram of managed virtual network isolation configured for allow only approved outbound.


When you're accessing a private storage account from a public AI Foundry hub, you must access AI Foundry from within the virtual network of your storage account. Accessing AI Foundry from within the virtual network ensures that you can call actions such as upload files to the private storage account. The private storage account is independent of your AI Foundry hub's networking settings. For more on setting your private storage accounts virtual network, see Configure Azure Storage firewalls and virtual networks.


Before following the steps in this article, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • An Azure subscription. If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.

  • The Microsoft.Network resource provider must be registered for your Azure subscription. This resource provider is used by the hub when creating private endpoints for the managed virtual network.

    For information on registering resource providers, see Resolve errors for resource provider registration.

  • The Azure identity you use when deploying a managed network requires the following Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) actions to create private endpoints:

    • Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/privateEndpointConnections/read
    • Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/privateEndpointConnections/write


  • Azure AI Foundry supports managed virtual network isolation for securing your compute resources. Azure AI Foundry doesn't support bring your own virtual network for securing compute resources. Note that bringing your own virtual network for securing computes is different than your Azure virtual network that is required to access Azure AI Foundry from your on-premises network.
  • Once you enable managed virtual network isolation of your Azure AI, you can't disable it.
  • Managed virtual network uses private endpoint connection to access your private resources. You can't have a private endpoint and a service endpoint at the same time for your Azure resources, such as a storage account. We recommend using private endpoints in all scenarios.
  • The managed virtual network is deleted when the Azure AI is deleted.
  • Data exfiltration protection is automatically enabled for the only approved outbound mode. If you add other outbound rules, such as to FQDNs, Microsoft can't guarantee that you're protected from data exfiltration to those outbound destinations.
  • Using FQDN outbound rules increases the cost of the managed virtual network because FQDN rules use Azure Firewall. For more information, see Pricing.
  • FQDN outbound rules only support ports 80 and 443.
  • If you want to disable compute instance's Public IP, you must add a private endpoint to a hub.
  • When using a compute instance with a managed network, use the az ml compute connect-ssh command to connect to the compute using SSH.
  • If your managed network is configured to allow only approved outbound, you can't use an FQDN rule to access Azure Storage Accounts. You must use a private endpoint instead.

Configure a managed virtual network to allow internet outbound


The creation of the managed VNet is deferred until a compute resource is created or provisioning is manually started. When you allow automatic creation, it can take around 30 minutes to create the first compute resource as it is also provisioning the network.

  • Create a new hub:

    1. Sign in to the Azure portal, and choose Azure AI Foundry from Create a resource menu.

    2. Select + New Azure AI.

    3. Provide the required information on the Basics tab.

    4. From the Networking tab, select Private with Internet Outbound.

    5. To add an outbound rule, select Add user-defined outbound rules from the Networking tab. From the Outbound rules sidebar, provide the following information:

      • Rule name: A name for the rule. The name must be unique for this hub.
      • Destination type: Private Endpoint is the only option when the network isolation is private with internet outbound. Hub managed virtual network doesn't support creating a private endpoint to all Azure resource types. For a list of supported resources, see the Private endpoints section.
      • Subscription: The subscription that contains the Azure resource you want to add a private endpoint for.
      • Resource group: The resource group that contains the Azure resource you want to add a private endpoint for.
      • Resource type: The type of the Azure resource.
      • Resource name: The name of the Azure resource.
      • Sub Resource: The sub resource of the Azure resource type.

      Select Save to save the rule. You can continue using Add user-defined outbound rules to add rules.

    6. Continue creating the hub as normal.

  • Update an existing hub:

    1. Sign in to the Azure portal, and select the hub that you want to enable managed virtual network isolation for.

    2. Select Networking, then select Private with Internet Outbound.

      • To add an outbound rule, select Add user-defined outbound rules from the Networking tab. From the Outbound rules sidebar, provide the same information as used when creating a hub in the 'Create a new hub' section.

      • To delete an outbound rule, select delete for the rule.

    3. Select Save at the top of the page to save the changes to the managed virtual network.

Configure a managed virtual network to allow only approved outbound


The managed VNet is automatically provisioned when you create a compute resource. When you allow automatic creation, it can take around 30 minutes to create the first compute resource as it is also provisioning the network. If you configured FQDN outbound rules, the first FQDN rule adds around 10 minutes to the provisioning time.

  • Create a new hub:

    1. Sign in to the Azure portal, and choose Azure AI Foundry from Create a resource menu.

    2. Select + New Azure AI.

    3. Provide the required information on the Basics tab.

    4. From the Networking tab, select Private with Approved Outbound.

    5. To add an outbound rule, select Add user-defined outbound rules from the Networking tab. From the Outbound rules sidebar, provide the following information:

      • Rule name: A name for the rule. The name must be unique for this hub.
      • Destination type: Private Endpoint, Service Tag, or FQDN. Service Tag and FQDN are only available when the network isolation is private with approved outbound.

      If the destination type is Private Endpoint, provide the following information:

      • Subscription: The subscription that contains the Azure resource you want to add a private endpoint for.
      • Resource group: The resource group that contains the Azure resource you want to add a private endpoint for.
      • Resource type: The type of the Azure resource.
      • Resource name: The name of the Azure resource.
      • Sub Resource: The sub resource of the Azure resource type.


      The hub managed VNet doesn't support creating a private endpoint to all Azure resource types. For a list of supported resources, see the Private endpoints section.

      If the destination type is Service Tag, provide the following information:

      • Service tag: The service tag to add to the approved outbound rules.
      • Protocol: The protocol to allow for the service tag.
      • Port ranges: The port ranges to allow for the service tag.

      If the destination type is FQDN, provide the following information:

      • FQDN destination: The fully qualified domain name to add to the approved outbound rules.

      Select Save to save the rule. You can continue using Add user-defined outbound rules to add rules.

    6. Continue creating the hub as normal.

  • Update an existing hub:

    1. Sign in to the Azure portal, and select the hub that you want to enable managed virtual network isolation for.

    2. Select Networking, then select Private with Approved Outbound.

      • To add an outbound rule, select Add user-defined outbound rules from the Networking tab. From the Outbound rules sidebar, provide the same information as when creating a hub in the previous 'Create a new hub' section.

      • To delete an outbound rule, select delete for the rule.

    3. Select Save at the top of the page to save the changes to the managed virtual network.

Manually provision a managed VNet

The managed virtual network is automatically provisioned when you create a compute instance. When you rely on automatic provisioning, it can take around 30 minutes to create the first compute instance as it is also provisioning the network. If you configured FQDN outbound rules (only available with allow only approved mode), the first FQDN rule adds around 10 minutes to the provisioning time. If you have a large set of outbound rules to be provisioned in the managed network, it can take longer for provisioning to complete. The increased provisioning time can cause your first compute instance creation to time out.

To reduce the wait time and avoid potential timeout errors, we recommend manually provisioning the managed network. Then wait until the provisioning completes before you create a compute instance.

Alternatively, you can use the provision_network_now flag to provision the managed network as part of hub creation.


To create an online deployment, you must manually provision the managed network, or create a compute instance first. Creating a compute instance automatically provision it.

During hub creation, select Provision managed network proactively at creation to provision the managed network. Charges are incurred from network resources, such as private endpoints, once the virtual network is provisioned. This configuration option is only available during workspace creation.

Manage outbound rules

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal, and select the hub that you want to enable managed virtual network isolation for.
  2. Select Networking. The Azure AI Outbound access section allows you to manage outbound rules.
  • To add an outbound rule, select Add user-defined outbound rules from the Networking tab. From the Azure AI outbound rules sidebar, provide the following information:

  • To enable or disable a rule, use the toggle in the Active column.

  • To delete an outbound rule, select delete for the rule.

List of required rules


These rules are automatically added to the managed VNet.

Private endpoints:

  • When the isolation mode for the managed virtual network is Allow internet outbound, private endpoint outbound rules are automatically created as required rules from the managed virtual network for the hub and associated resources with public network access disabled (Key Vault, Storage Account, Container Registry, hub).
  • When the isolation mode for the managed virtual network is Allow only approved outbound, private endpoint outbound rules are automatically created as required rules from the managed virtual network for the hub and associated resources regardless of public network access mode for those resources (Key Vault, Storage Account, Container Registry, hub).

For Azure AI Foundry to run with private networking, there are a set of required service tags. There are no alternatives to replacing required service tags. The following table describes each required service tag and its purpose within Azure AI Foundry.

Service tag rule Inbound or Outbound Purpose
AzureMachineLearning Inbound Create, update, and delete of Azure AI Foundry compute instance/cluster.
AzureMachineLearning Outbound Using Azure Machine Learning services. Python intellisense in notebooks uses port 18881. Creating, updating, and deleting an Azure Machine Learning compute instance uses port 5831.
AzureActiveDirectory Outbound Authentication using Microsoft Entra ID.
BatchNodeManagement.region Outbound Communication with Azure Batch back-end for Azure AI Foundry compute instances/clusters.
AzureResourceManager Outbound Creation of Azure resources with Azure AI Foundry, Azure CLI, and Azure AI Foundry SDK.
AzureFrontDoor.FirstParty Outbound Access docker images provided by Microsoft.
MicrosoftContainerRegistry Outbound Access docker images provided by Microsoft. Setup of the Azure AI Foundry router for Azure Kubernetes Service.
AzureMonitor Outbound Used to log monitoring and metrics to Azure Monitor. Only needed if you haven't secured Azure Monitor for the workspace. This outbound is also used to log information for support incidents.
VirtualNetwork Outbound Required when private endpoints are present in the virtual network or peered virtual networks.

List of scenario specific outbound rules

Scenario: Access public machine learning packages

To allow installation of Python packages for training and deployment, add outbound FQDN rules to allow traffic to the following host names:


This isn't a complete list of the hosts required for all Python resources on the internet, only the most commonly used. For example, if you need access to a GitHub repository or other host, you must identify and add the required hosts for that scenario.

Host name Purpose
Used to install default packages.
*.anaconda.org Used to get repo data.
pypi.org Used to list dependencies from the default index, if any, and the index isn't overwritten by user settings. If the index is overwritten, you must also allow *.pythonhosted.org.
Used by some examples based on PyTorch.
*.tensorflow.org Used by some examples based on TensorFlow.

Scenario: Use Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code relies on specific hosts and ports to establish a remote connection.


The hosts in this section are used to install Visual Studio Code packages to establish a remote connection between Visual Studio Code and the compute instances for your project.


This isn't a complete list of the hosts required for all Visual Studio Code resources on the internet, only the most commonly used. For example, if you need access to a GitHub repository or other host, you must identify and add the required hosts for that scenario. For a complete list of host names, see Network Connections in Visual Studio Code.

Host name Purpose
Required to access vscode.dev (Visual Studio Code for the Web)
code.visualstudio.com Required to download and install VS Code desktop. This host isn't required for VS Code Web.
Used to retrieve VS Code server bits that are installed on the compute instance through a setup script.
Required to download and install VS Code extensions. These hosts enable the remote connection to compute instances. For more information, see Get started with Azure AI Foundry projects in VS Code.
vscode.download.prss.microsoft.com Used for Visual Studio Code download CDN


You must allow network traffic to ports 8704 to 8710. The VS Code server dynamically selects the first available port within this range.

Scenario: Use HuggingFace models

If you plan to use HuggingFace models with the hub, add outbound FQDN rules to allow traffic to the following hosts:

  • docker.io
  • *.docker.io
  • *.docker.com
  • production.cloudflare.docker.com
  • cnd.auth0.com
  • cdn-lfs.huggingface.co

Scenario: Curated by Azure AI

These models involve dynamic installation of dependencies at runtime, and require outbound FQDN rules to allow traffic to the following hosts:

*.anaconda.org *.anaconda.com anaconda.com pypi.org *.pythonhosted.org *.pytorch.org pytorch.org

Private endpoints

Private endpoints are currently supported for the following Azure services:

  • Azure AI Foundry hub
  • Azure AI Search
  • Azure AI services
  • Azure API Management
  • Azure Container Registry
  • Azure Cosmos DB (all sub resource types)
  • Azure Data Factory
  • Azure Database for MariaDB
  • Azure Database for MySQL
  • Azure Database for PostgreSQL Single Server
  • Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server
  • Azure Databricks
  • Azure Event Hubs
  • Azure Key Vault
  • Azure Machine Learning
  • Azure Machine Learning registries
  • Azure Redis Cache
  • Azure SQL Server
  • Azure Storage (all sub resource types)

When you create a private endpoint, you provide the resource type and subresource that the endpoint connects to. Some resources have multiple types and subresources. For more information, see what is a private endpoint.

When you create a private endpoint for hub dependency resources, such as Azure Storage, Azure Container Registry, and Azure Key Vault, the resource can be in a different Azure subscription. However, the resource must be in the same tenant as the hub.

A private endpoint is automatically created for a connection if the target resource is an Azure resource listed previously. A valid target ID is expected for the private endpoint. A valid target ID for the connection can be the Azure Resource Manager ID of a parent resource. The target ID is also expected in the target of the connection or in metadata.resourceid. For more on connections, see How to add a new connection in Azure AI Foundry portal.


As of April 30th 2025, the Azure AI Enterprise Network Connection Approver role must be assigned to the Azure AI Foundry hub's managed identity to approve private endpoints to securely access your Azure resources from the managed virtual network. This doesn't impact existing resources with approved private endpoints as the role is correctly assigned by the service. For new resources, ensure the role is assigned to the hub's managed identity. For Azure Data Factory, Azure Databricks, and Azure Function Apps, the Contributor role should instead be assigned to your hub's managed identity. This role assignment is applicable to both User-assigned identity and System-assigned identity workspaces.

Select an Azure Firewall version for allowed only approved outbound

An Azure Firewall is deployed if an FQDN outbound rule is created while in the allow only approved outbound mode. Charges for the Azure Firewall are included in your billing. By default, a Standard version of AzureFirewall is created. Optionally, you can select to use a Basic version. You can change the firewall version used as needed. To figure out which version is best for you, visit Choose the right Azure Firewall version.


The firewall isn't created until you add an outbound FQDN rule. For more information on pricing, see Azure Firewall pricing and view prices for the standard version.

Use the following tabs to learn how to select the firewall version for your managed virtual network.

After selecting the allow only approved outbound mode, an option to select the Azure Firewall version (SKU) appears. Select Standard to use the standard version or Basic to use the basic version. Select Save to save your configuration.


The hub managed virtual network feature is free. However, you're charged for the following resources that are used by the managed virtual network:

  • Azure Private Link - Private endpoints used to secure communications between the managed virtual network and Azure resources relies on Azure Private Link. For more information on pricing, see Azure Private Link pricing.

  • FQDN outbound rules - FQDN outbound rules are implemented using Azure Firewall. If you use outbound FQDN rules, charges for Azure Firewall are included in your billing. A standard version of Azure Firewall is used by default. For information on selecting the basic version, see Select an Azure Firewall version. Azure Firewall is provisioned per hub.


    The firewall isn't created until you add an outbound FQDN rule. If you don't use FQDN rules, you won't be charged for Azure Firewall. For more information on pricing, see Azure Firewall pricing.