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Parser Functions

The following helper functions are called by parsers.

Function Description
AddressToString Converts an address to a string.
LookupByteSetString Retrieves the string corresponding to the specified value of a labeled set.
SetCCInstPtr Captures a context instance pointer.
StringToAddress Converts a string to an address.
VarLenSmallIntToDword Converts a variable-length, small integer to a DWORD.
LookupDwordSetString Retrieves the string corresponding to the specified value of a labeled set.
LookupWordSetString Retrieves the string corresponding to the given value from a labeled set.
BERGetHeader Decodes a choice header.
BERGetInteger Decodes a BER-encoded integer.
BERGetString Decodes a BER-encoded string.
CCHeapAlloc Allocates memory on a capture-by-capture basis.
CCHeapFree Releases the memory allocated by the CCHeapAlloc function.
CCHeapReAlloc Reallocates memory allocated by the CCHeapAlloc function.
CCHeapSize Retrieves the size of the memory allocated by the CCHeapAlloc function.
GetCCInstPtr Retrieves the pointer to the instance data added to the capture context.
CreateProtocol Informs the Network Monitor API that a specific protocol parser exists.
DestroyProtocol Destroys the protocol created by the CreateProtocol function.
BuildINIPath Retrieves a fully qualified path to the initialization (INI) file that corresponds to information you enter.
CreateHandoffTable Creates a handoff table based on information in an given INI file.
DestroyHandoffTable Destroys a handoff table created with the CreateHandoffTable function.
GetProtocolFromTable Retrieves the protocol of a given handoff table.
AddProperty Adds a PROPERTYINFO structure to the property database.
AttachPropertyInstance Attaches a property instance to a frame.
AttachPropertyInstanceEx Attaches a property instance to a frame.
CreatePropertyDatabase Creates a property database that describes properties that the parser uses to describe its data.
DestroyPropertyDatabase Destroys a property database created by calls to the CreatePropertyDatabase and AddProperty functions.
FindNextFrame Finds the next frame in the current capture context that matches a given filter.
FindPreviousFrame Finds the previous frame in the current capture context that matches a given filter.
FormatPropertyInstance Formats the property instance in a generic manner.
GetFrameDestAddress Retrieves the destination address of a frame.
GetFrameSourceAddress Retrieves the source address of a frame.
GetProtocolStartOffset Retrieves the offset to a given protocol in the frame.
ParserTemporaryLockFrame Locks a frame when it enters a parser and unlocks the frame when it exits.

For information about export functions (helper functions that can be called by experts and parsers), structures, and enumerations, see the following topics.

For information about See
Functions that parsers export. Parser DLL Export Functions
Structures that parser functions use. Parser Structures
Common helper functions that parsers and experts call. Expert and Parser Common Functions