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Setting Up the Certificates to Run Windows Media License Service

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Setting Up the Certificates to Run Windows Media License Service

To run Windows Media License Service , you must enroll with Microsoft to get certificates. This process must be performed periodically because certificates expire periodically. Version 7 certificates (used by Windows Media Rights Manager 7 and later) include version 1 certificates.

To get certificates to run Windows Media License Service

  1. Go to the Microsoft Web site, click Enroll to get a new certificate, and then follow the instructions to begin the enrollment process.

    You will receive an e-mail message containing the token you need to complete the enrollment.

  2. From the computer that is running Windows Media License Service (the computer from which you will issue licenses ), return to the Microsoft Web site, click Complete the enrollment with your e-mail confirmation, and then follow the instructions to complete the enrollment.

These tokens cannot be used more than once. If you are running multiple licensing servers, you must either perform this process separately on each computer or you can share the certificates as follows.

To use one set of certificates on multiple computers

  1. Use the previous procedure to acquire certificates on one computer, such as a computer in a test environment.

  2. Ensure that the certificates are functioning properly. For example, create protected content using the license acquisition URL of the test licensing server and try to issue a license.

  3. Open the Registry Editor and export the following branch of the registry to a file:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WM Rights Manager

  4. On each of your other licensing server computers, do the following:

    • Export (back up) the following branch of the registry to a file:
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WM Rights Manager
    • Delete the branch.
    • Import the registry file created in step 3.
    • Ensure that the certificates are functioning properly.

See Also

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