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Updated: July 30, 2015

Applies To: Azure, Office 365, Windows Intune


  • The cmdlets were previously known as the Microsoft Online Services Module for Windows PowerShell cmdlets.


New-MsolServicePrincipalAddresses -Address <string> [-AddressType <AddressType> {Reply | Realm | Error | Other | SamlMetadata | SamlLogout}] [<CommonParameters>]


-Address <string>
        Required?                    true
        Position?                    Named
        Accept pipeline input?       false
        Parameter set name           NewServicePrincipalAddresses
        Aliases                      None
        Dynamic?                     false
    -AddressType <AddressType>
        Required?                    false
        Position?                    Named
        Accept pipeline input?       false
        Parameter set name           NewServicePrincipalAddresses
        Aliases                      None
        Dynamic?                     false
        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
        ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
        OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, 

Additional Resources

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See Also

Other Resources

Manage Azure Active Directory by using Windows PowerShell