Obtener alerta
Espacio de nombres: microsoft.graph.security
Obtenga las propiedades y las relaciones de un objeto de alerta .
Esta API está disponible en las siguientes implementaciones nacionales de nube.
Servicio global | Gobierno de EE. UU. L4 | Us Government L5 (DOD) | China operada por 21Vianet |
✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
Elija el permiso o los permisos marcados como con privilegios mínimos para esta API. Use un permiso o permisos con privilegios superiores solo si la aplicación lo requiere. Para obtener más información sobre los permisos delegados y de aplicación, consulte Tipos de permisos. Para obtener más información sobre estos permisos, consulte la referencia de permisos.
Tipo de permiso | Permisos con privilegios mínimos | Permisos con privilegios más altos |
Delegado (cuenta profesional o educativa) | SecurityAlert.Read.All | SecurityAlert.ReadWrite.All |
Delegado (cuenta personal de Microsoft) | No admitida. | No admitida. |
Aplicación | SecurityAlert.Read.All | SecurityAlert.ReadWrite.All |
Solicitud HTTP
GET /security/alerts_v2/{alertId}
Encabezados de solicitud
Nombre | Descripción |
Authorization | {token} de portador. Obligatorio. Obtenga más información sobre la autenticación y la autorización. |
Cuerpo de la solicitud
No proporcione un cuerpo de solicitud para este método.
Si se ejecuta correctamente, este método devuelve un 200 OK
código de respuesta y un objeto de alerta en el cuerpo de la respuesta.
En el ejemplo siguiente se muestra la solicitud.
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/security/alerts_v2/da637578995287051192_756343937
En el ejemplo siguiente se muestra la respuesta.
Nota: Se puede acortar el objeto de respuesta que se muestra aquí para mejorar la legibilidad.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.security.alert",
"id": "da637578995287051192_756343937",
"providerAlertId": "da637578995287051192_756343937",
"incidentId": "28282",
"status": "new",
"severity": "low",
"classification": "unknown",
"determination": "unknown",
"serviceSource": "microsoftDefenderForEndpoint",
"detectionSource": "antivirus",
"productName": "Microsoft Defender for Endpoint",
"detectorId": "e0da400f-affd-43ef-b1d5-afc2eb6f2756",
"tenantId": "b3c1b5fc-828c-45fa-a1e1-10d74f6d6e9c",
"title": "Suspicious execution of hidden file",
"description": "A hidden file has been launched. This activity could indicate a compromised host. Attackers often hide files associated with malicious tools to evade file system inspection and defenses.",
"recommendedActions": "Collect artifacts and determine scope\n�\tReview the machine timeline for suspicious activities that may have occurred before and after the time of the alert, and record additional related artifacts (files, IPs/URLs) \n�\tLook for the presence of relevant artifacts on other systems. Identify commonalities and differences between potentially compromised systems.\n�\tSubmit relevant files for deep analysis and review resulting detailed behavioral information.\n�\tSubmit undetected files to the MMPC malware portal\n\nInitiate containment & mitigation \n�\tContact the user to verify intent and initiate local remediation actions as needed.\n�\tUpdate AV signatures and run a full scan. The scan might reveal and remove previously-undetected malware components.\n�\tEnsure that the machine has the latest security updates. In particular, ensure that you have installed the latest software, web browser, and Operating System versions.\n�\tIf credential theft is suspected, reset all relevant users passwords.\n�\tBlock communication with relevant URLs or IPs at the organization�s perimeter.",
"category": "DefenseEvasion",
"assignedTo": null,
"alertWebUrl": "https://security.microsoft.com/alerts/da637578995287051192_756343937?tid=b3c1b5fc-828c-45fa-a1e1-10d74f6d6e9c",
"incidentWebUrl": "https://security.microsoft.com/incidents/28282?tid=b3c1b5fc-828c-45fa-a1e1-10d74f6d6e9c",
"actorDisplayName": null,
"threatDisplayName": null,
"threatFamilyName": null,
"mitreTechniques": [
"createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
"lastUpdateDateTime": "2021-05-02T14:19:01.3266667Z",
"resolvedDateTime": null,
"firstActivityDateTime": "2021-04-26T07:45:50.116Z",
"lastActivityDateTime": "2021-05-02T07:56:58.222Z",
"comments": [],
"evidence": [
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.security.deviceEvidence",
"createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
"verdict": "unknown",
"remediationStatus": "none",
"remediationStatusDetails": null,
"firstSeenDateTime": "2020-09-12T07:28:32.4321753Z",
"mdeDeviceId": "73e7e2de709dff64ef64b1d0c30e67fab63279db",
"azureAdDeviceId": null,
"deviceDnsName": "yonif-lap3.middleeast.corp.microsoft.com",
"hostName": "yonif-lap3",
"ntDomain": null,
"dnsDomain": "middleeast.corp.microsoft.com",
"osPlatform": "Windows10",
"osBuild": 22424,
"version": "Other",
"healthStatus": "active",
"riskScore": "medium",
"rbacGroupId": 75,
"rbacGroupName": "UnassignedGroup",
"onboardingStatus": "onboarded",
"defenderAvStatus": "unknown",
"ipInterfaces": [
"loggedOnUsers": [],
"roles": [
"detailedRoles": [
"Main device"
"tags": [
"Test Machine"
"vmMetadata": {
"vmId": "ca1b0d41-5a3b-4d95-b48b-f220aed11d78",
"cloudProvider": "azure",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/8700d3a3-3bb7-4fbe-a090-488a1ad04161/resourceGroups/WdatpApi-EUS-STG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/NirLaviTests",
"subscriptionId": "8700d3a3-3bb7-4fbe-a090-488a1ad04161"
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.security.fileEvidence",
"createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
"verdict": "unknown",
"remediationStatus": "none",
"remediationStatusDetails": null,
"detectionStatus": "detected",
"mdeDeviceId": "73e7e2de709dff64ef64b1d0c30e67fab63279db",
"roles": [],
"detailedRoles": [
"Referred in command line"
"tags": [],
"fileDetails": {
"sha1": "5f1e8acedc065031aad553b710838eb366cfee9a",
"sha256": "8963a19fb992ad9a76576c5638fd68292cffb9aaac29eb8285f9abf6196a7dec",
"fileName": "MsSense.exe",
"filePath": "C:\\Program Files\\temp",
"fileSize": 6136392,
"filePublisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
"signer": null,
"issuer": null
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.security.processEvidence",
"createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
"verdict": "unknown",
"remediationStatus": "none",
"remediationStatusDetails": null,
"processId": 4780,
"parentProcessId": 668,
"processCommandLine": "\"MsSense.exe\"",
"processCreationDateTime": "2021-08-12T12:43:19.0772577Z",
"parentProcessCreationDateTime": "2021-08-12T07:39:09.0909239Z",
"detectionStatus": "detected",
"mdeDeviceId": "73e7e2de709dff64ef64b1d0c30e67fab63279db",
"roles": [],
"detailedRoles": [],
"tags": [],
"imageFile": {
"sha1": "5f1e8acedc065031aad553b710838eb366cfee9a",
"sha256": "8963a19fb992ad9a76576c5638fd68292cffb9aaac29eb8285f9abf6196a7dec",
"fileName": "MsSense.exe",
"filePath": "C:\\Program Files\\temp",
"fileSize": 6136392,
"filePublisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
"signer": null,
"issuer": null
"parentProcessImageFile": {
"sha1": null,
"sha256": null,
"fileName": "services.exe",
"filePath": "C:\\Windows\\System32",
"fileSize": 731744,
"filePublisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
"signer": null,
"issuer": null
"userAccount": {
"accountName": "SYSTEM",
"domainName": "NT AUTHORITY",
"userSid": "S-1-5-18",
"azureAdUserId": null,
"userPrincipalName": null,
"displayName": "System"
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.security.registryKeyEvidence",
"createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
"verdict": "unknown",
"remediationStatus": "none",
"remediationStatusDetails": null,
"registryHive": "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",
"roles": [],
"detailedRoles": [],
"tags": []
"systemTags" : [
"Defender Experts"
"additionalData": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"